~U Stil s Missionary Group Formed in Honor of Wilmette Boy The wedding took place. at thie homne of .M r. Ludliimi's cousin, Charles WVare, 325 Abbotsford ýroad, Kcniilworth, witli Dr. Herbert WVillett of thie .KeuilwNorthi Union churchi of- fi ciating. Tue \'<Wares' home was decorated Aic ncw ui"ionarv group lia-, heen .tlirougniout witl red and es>ttalilecd on tIle north shore. Last crsuhrusadgail N\eek,. at tlic homne of Mrs. Hiarry con 'ias scerved after Ilie cc Plettinighiaus, 1231 Asianid avenue, Wlihnette, about îty\-,ýfotur wôi.en froiw Wilinuttc, lKneilvorth, NVinl- ile tka i, andUhao gatlhered to. or- ganiz4e a sinail group to aid Ilhe vork hm rmW s othe. lesiits Provincial lit Patiua, -Mr. and Mrs. Hiermail I.Lunich- ercinoiNv; for 8TBJUNS SILVER FLATW ARE. Prices no higher than elsewhere