vrttrt ld( 1 gcsiactiv( Thc relectulrcs arc e liiIi.the audituri-te ,,l ni fthe Xurtlh Shonre Congregation fti temple, LIlljcoIn aIand \'enî ii Iavenules. ( (1ecc nf< rrna2tinn ýconicerilng thu e hucturec coiirse înav he ( btiledhtele-road, j>nîigthe tenmple 4officc, Glencue 725, E)ir Mrs. AlfredI Fleshain. ctcreta.rvy()fto et l.<iriiun councit. 1380 Scott avenue, \\'Ill- ,w(.tka, telephione Winnetka 1574. 1 ick ( YConnior, soit of 'Mr. and NIlr.,. joln O'C~onnor, 149 Keliilx\,orth i es of the ,est, s ilbu ri) v ini the ev' PROPER POSTUkE of Your