If you are looking for just another gol -f course, don't bother corning to Vernon. If, however, you are looki ng for sornething entirely different, where evety player re- ceives personal consideration and where the course bas rolling topog- raphy with plenty of trees and every bole i8 so designed that it, is a different problem, then corne to Vernon. beacon.is . ton of the: soari ng plane. or the _________________gencral <public in a tliit Suinday Y~I~TI ftvrnoon at Sk\-Ilarbot. .A simiIar es rrom ral-vvaukee iit s 1it N p lac erv Sndvafter- to Wisconsin, Michigan mion at 3:30ohk according to A. o fligbits, onie tbKoier, \Vis.,. Kmh m'iroitt ;rot another -to Detroit, NMich.." verc cby Walter Piper, hcail Qof te Art Chester Back Prom ýdslev anid Piper FudyEup Buffalo and Cleveland tComnpany, Wdesa of last cfrom' Pal-W-atkuke airl>ort, Art Chester, racing pilot, and his .e r.Pip. r'spltie aLochedmechanic, F. K. -SUi" Sva.re- e M. Ppers pan, aL1okhedturned- to Curtiss airport. Chcester's. tngaredi. Piper %tent to Kohier inheaires at ek l(-,la mlornling, returned to PaI-Wau-hedarrs stwk.Tc hd refueld and ook- of for )c-en at Buffalo,.xliere Chester parti- refteled nd .toHe off r ehecipated ini the aniual race, ;it the afer lnh. Hertrnlte Buffalo airport. Prior to that Che's- eveiung. ,, 41- ..