0 QuaWi, o.ldrWMon- irup5 is £I& motd secod kworg-pmWgCity the Goal read at the tenith animal coniventioni Ad EAder's Band WNilloIth Iliiioîsôcatiotial associationi 1r1)ania. Saturday, April 20, 1935." Pla fo Tr-Shp H p Onie of the en cardinial objec- tutEldr%.orce~traivii pa~ ortiv es of edue-ationi, Nr. Oaks poinit.ý Ti-nShîp) Boy s' clb's first dlance ont in) the Qpeiiing paragraplî of th.e the ;,iei school vear oni Saturdav article, conicernis thée "wNorthv\ use o lt Septtmber 28, it was a an.- Iisure tiinie." AddIressinig shop teachi- ied tlu's wee. New Trier's oeii- ers asseînbled for the voeational asso- iuburban league gaine of the yciationi convention, lie said, Whiat soni is to be plav&I with Proviso are yoii. as a shop teachier, conitribut- NI a\%î-ood ou the1 afterniooni of the ing to the realization of this objec- ýi. and the danice, it is hoped, ivili tive iinh itieo itr celebra- Mr. Oaks exprcssed the opiniioni the ntureot avictrv ~ that ev'ery teacher of school shop- .... ....1:.. ~ *.,..Work or draftilig ,shiotil talk u~t odd