crrit>rv 1934. ln pitc of this itncrease ni f00(1 co>sai 1(1vv c 11t liolgh the camp tee was only very LgIt iighi- er than last year. camp wvas operate(1 within its budgut. A \Comlbinlatton ()f lots ()f good food, exercisc and fresh air caused the >couts at camtfl 0coule houle ivàh 581 pounds. more wéghdt thon tlhév\-took t itcte. 1P', cor(l>s hochat 25 scouts 10sf and average of 2!1 poutnds apiece, 27 tif thcmn remnained die sanie %wight and 223 gaincd an .averace of 3 poun(ls apiecc> ci) Il t- scout s M Camp Mii-Ka- ' a-VJaiiarc. stili ol) liaîîcl at scout 1edures 2 1 \nri 1Sli Serid(a iirOad, J1a1;n11( Park-plîonc Ilighiland Park 629. A\r- or four weeks, after wIlli i l (1eV - e-r.\tiîig \\-Ill bc tuirii<l over tf0 11) e :\dnShorè \Vintur camp for tise 1). boy: thecru.An scott ho- la> lost artlcI(e.,of clothing atnd lias not yet if)(lliru<I as to wilethier tlhevn-aru on bu his1,advised f do so at c. M\iert Badge Show at Patten Gym Oct. 25, 26 \\'hat \vil probablv bc the largest MISSION PUBLIC. OPA