cloct< I uesclaY, Septenil [ster pupils. For anv furti n caîl Miss Stade, X 4, or Mrs. Puitnaîi, If youare looking for just another golf course, don't bother coming to Vernon. If, however, you are Iooking for sornethig entirely different, where* every player te-. ceives persona1 consideration and where the course bas rolling topog- raphy w ith plenty. of trées and every bote is so designed that it is a different problern, then corne' toVernon. FROM TRIP ,obe)rts, <29 G soni, Blake R On to W' arylan.d to atiives. Thu îrougli - On and tl, a fcw dý ni trip lh oiMarjorw \M. tb n usaiîga clit ber on thu ton h id lMissEli htSmiîth, lier the( otli p(ý gr vas uiijuired. Vil- AUi four 'womn tîare nurs(,s ad the Vil - Hîgl îîîd P; irk1,hospitalI Il ite ii- jured mxrc taletn to the I vanston hospital iir the Wilinette police Mrn- billance. orv Both cars., l~din tthe crashi rtwcre towcd away. riP Inl a collision at Lakc avenue and HiHFibbard road at 12:45 o'clock Satur- the day nioriing, Septcuiber. 7, a car lien driven by Carl Borre, 30, of 1913 ays (ieiview ,avenue, Glenview,. jurnped me a 6-foot ditch afier. being struck ini