talklflg of 10w beautitil it was mit me par*ivII'-1) 8t~we C X there. One said, "It is îîortv like \lrs. Gialen NI. Gtlidden of M lieaven than 1 ever tholiglit avplace an( thleir guests.Mr s. coîil bc." Brotigh p)f Nottiîglîaîn, Engla Sidnev ('oirhe(tt of Birininghan land. For Radcliffe Club M.%rs. Walter T. Fisher, 14) i 4Ilici- BIooms Win Prizes lane", Huibbard Woods, i,, enteý the Radcliffe club of Chicago at hici Mr. Beatrice H-ardinig Arc hiomIe at 2:30 Saturdav afternoo.n, \\'a-,siîgtoii avenue, \\ilmieti Sep)tembler 14. The guests of honor 1 Wre<I four liloopms in the Dai wilI be Miss Georgia Dtupce of Chii- Iiel<l by the Aincnîcan Car Cago, i nner of tie clubWs regionalI association at the Comninitv scholarshiî> for .this vear, and11<1 ,*w iiiWietka a st ee-nd. two brings its many demands for QUALITY CLBANING The neiv season with its social1, bchool and business activities brings the necessity for clothing which lias been laid away during summer months. Getting your clothes into shape is our job. You'I1 like "'Mira-