The ribbons awarded in the. exhibit were: Clasi-Perfection of blooni: first- Dahlias, Miss Schreiner; second, yellom- suprèe marlgolds, H. C. Pifer;-third, *cosmos, Miss Schrener; honorable men- * tion, fantasy zinnias, H. C. Pifer; blue * rlbbon 'to Cari Stuebe of the Wilniette Park board for arrangement of zinniais. and marigolds, and red ribbon for his en- try of Angel's trumipet. Clasa II-Artistie arrangement froni own gardew: first, Mrs. C. D. Ewer ;À second, Mrs. Esther Stone; third, .Mrs. John Mils; hionorable mtention, $s Esther Stone. -Artlstie nnI <oWn Legaré-Loving P A t a t-a danc lasi Frida%- aiternoon at ,kokie Country club Miss Dorci Mloulton mas presenied to society by lier parenits, Mr. atd Mrs. William Moulton, 235 Ralcigk road, Keiiilwoi-th. ShIe zworc. a very simple >nav H qown and a lei of gardent as. Afinouncq Winnoi's of Golf Events This Week At Sunset womcn's golf Dahlia Garden Tour Is Plan for Garden Club .The Wilmette Evening Garde aiC. Warren Cozzens, recording Secte- tary; MIrs. W. G. Mitchell, cor- hoto responding, secretary; Mrs. F-- H.; lie Burge, calling chairmai; Mrs. C. A. A, Carpenter, *flower -clairman. Mrs. ite Hl. R. Smuith, bouse chairman; Mrs. E.. J. MIcIlraith, missionary chair- man; Mrs. G. B. Kniepper, chairmnan of the guild's Onward 'House work. and the chairmen of the seven circles: Mrs. 1. R. Adkins, Central avenue;, Mrs. W. D. Norris, Cozy Corner; Mrs. H. C. Carroll, Cr-es- clcent; Mrs. Eart D. Johnson, East cu.End; Mrs. M. H. McMillen, Neigh- tour, borhood; Mrs. D. C. Kenmp, North 1 ~15 end, and Mrs. S. F. Johnson, North