1H1..iflUs.. Aerial Surveys C ompanv Charters Curtiss Plane 1,11 Chicago \erial ,tirt c\s cllar-i lure( a plane at CiurtI>s .airport last Erdvmorluing for .,oiie aerial pho- t ograplhv \\01k M ithe v~iciulitv of iBarS- 'lng'îu.( 1us Paliniqt;ist pîloted the t>kun( T. *ucauiera unait on the joi> ý ýts Fred Sonne. au veteran pho- Puclur, M , l'â. b t-Il mà IL riý Mltt ~ d~c) t1Ius arca, ri,( tflhl\ý ~.11 hi> pklu tob 1Il :il rt \ilau.. <Jtti i il of (icilivral \I(tor.,. 1"Bcc cr', plants for the iimedijate futurc arc *_1xuefilite., lie Icft last ThirsdaNy for his home at Lincoliu, Nebr., plamîixg. to he l)ack at Curtis, fwld Iin about a U. S. Army Plane Takes on Cas at Curtiss Field S, hýL ' \rni Ford tranport 1; 1#8.