Investigation of show yoù your d reality af once.1 info our office ai Co. the. Ieadi the ares, end reputei No o ne can be fime ini about if noem enviabi of couuse. ;talists ot Snational as youant ir. 2. fVe as- sume fuiE construction rr- sponibilit. 3. A picture show" helps as ge:t tgelher on ideas. 4. Economical.,and quick iInanciaLl hep. 5. Ve work ivjth. architect and Contraclor eliminating for you. ail unaccustooaed de- lails. To talle with us about these things does n o: obhigare ýo. Sond for North Shore Moip end 'Nous. of the Month"' DRY CLEANINO PRICES Dry Cleaning prices have been footb-alI.d ,round to such an extent that mfany persons are absolutely confusd, and *hav~en'fthtei least ides wkat a fair price for good cleaninq îhould be.. I.-