Mies if. fooiTIry us this weeki CHILDREN'S FALL SPECIAL Wave.....$5.... ^LICHT BPEAUTY'SHOP PLane V Winmt*e4517 h7j WN>UMmTUWAvenue R.W--.---------- qw -l IL fer The Stets .on "«Bantam," ln air- llght welght, in. Indeed a bat worth crowiflg about. RakIsh ln Its emart nonchalance, mel- 10win q u aili ty, exhibiting amazlng :stamina. ln Wear. Otii.r st.ns at $5 Encmroms Htw - $ A L L Phne Wilnu.tt. 2435 Love/mnes s Smart figures ilook to ien Jolie for fall foundcations. The ultimate effeci of an MWrs. Ida,M. Moore,. 606 Greenleaf avenue, (right, and her dgughter,. Catherine; received severe injuries in ait automobile accidentwhich occurred at 1:30 o'clock Wednesday afternoott, Auigust 28, on Route 20, about 7 miles, east of Gary, imd., as they were en route for a vacation ""i il ith. relatives at ýMichigan (Cit, Imd., Meager reports are to the effect jat th<e accidenit occurred as the foore' car, driven by Mrs. Moore, ras rounding a curve on the highway. ýnother car was going in the op- osite directon, and the two came ito a head-on collision. . DBth Sev.voelyInrd In response to an emergency. cal!, n ambulance from the Metbodist piscopal hospital at Gary took the 'omen to that institution, where ex- iination revealed that both were .ad, and had many body bruises. he remained unconscious until some me Saturday, and most of the time adelirkous. By Sunday afternoon, >wever, she had become rational. is éxpected that she wilI be com- lled to remain in the hospital for out four weeks. Miss Catherine Moore had both and received- a long and very deep, woarnd on thle riglitarm.. In addition she received many body bruises. Ad- vices are that shé will be confined to the hospital for atleast six weeks. Car D.moish. The Moore automobile was coin- pletely wrecked, and is said to, be. beyond repair. Miss. Jane Moore, a younger daugh- ter of Mrs. Moore, visited her mother and sister at the Gar.y hospital Satur-, RETURN FROM CALIFORNIA Mr. and Mrs. joseph Pierson an& children, Mary Jane, Thomas and Homer, 139 Laurel avenue, returned Iast week from a motor trip to' the west coast. They stopped at Sait Lake City, Zion National park and the San Diego fair, visited Mrs. Pier- son's brother in Southgate, Calif., and stàyed for several days with friends in San Francisco. 1161-1163 Wihnette Avenue Phone Wilmette 4406. 413 Linden Avenueim.l 42 III BURNS TOGCER'Y The Wlmette Store for Meu 114Wlim.tt. Ave. ril c