P.ý PACLIABULO- I l WIette Avfuuf., Read the Want A ds Let us Tru-Che 1ck your brakes aond ~quaIz. lhem -fo. even stbps olwoys. THIE O0IL Bob 'é"mac Main, Street of Liude Avenue "'. vvasmiourne, superintendent of the Winnetka schools, wil.1 be the princi- pal speakers. Reservations for Iuncheon may be inade %vith M.'rs. C. K. Beebe. Glencoe 1044.1 mr and Mrs. Friend Eccles, Frank an(! 1)orothy. 426 La.urel avenue,.re-. turnied.Monidav frotn a Week's vaca- tion at Olympien Fields Golf club.1 Bishop Ersi tLynn ï-Waldorf, wvhose residenice :s n iittVincite. 'wIC41 Preach.at 'the 'Wiliiiette. Parish Methodist EPiscopal.chu rch at il O 'dock Suidav or i,,Sepicli,- ber 8. -T4he minuster of dx eahurch,, the Rev. Amnos Thornburg, also returns this * Sunday following the vacation period. This service is of more than ordinary- significance and importance. it is an- nounced. The churcb is' fortunate fo * secure its bishop for this' service which cornes in the midst of the intensive I period when he is conducting annual, conferences. "It is of the utmost importance that --1everv member and constituent of the Phione Wflmef4s 3334 BOY IS INJURED Charles F. Brandt, 2931 Lake avenue, reported to the police department that, while driving west on Lake avenue last Thursday evening, Richard John -SchulÉ- man, 8 years old, 923 Ashland avenue, Evanston, started across the road in front of 3219 Lake avenue, and ran against the side of bis car. Mr. Brandt Miss ' Edith M., Stryker, a veteran member of the joseph Sears staff who teaches in the upper grades, and ber niece of the samne namne who cornes to Kenilworth froin Safford, Ariz., where- she has taught for the Iast eighitN'ears. The new meinher of the facultv is a graduate of the Univers.ity of Arizona. Sh e will' have charge ýof the library and will téach litera.ture and remedial reading ini the sixth, seventh and eighth grades. List Faculty The rest of the joseph Sears staff is. the samne as last year. Following is a list of the teachers: , Éuperintndet-E. L. Nygaard. Kin4lergarten---Marjorie Stanton. First grades---Caroline Littler and Ettai E. Knudsen. Second grades-Margaret - Luscombe and Edna Mayer. Third grades-Neli Littier and Leah Clark. Pourth grades-Bessie Stark and 14111e T. Bitting. Fifth grades-Florence E. Allender and Emma W. Bilfington. Sixth, seventh and elghth grades- Mollie k.> Foreman,'Anna M. Pemberton a'nd Edith M. 8fryker. Science-Tolita Hanson. Manual training-R. J. Finnilgan. Art-M. Louise Robinson. 11 Director of physical education-Hobert W. Townley. Physical education a.ssistant --Eliza- beth Macauley. Musie-Margaret Davenport'. Jibrarlan-Edlth M. Stryker. Miss Helen Davenport again wiIl bc secretary to Supt., E. L. Nygaard, arnd Miss Aitha Lymnan 'il' otnea school nurse. HoId Meeting Satur&Y A meeting of ail of the joseph Sears teachers is to be held Saturday after- noon of this week. Next Monday the pupils will pur- chase their books at.the'book store in. the school library, and on Tuesday the regular class session will start. Pupils will find th.lat ,al roomns have.,been made -.spic -a ld span for thern. The woodwork' on 'the 'exterior of theI building also las, been painted. Mrs. A. L. Christy Back Prom Vacation M rs. Anker L. Christy, 1631 HOFFMANN -MIWS IM0 Central, Avenue Phone Wilmette 131 tmm -L -, ifYour ý.Brak es, Pull> Slp rab you are in danger W. lve recelmlIy instllIId the, THERtmOID 'UýRU- CHECK SYSTIM of baloncing braIps 7 scientiflcofly .. pno g10088 work