iek. uller Lane front. Perfect fanmiiy an $85 per ft. SOUITH WINNETKA $3,500 nr offer buys wide and cleelp homne: site. 2 blocksq to, Indian Hill transi). E. E. ýStuits. Realty Co0. 40 W-Vinetka Avenue Winnietka .1804> RAVINE LOT-$3,75o1 BEAUTIFULLY 1,WOODEI)D ONI with S, E. exp. on winding r<oads. T.r-v-- ly homes in Ivicinity. BAUMANN-COOK 55.1 Lincoln Avenue Winnetka 3450 WINN. VACANT, 75XI25 FEET, ALLý Impr. ln and pald. Oniy $26 per foot, SMITHI &'GOSS 725 Elm St., Winnetka P. %Ninî,. i5wi MONEY FOR [IOANS NOW AVAILABLE! LOANS ON NORTH SHORE HOMES Up te 60% of value. Monthly repay- ment. Pay put ln 6 to 15 years. Get details from Fi rst Federal Savlng & Loan Association of WIlmette, 1137 Cen- tral Avenue. Mr. Clilton, Secretary. Wllmette 863. 127A-LTN47-tfc LOANS \'ANTED 5-51/2-6PE ET ',%E HIAVE SPECTAL FI'NDS AVAIL- able for immnediate *omitmvent on 1(,dns. See* ws for quick action. $2,000 to $20,000 McGUIRE & ORR, Ilc. Over 40 YeaiS of Dependahie Service 530 Davis St., Evntn Gre. 1080 127A-LTN17-lte FIVE PER CENT MONEY AVAILABLE FOR GOOD 50% LOANS on modern residences, apartniente-and good business properties. Prompt serv- ice and moderate commission. ..W. R.MITCHELL- 100. N. LaSaile St. Central 1661 S127A-LTN16-4tp 12LT'N18 -ite CARVED DJAVENPORT TABLE (6 f t.>, $45; sol id mah. gateleg table (66 in.), $50; beaUt. Eng. oak dining rmi. furn., 10 pcs., exc. cond., $75; inlald wal.. bed, chiffonier to match, ceomp.,- $55;. mah. upright. piano, $15; 13 chairs, $7.56 each ; two 9x12 ruge, $30 and.$12; mise. items. For inform. cali Winn. 2067. 129LTN18-ltpi ANTIQUE blAHOG. BEDS. SPOOL, .bed. Highboy. Napoleon dlock. Tables., Modern brown mahog. aingle beds*, com- plete.. Dressera. Chairs. Unlversity 7915 JUNIOR BED) AND HAIR MATTRESS. SAlso roitnd1 reed, table with extra large top and reed chairs. Phone.Glencoe .1123. 129L,18-ltp' MOVING AT ONCE FRom. HOg-e TO àapt -' will seil beds, dresser, rugs,. radio, .ek,'chaire, etc. Very cheap. Phone Wil- mette 867 for appt. 129LTN18-lte BOHN WHITE, ENAMEL REFflIG- erator adFrigidaire unit. Cheap.. Winnetka *467. , 1 I 29LTýN18,ltc 7~CUBIC FOOT GENERAL E E- ,trie, IRefrigeratér. Sacrifice for ea. Phone Wilmette 4908. 129L18-ltp TABLE TOP SINGER SEWING MA- chine, flrst olass condition. Bargaýin. Wilmette 927-J. 129LTN18-ltp WTD. TO BUY-HBKH0LD. 000»8 CASH FORÎ YOUR USED. FURNI- .ture, modern or antique, anmd otlher household articles. Will aiso accept your furniture on con- ulgnment basis. CROST FURNITURE STORE LEtablisbed 1S8 1004-6 Emierson S*t.,.evanston- Uni. 0189 130TTN41-tfe WANTED - -ODD CHIR41S, DININU room'furniture, drapes, rugs; dresser, commodes, lire soreens, andironsi grand- father dlock, adle sticks, tea wagon~s.1 Buckley Resale. Wilmette 1174, 130LTN8-ltp WE BUY AND SELL FURNITURE, RUGS, MENS ANID ýwomen's lothlng, shoes,. etc. Ph.,UTi. ^103. 13OLTN16-4tp FOR AL-MICLLANO*Ua Bicycle Bargains We're seliing our slightly used ental and ebult bi- cycles as low as .$11.511. Unusual Bargains while they . ast. 132LTNIS-4t1 BOYS AND, GIRLS MAKE MONIpT. ]Bring in *wIre elothes. hangers, 4 hgng- erg one cent. Must be lan good condition. VOGUE CLEANERA' 747 El SAt., Win- netka. 132LTN16-4tc. WANTED- TO BUY-.CLEAN FLE Wrteglving price delivemed -Win- netka. Address A-131, Box 40, Win- netka, I111,I32LTNIR-1te HIGHEST CASH PRICES pAID FOR o1<d fuma. TelephoneState 9613. RESPONSIBLE >ADULT WILL TAIKE good came of grand piano-in exchange forý use. WilI pay. transp. N. S. refs. -Iniversity, 9282. 194LTN18-Itp Detector le Deviýsed to Signal Traffic Dangers An amber lanip and vibrating bell moute4 on the instrument- board of aà mnotor vehicle constitutes a signal de- vice designed to warf i otorists of ap- proaching danger zones, accorcling to Word reaching the Chicago Motor club accident prevention department. The bulletin issue*l by the club says that a detector unit, attached to the right front fender, is connected with the instrument board. In the roadbed pieces of magnetized steel are buried at proper distances from liighway intersections, sharp curves, railroad crossings or other places where accidents are frie- quent. When -a car passes.over one of these inagnets the detector unit onm the fender is energized and the lamp on the instrument board is illuminated and the bell rings. The accident prevention department of the club is informed that the device wiIl- function under ail conditions of snow and ice, similar to the operation of the present automatic signal. TALLEST Glenn Evers. soDicadi or 15.73pe cent of the total of $82,-. 033 72f in thé entire nation. Figures this ime l ast year showed that this district savings, building and loan associations-which uie the bank's fund s to increase their mort- gage lending resources8 were using only 13 1/3',per cent of total credit, theh outstanding in the systein. Com- parison consequently shows that. they have considerably increa.sed the porý- tion available for these two states duringk the past year. Show S t. dy Im re s Mr. Gardneé îndicated, that the lending record of the Chicago Bank over the past few mionths has steadily inc'reased -its percentage of total funds in use., For the week- ended Aug-st 10, twenty-six per cent- of- ail funds disbursed by the systern. as a whole, went into Illinois and Wisconsin, and during the three nionths from May I tbrough July 31 the Chicago Banik was highest of the twelve banks, leading by a Il per cent margin its nearest rival in funds placed in the' Tai,.. Lsoeug Paltion Mr. Gardner further pointed out that during the two and a haîf years of its lending operations, t-le Chicago Biank lias used nearly o ne-eightb of all credit disbiursed by the systetu, "The willingaess and, desire of the 400 associations in Ilinois and Wis- consin, includi±ag the Third Federal. Savings and Loan of Wilmette, which, are now members of the banik to serve their communities with helpful home mortgage credit -has 'largelV been responsible for the unusual expansion which the Home "on Batik systeni bhas, experienced in, this district," said Mr. Gardner. "Their programi over the past several months has included active search for good outlets for home-owner credit as weH as readi 'tas .aBove, usea tha, alse other 1seats, te 3228. covered. 50i 1ý29LTN18l-ltP Jmtte812 ING CHAIRS, .EATH each. 50 camp stools, car )c each. .111 Linden ave. 'V jWILMETrK32. UNIVEeBTIT 7317 -I - Notre; »ani see him In SouthBEaet Wil Homnesite, eas octo.Less1 on - Nt in the Sr. 9'to 0. lcàndiw