The sunt room may bc made more attractive by the addition of a wal fountain. It will add to the effect> of coolness in this roo*n. Colored tiue can be used to form a niche, which May. hold a piece of statuary or a, formalized decorative plant form. Blue- green tule is part icularly effective in1 a room furnished with white wire1 furnÏture.' OUR, 3lstROOF, ON, GRENOOD -AVEUE -We have Just recelved the con- tract to roof the Merriili residence at 1106 Greenwood Avenue In *lmette, our 3lst roof- on thu. stréet eas;t of the C. & 14i W. RY.liv Th re. uMost b. a reasou! We. also turnish and instal Asbees 8tding. hnles--Tile for kitchens, bathrooms-Inoula- tion-Asphalt 111e ?loors. AJAX SHINGLE AND MODERNIZING CO. G. W. SWINEY,, Mgr. 1137 ContraI Avenue Phono WiImette 1248 On Exceptional Commercial Propetios" at 4369c intereat on Rosintial .",d Apartmest PrOP"eso at 5 to 6% interest Brokow 'cofflrmtibu "vtod New Jersey Sohool to Teach FHA Functions A course of study of housing condi- tions and needed remedies will be .projected in tbe' Elizabeth, N. J. scbool system. at tbe opening of th e faîl term., it was an nounced recently following a conference between local better bousinig committéeeoffiiciaIs and, Edwin M. Barton, supervisor of sôcial studies. Botb the modernization credit plan and tbe mutual m ortage insur-, ance plan will be studied. Federal Housing literature will be. provided students to assist tbem in the course. NEW'KITCHEN FAUCETS Many old bouses bave obsolescent two-faucet systems.. The modern kitchen bas an improved mixer type of faucet. This removes tbe, danger of the bousewife scalding ber handsý with the steaming hot Wa ter fr oi the single hot-water outiet. The tem- perature of water from the mixer type faucet can be controiled. CALE,.BELL A service caîl bell installed in the dining room is a great con venience. A clapper bell rung at the table will often interrupt an interesting con- versation. The pusb button._ attacbed 4rn the. rnnAur art of the table at the Law 1League Laucis 1Housing Activity Resolutions commending the ac- tivities of the Federal Housing Ad- ministration we re adopted. in Washington at the, recent annual convention 'qf the Commercial Law- League. of America. The league bas a memnbersbip of over-6,00..,1 The' resolution adopted read as- follows: "«Wbereas the C. . L. A. has obser ved the active, energetic, and intelligent efforts being mhade by the- Federal Housing. Administra- tion to promoôte recovery,- to re- lieve depression, to increase the circulation of mnoney to -relieve distress, to improve industrial and economnic conditions, to promote re-employment; "Therefore be it resolved, tbat th e C. L. L. A.ý endorsesý the ac- tivities of the . Federal Housing Administration and approves a continuance of its encleavors." CHIMNEY'S HEIGHT The height of a cbimney bas a de.- cided effeet on its efficiency. Some authorities recominend 30 to 35 feet as a minimum height. Many one- .story bouses have efficient chimneys less than tbis beigbt, however, drafts in low chimneys tend to be erratic -------Strong prevalent winds, tbe height FURNACE of the chimfley above the roof, tbe *REPAIRING 0 PIPE presence of over-hanging trees, and *PARTS lb CLEANINC other featùres cause disturbances ini *AIR CONDITIONING the action of the drafts. These con-- Mileu Hardware Co. sideration .s Will. modify or increase 1t 219 Uimttf Ave. Wtt- 26U any arbitrary Minimums whicb can, ,~ m m m m rn be set forth. REAL ESTrATE LOANS : <Y<OTMV< tAMPER a d s to lban on choice nilp-clohes amoew Im Direct Semvice to.,Borrowers Because of the increasinig interest axnong lending institutions making FHA Titie. Il insured mnortgages, the Nortbern Illinois district office of the F e d e r a 1 Housing Administration,, rom 1800, 134 North La Salle street, bas put, on addiional interviewers' according to Carroll H. Sudler,ý district director. Borrowers in good credit standing wbo own o r desirie to build dwellings and wbo bave not found satisfactory banking. accommodations- in their communities, may apply directly to the FHA district office wbere full in-. formation will be gven. However, the FHA does not assume any ob-, ligation to arrange mortgage loans for applicants. Report Prcàr*us For the week ending Aùgust 27 a total of 25 FHA-insured mortgages under Title Il amouniting to $106,500 were made by lenditig institutions in the Northerhn Illinois district accord-, ing to1 Mr. Sudler. 0Of these 17 total- inz $58,300 covered refinancing of ex- istiniz mortgages and 8 in the amnount" ,of $48.200 were for new construction. In addition 67 Title Il mortgages were approvecl for insurance in the arount of $307,550 of wbicb 45 were for refinancinq in the amount of $192,650 and 22 totaling $1-14.9M cov- ered new, construction. New mortgages offered for apprais- al during the %veek numbered 57 for a total of 1.37 800. 0f this -47 in amount of $292,450 were for refinanc- ing, andi the remaining. 10 for $85.350> were for new coistruction. Thus the totals.of'HFA Titie Il business in 1Nortbern Illinois district to date are as- follows: 490 mortgages were- ap- proved for insurance amounting to $2,526,508. The total of FHA-insured modern-, eAN ASSOCIATION of CHICAe Ili soun* Dog s ube tr., Pbo..Stat. 4373 Pima. ,*1 WmIaMa375 Dayov 11bt O LIVE R HANSEN I