lni1a& nad upply c om p any, 1850 Mia p 1e avenue, Evanston. Thfe driver of. the truck, Jacob H-ahn, 3252 Col- man avenue, Clii- cago, and - Ray ____ W ilm et te Ice Wilfiam Bread and Teamning company, took the injured boy to thec ljvanston hospital in Mcicr's car, where he was pronounce d dead by the attenditig:-physîcian. Funeral servies wcre held at St. Francis Xavier church at 10 o'clock Saturday. condt;cted by the', Rev. Bernard' Brady, Burial ivas lu Al Saints cernetery at Des Plaines,. Survivi ng are the parents, thiree brothers, Charles A., Jr., 18, John Willliam. 21, and Frank Faike. 16, and one sister, Katherine Anui. IL. CaIIed Accidental Death A coroner's irîqttest was hield at the Evanston hospital Friday morning, the jury returning a verdict of ac- cidentai death. Robert McKay, 911 Linden avenue, testified that hie as w:th the Broad boy just before the accident, at the 30. These plays arc free to menbers o f the Chicago Art Institute. and have been wel attended iýn past seasons. The Goodman players.have recently returned f rom a, 1not or caravan in- vasioôn of the road, and thewest. and had a successful sutmm;er. season under the- direction of Dr'.. Maurice Gnesin. Other plays to be given by the students -during the season in- clude: "The*Enperor's New Clothes," to bc given on. Saturday matinees for children; d"Othello," "44The Circle," "Lilioni," *'Anothér Language;, "EIec- tra," "Animal Kinigdotn," a nd "'The Importance of Being Earniest." Mrs. Ray Collins Siggenis, 829 Park avýenue. had as, her house-guests week-end before last several friends from out of town. They were Miss Mary Zeinerand tMiss MarionRiôt of Cleveland, -and Miss Key Palmer of St. Louis. ulAi.entw 5JrÇ veA4'piayeIr r- ceives personal consideration and wbere the Course has rôliing topog- raphy- witb. plenty of trees, and every, hole. is 80 designed that it is a: different. problern, then corne to Vernon., Vernon, is vyas old, fair- ways and greens are- in perf ect condition, and the rolling ground bhas literally.bundreds and hun- dreds of trees. We invite comparisoifof Vernon witb the better private clubs. Corne out. introduce your self ýand sçe if this isn't exactly the friendly, sort of a place you have been ilo*thk for. just 1 y" Miles WVest of Deer/ield VE RNQN COUNTRY, CLUB lihe did ilot want tQ go, and said thàt he would meet the-othe'r---oyls at the Hammond Ice Creani company's store later.ý At that time the linland corn- *paîîy truck. going north, stopped at ýCentral avenue for thIe stop sign., and then startcd pon its way, hie stated. The Broad boy, he testified, rode alongsidc the truck, on -the r-ight side, but hie could flot sec whether lie was Ihooking on" or tiot. The next lie saw, according to testimony, wvas thic Broad boy Ivinor inithe street,,on top truck. u"ie. No Eye, Witnqses There was no eye witness to the' accident, this being due, in the opinion; onf police officers, to the fact that there is no sidewalk on the. east side of Main street, the road pave- ýment jdilning the. railroad right-of- ;~~: ;.'~ * . me. * . e