Wau.tte Lineup A. C. Pearson, Jr., of Pearson'4 nmar- ket, captain of team. Snider-Cazei Drug Company, William Anlderson; Beyrer's Electrie company, Harry Berg; Wolff-Griffis Hardware companY, Robert Wolff; Lynam's Serv- ice Station, Joe Lynam; Cizeks grocery, T. A. Csek; Wllmette State bank, p. D. Anderson' Wllmette Reaity company, A. J. Wood- eock;' Wilmette Battery and Electrie service, A4. W.. Jensen and A., Franjko- vltz; Hoffmann Brothers Coal company, John F. Hoffman, Jr., and Phil Hoff- ,pann; the 011 'Well, Frank Mac)c. Kutten Brothers, Pete Wagner; WllI- mette StationerY.and Gift shop, Tom Klehm; Fr a nk Hlavacek and Sons, forlsts, Frank'Hlavacek, Jr,; Wllmette postoffie, Herbert L. 0'Connell, post- mnaster;. Worthen's department, store,, F. A.. Kurrie; Braun. Brothers'011 com- pany. Clarence Braun. -The Dutch. Oven, Leonard Chessler; Village of Wilmette, Georgre iff, titustee; Shore Lie leaners, William Griffith adTed Reilly; Public erce om ~-ay .C. Reynolds and James Maili: la ndseape. gardener, Lawrence Thal- inann; Village Cleaners, Bradford L. Wsnnetka Lineup Wilnnetka will wc'igb in with the following expert burro riders:- *Herb Paulson, decorator, captain id!f tht. team. Braun Brothers 0-11 lcomimny, Bud Fairclough; Voltz G;ricery anti MaIrket, John Foukal; Rapp Brother.q Grotery atnd Market, RaY Rap»i: Holland Fur- 11.1ce company, Herb Kloepfer; »Hfome Appliance company, Adolph Anthees; Schloesser's Grocery and NMarlçet, Joe I)arby;- Homer's Ice Creain shop, Oscar Augdahl, Jr. Peacock Motors, Ine., H-aroldJ.P- 4eock; Porter's Electric s h o p.Philipi Deily; FeIl's Men's Furnishings, Abe,, Feli; Lloyd Hollister, Inc., Lee Rosberg; lebschutz Grocery andi Mark<et, Gerald ILiebschutz; Eberle Insûî'ance Ageney, B. G. Eberle, Lake Side Motors, George! iKeogh; Muzlk and St. Peter Service1 s;tation, Phil Muzik; A. B3. C. Oil Burner! company, Pat Quiley ; M. and M%. Ga- rage, John Murray. Packard Motor company, Joe Balak; * Odhner's Dry Cleanin,ý Shop, Fred.G- ver. W. Kiauke Tiravel service, Romian j Klauke; State Bank ' f Winnetka, Fred *Price, Eckart Hlardware. store, Fre4i FeIkart; Elm street garage, -Albert Bit><k. For . the convenience of spectators, as wel as playèrs, we- repeat the ries of the gamie as set forthi in last 'veek's issue:1 * . ~ Rule of theCane. 12. Spurs shah' flot be allowed. * ON MOTOlR TOUR EAST Mrs. Harvey Craig and her son James of 716 Lake avenue left last Tbursdav by motor for Detroit, Tor- or.to, and Montreal. They Ieft theirÉ car in Montreal and are taking the boat down'the St. Lawrence to Belle, Isle andLabrador, returnin q te Mon- treal to continue their - motor 1trip througb the east. Before coming back to Wilmette the last of September Mrs. Craig will leave James -in Yalc. .Miss jean-Perrill,,1500 Lake avenue, is leaving Septemfber 15 for McMuirray, Woman's col lege ýwbere she bas re- ceived a scboIarsbip. She will be the. roommate of Miss iCatharine Munro, also of Wilmette.' 0o Mrs. C. E.. Pier of Corning, N. Y., arrived TÉhursday of last week to visit ber niece and family, tbe W. Whit- aker Baerm 2115 Beecbwood avenue. A A &ntypist commnuds fw avenues pofeuhianoeieus. ... uthe exsveha '.Stoeyýposltkmloi thse Tqreglr fxeutit. SeretarLal -oton. .STENOTYPY Trains you ln the requiree of ail mcretansdreportorlal work. Tus modem method of daidctafion is.preferable ta I2 sortband because ofi h speed, accuransd f.iily A Newspaper puablisher wrtes, Stenotype operators are worth 50% Moire than shorthand operators.90 Train for ,assured success Mt the. laraeot residentil Steo- type SciiocinlaAmieic-, under epreodtahr wlth a ln eedo ui nessM suce.Oreua ILS -DECIDE NOW Investigate Eveming Courses at Northwestern, University Now is the SOHOOL 0F COMMERCE You will find the evpiing courses i Commerce of incalcu- lable value i helping you to obtai "new siants" on business, methods, i assisting you to meet present and future busi- ness condielons and in preparing you for larger business re-, sponsibilities. Select your courses from these fields of study:- Accounting Foreign Trade Marketing. Adverti8ing Insurance Psychology yýour'assurance of aouid tralnîug sud prompt plclng cdu' Bs e» mm a, p.wl-là 10 aso. -m md woflmn. FIiZEPLACINO SERVICE Day or Ewni,,g Classek.C.dcaaa Visit, w i eoir Phoo»aaol1575 fori3Stuoeypy .lida e caa1g lh a nod Ofof perlor eohmbp. 41-LE1 C. 0cIguLvn, L IoE s ï--. The. UnheroityCoflege Are you uaiufied with what you know .. .with yout ability toundmrtand hum=n tudes. rich acthetic expedieaces? If not-then you WM i d4 uiuch of- intue.t in thase thingu wbich The Uuilve- sitY College offers you- iCnowledge-Inop"rtion- Uxdertaading-Powoe.-. .7. An -infielder is permitted to dis- ino0unt from bhis charger to handie a ground bail, but must remount bêfore inaking a play. 8. AI! fiy balls must be caught whilet the playe is Iseated up n is donkey. Secur. 'iufoentation *bout courses by urltlng Educa- 4lcnsladdvlmer, montaof the. uchool wbich nterusyou, Or bycaiuigUperlar 450. -