Sept' 7 for Students Entering Mt. Holyoke, Mrs. George:.F. Spaulding %vill open her home at 241 Har- hor street, Glencoe, Saturday ;fteruloon f rom 3 :30, until 5 :30 o'clock.fora tea to be given by, the Liaison committee of the Chicago. Mount Holyoke. club> for Al entering students. * Amnong ,thé, guests 1wil be Miss Anna Marie Booz 'of Wilmette, M iss Jane Hlorton of Evanston, foriùerly of Glencoe, and:Miss Dagny Johnsen of Oak Park, the three students froni * tisarea to whom scholarships have. becn awarded this year. Miss Booz graduated f rom. New Trier in J une and fias been given the scholarship awarded annualiy by the Chicago club. An advanced standing scholar- sh ip has been given Miss Horton who graduated f rom New Trier two years ago. She enters Holyoelrorn Lake st 'anding scholastic record ber first two years. Also a guest of honor at the tea will be Miss Mary E. WvNoolley, presi- dent of Mount Holyoke. President Ïý Woolley is corning to Chicago this Meeting Sept. 12 to Discuiss Stylé Show In order to discuss plans for itsannuial, style show, the Wini- netka board for the Northwest- crn I-niversitV settienient is. holdiïng itsfirstfali eetiing ar- lier thani usual. It will nieet Tbursday, S5eptember 12, at the home of Mrs. John Hooker, .600 Berkeley avenue. Thursday of this week the general chairman, Mrs._ E. B.*Hall, is entertaining. the. chair- Meni of the various commnittees ýat lunch eon at ber hoïme, 335- W-hit&-Oak lane,- and is hearing reports oti their progress. The chairmen are as. f ollows:, Mrs.. Hooker. exhibitors; Mrs. Austin Jeu- ner and Mrs. N. L. Howard, mod elsI. MNrs. Johnt Ott,,dressing rooms an d starter ; Mrs. Harold O. Barnes, pro- grani; Mrs. Robert O. Butz, tea; Mri.: WVilliani M. Darrow, stage; Mrs. Har-' * l.Wilder, ticket;- Mrs. Martiin Linidsay, lunicheon, -and Mrs. Xarreti 'W. Sboemnaker, publicity.. *The iighting, and, stage setting. will be donce by an electrical expert,,as' the contribution of a downtown. depart- ment store. The fashioni show is to. talce p lac.e at 2:30 Tuesday afternoon, October 8, at Christ church parisli bouse. m Jdam's birthday, the camnpaigu will jinclude a mandate to the Unitéd States Goverinment for peace, and "peeches by national figures identified with peace movemelits. President Woolley,-<Ielegate to the.,World Dis- armiament conference, will talk on Mrs. Spaulding and Miss J ulia D)rake, chairinan of the Liaison coin- inittee; arc in. charge of arrange- Mies Cairlinte- Roberts4 Pes, 328 Warweick road, ,r hotel at White SulPhu White suiphur 1NewsphÏ)to lie r parents, 111r. and Mrs. John Marshall ,ilwvorth, were recent guests at thec Grcec- prings, kt'.. Va,, wlere they were attending Year's Prog ram Sept. 13 The WVoman's -'guild, of the First Con gregational, Cburch of Wilmette. of whicb Mrs. C., L. Darling is presi- dent, wilI. open ýthe. year's progratn w ith tea at the homne oMrs.E L. Scheidenhelmi, 704 Lake avenue, Fni- day afternoon, September 13, f rom 3 to 4:30 o'clock. A cordial invitation, the guild 'announces, is extended to ail members of the cburch and others of Lai ests, Mr. and wirs. New York who wer< psu Californiia. am McKinnons Woods, a member of the board of the Miss Helen Bower, 1216,. Ashland last, montb, at National Cotüncil. The national offi-. avenue, and Miss Catherine Bays of Over? Labor cers and state presidents, including Evanston are leàving this Saturday for as hei bose-Mrs EulidSno ofHinsdale, presi- Richmond, Ind., to attend the mar- F. W. Graes, dent of th e Illinois group,' will b.e the niage of Misi Gretchen Keller. The, e flying tbrough guests of honor at a, reception the girls were all classinates at Swarth- first evening. more, college. Miss Cecelia Wagner and Miss Eleanor Moulding were hostesseS Tuesday at dinner at Vera Megow- en 's tea roorn in Evanston, followed by a miovie party, in bonor of Miss Emmna Bickhamn of Wilmnette.who. will be a bride in the near future.