AT THE1 HUS* - IN EVANSTON prised the lessuu-sermon was me tMi- Iowing from the Bible: "'Behold, the days corne, saith the Lord, that I will raise unto David a righteous Branch, and a King shalh reign and prosper, and -shall exécute judgnient an d justiceé in the eartb.. In bis. days Judah shall be saved, and Iýsrael shall dwell safely: and this is bis narne whereby be shall!, be, called, The Lordý our Righteousness" .(Jererniah 23:. 5,1 6). The lesson-sermon also included tbe- following passages frornÀ the, Chri's'tian Science textbook,, "Science and Health with Key to the Scrip- tures," by Mary Baker Eddy,: "Tliroughoutail generations both be- fore and after the Christian era, the Christ, as the spiritual idea,-tbe ré- flection of God,-has corne with sorne measure of power and grace to: al prepared to receive, Christ, -Trutb. Abrabanm, Jacob, Moses, and the prophets*caught glorious glinipses of ~the MLessiah, or- Christ, which. bap- tized these seers in the divine nature, the essence of Love" (p. 333). ADMITTED TO AMHERSTý Henry Goodnow of 2217 Harrison street, Evanston, bas been adnîitted to Anherst college and leaves soon to begin bis studies. He is a graduate of Deerfield-Shields High school and a .post graduate of Evanston Town- ship High scbool. stanaUs Ii j LUiIW.II JFU.I a£trieiv '.dic building. Tbis dediration day was the first cornmunity day or celebra- tion in tbe village and was the origili of Gl1enview Day. There wil be' many. attract ions this'year;providinge ntertaihnent .for the young, peopleé as Well as the grown *ups, featuring'a Mardi Gràs, thrilling rides, clowns, dancing, and gaines of %irîous kincls. There, will be concerts - Sat.urday and Suinday afternoons by the Prairie. View baud, 'a prize-winning baud iii Ch icago Music- land festival, and, the Glenview Civic orchestra,- under the direction of. Jesse V. Stevens.. .Another attraction, and one ýwhich trever fails to draw.tbe crowds wvil bc: the annual, waterf fgbt between the ire departnients of ,Nules, Mor- ton Grove, Libertyvile and Glenview. Tbe Glenview Day cornrnttee, as inithe-past, hasý, charge .of the cele- bration.. Frank Rugen is president» and Hlubert Nelson is secretary..Tbq, cbairmn~ of the several committees, are, Richard Gould, prograni; Edwin É. Rugen. finance: Edwa rd Ê. Wall- bauni, publicity;, C. R. Frickson,:con- cessions; W. Hendricks, construc- tion: Judçl Lynin, electricity:. Walter Meng,.(lance: E. Bleam, contests, C. L.adeliderf, refreshrnents, O. J. Lam-' berg, garnes: H. F. Lobrnan, park- ing: Jesse V. Stevens, rmusic: Her- bert 'NTueller, registration. i4,to vîsu relà ýs for start her senior st Stanford university. WeOpe /wSeason With An Advance Showing of, NEW FALL SUITS You Wouldn't Send Your Children To SCHOOL iwYC. LYTToN & SONS Tuewgay, Thursday and Saturday Eveninga frrn5#a nd Church-EVA,.NSTON Open Saw&day Evning 614 Davis St. 1Evanston av ~ Il eral d; at Leland 1h