I1e lieais v~itUy \ýjpteiI1IJCIt, dL 4 :30 o'clock ini Grant Park, have been comipleted..l'The location' wiil be south of the Lincoln monument ,ad- jacent to Van Ruireti street. Chairs Xvil] lie provided for the large crowvd expected to attend(. Siiilar mietlorial mecetings to hiotor Miss Addamns ilI be hield in nmore dhanti twenty-five Amnerican cities, as, well as niati others ini foreign .coun-ý tries. accordin<mý ta Miss 1-ouise 'ir Wasîngon.D,. C.. U. S. organiizer for- the~me ' interitationl League for Peace ani Free<loin. un- der whose auspices thesec cretton ie, j arc bvinig hld(. International Radio Program A ieature of the Chicago prograni1 will be ait internlational radio lroad- cast. ; to, 5:'30 o'elock, (la liglit sa-ving tinte. The first fifteeti minutes ofj tliis tite ta bv (levoted to a broad-1 cast of the Chicago and New.'York program,, directly~ to Geneva, where a simnilar meeting %vill be in progress. The remiaitingý, timieallotted ivill be a broadcast of part of the GeTeva pro- 'rani directlv to the Chicago assemi- blacre in Grant park. The National flroa dcas iting conpanv il 1w e i (7harge of this feature. Speakers toalie heard ini theý inter- natona tetwork frôý,i- ew York City will be I-anniahi Clotilier« Huil, national president. Xomien's Inter- niational Ixazu.e for Peace and Free- i dont: Dr. Alice Hamilton. m&leical facultv, Har-ard universitv and .Missi Lillian Wald, iiationally knlowil social s;ervice au'thoritv. Front the Chicago m1eeting will be heard. Dr. Mary 1 \Voolley. president, 'Mount Holyoke college ami U. S. delegate to the W orI 4 Disarmamient Conference: Federal Judç,,e Florence Allen. Ohio: Agnes Nestor, president. Womian 's- Trade Uniion League . of Chcago:~ Càt1lar.ine Waug~li M.\cCuilich anid the Hulîl Houvýe choruis. Milwaukee Cooperates Milwaukee and Madisoi, 'Wiscon- sin branches of the league, Miss XVlier1 said are planningi- to send large dele- gations to participate ini the local programn. Foreigin anguage çroups in,! Mr. and Mrs. Craig Ketchan, Péggy Laird, and the twins, Tom and Frank returned to their, home at 621 Abbotýford road, Kenilworth, last week from a month's cruise on their yacht !"Geminii" to Lake, Superior and Saulte Sainte Marie., senwald, and Mi Taft. and MNrs. Lorado 146-Highland Park iSS ELM ST. GetReady fr.Sho A&T UEý HUfl*MIN EVANSTON 2-Trouser. SUITS an.d OVERCOATs $20 For the smartest styles and the greatest values, you can't beat Lytton-Hi's. AUi suits with liwo trousers. 32 to 3&. Aso 2-Longie Suits in sizes 10 to 16.-$16.50.1 Lytton-Jr. These'suits are styled just like the Lytton- Hi's but with two knickers instead of long. trousers. A wide selection of pat- terns and colors in sizes 7 to 14 years. C.,LYTTio N & S oi *Open Tuesdày, Thursday and Saturday Evenings Orrington and Church-EVANSTON s .imqlm-m li . ' 0 . 1 1 . 1. 1 1 1. 1 1 1 1 . . ý mum».-