ANDER~SON HOTEL a~ COTTflE$ Core to Ephrirn and make your stoy enloyeboea theb Ander- son Hotel. in, the, conter of Wiscons&-ns wonder- lantd of wooded b.auty. Country of, pines. Perkcs and. wave-washed' .dis m- waters blue and toildflecked. olive witb bass. percb and.,pan Fish. Boating. swimming. hiking. riding, tennis, golf-.verytbincj thet malces lif. worth while.. nei very finest. rnost deic'cus brecoe fpo, farnily style - and aIl you want cof il. Dence and concert orchestre to entertain you. Friendil y* congeniol atrnosphere. Unexceld hotel accommodations. Ail Anderson cotiaqes wth battis and innersprinq mattresses. Write now .for complets descriptive litereture. Ail- expense tour $33.15., Write Everoff Valentino$ Anderson HOM.l Epreim, W1sconsin. or Cali Chicago office I1SO s vvatertown, IN. Z Y £L. aie'.A c *vc- ding of Miss Ruth Kinne of that city to John Ricb of Utica, N. Y. The "twiin" Kinne families became ac- quainted two or three years ago, and have become fast friends. While un- related, many identical ..facts .art noted. The. Watertown Harry C. Kinne 4nd the Wilmette.Harry C. Kinne each has a. son, Har ry C., Jr., in Colgate university. Each bas a daugter uth.Eacb is a mnember of his town's governing board. Each fanxily bas:visited the other. These. to mention only'a few simnilarities, starnp the two familie s as "«twins." Matmenle Photo Robert H.,Wien4ecke, 680 Verison welnue, Glencoe, luis bëeen elected president of the Threshold Players of Glencoep ilt ts annouliced this: week. The Threshold orgaetizatiofl t, begnning its Ienth season of (f - matic entertainment on the. north shore. I'vrs. L. F. Gates, 723 Eighth street a nd her daughter and son-in-Iaw, Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Taylor, of Wash- ington, D. C., returned Monday f rom New Mexico. They visited Santa Fe and took a ten-day borseback ride in the mountains of the Gila Wilderness. TAILQ REO lMATS AÀB 1ER Make Their Debut in, Evanston on Saturday, Sept. lth Announces Exams for Civil Service 'Posts The United Siates Civil Service .cotmmission bas announced open comipetitive examinations as follows: Bacteriologists, v a r i ou s, grades.. '$3200 to $4,600 a year; cytologîsts. various grad&, $3,200 to $4,6W0 a year; epidemiologists, various grades. $3,200 to $4600 a year; mycologis (miedical), varîous grades, $2,600 to $4.600 a year; senior pathologist (medical), $4,600 a year; U. S. Publie Healtb Service, 'Treasury Department. Refuge superintendent, $3,800 a year, associate refuge manager, $3,2W0 ayear, assistant refuge manager.- $2,300 a year, Bureau of Biological Survey, Department of Agriculture. Sheet-metai worker, $1,680 a year. departmental service. Washington, D.C. Full information may be obtained fromn M. E. von Glabu, secretar> of the U.. S. Civil Service board of ex- aminers, at the Wilmette post office. Miss ' Sara Jean Cosner, grand- daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Murîson, 339 .Kenilwortb avenue, Kenilworth,, is, leaving September 17 *for Godfrey. Ill.. to enter Monticello Seniînary. She wili occupy the same room that 'ber late mother bad. *There is ample parking space and you wiIl enjoy your visit. to the utmost. wVCI< iruxia m in-s vLisi oivci prie. . erdillymvie.C~V heysailed fr9m New York. your visit of inspection. .--- * Miss Ruth Bristol, 1109 Forest ave-. 22 CH U C H S T.nue, leaves September 24 for Ripon, 12 C URCH S T istoenter ber sopbomlore year ut I Nexif . CoIbyut Ripon college.