and a mernier ot thie riotor societv iniher senior 'year. TIn lier junior Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Bartou, 257 ~ MesEniiis wa- el-rted to TINTf..'lKenilwortb avenue, returned Sunday SlIe was esoec-ialiv 'ilteres --d iii froni a European tour of ten weeks. miusic. being a member of the Junior They visited Belgiurn, Gerrnany, and Senior Music cilbs, GUet. clui). France and 2,590 mniles through 'ind Crl1:' Octet. atiri had a learlinr. England. The exposition -at Brusselsj part in the ouera "lolathte." given vas included in their itinerary., They last vy-ar. ý.She w"as , ira.diatedt . n sailed for born'e on the Champlain. Julie fr.,h reaaovdev.irt --o ..ii~ .... Nrhetenln' 'st Mr. ,and Mrs. Vilas. Johnson and \Ii lss iiiis ialav(-d huoche\ wLfd three children, Ashland avenue, re- I.: ~ ~ ' d"t1'.l t w Trier- a~i'1wad turjed_ Saturday frorn Ludington, meuuh'. 'of; S.- . h alio Mich., where Mrs. Johnson and the oui th. Echo' s t fsadand News safs an hildreti sp ent the sunimer. Mr. %vas a member of the Drarnatic -îxuî' Iohnson joined.them week-efids, and (Iuring bis vacation. r.and MNfrs. Lewis -B.. Ernieiing ind dauul ter, Mary Jane. 1305 Green-" isBtyKthan 2 bos wood avenue, have returned froi *a. : ford road, -Kenilworth, returned Sun- t,.o %veeks' trip to Cape Cod. Mass. day froxîî a ten-ýweek tour of Europe. nhey' were accornpanied .by Mrs. -She traveled withý a, party of* twentv- Ernîeling's brother, Enmerson VTan four co, llege girls and visited nine I>atten of Evanstn. and bis daugt er couies Afigela. and at Cape Cod were the L!Uests of Angela's grandrnother, Mfrs. Mrs. Bernard J. Hens, 1450 "Maple AlbertStart.' aveniè, 1-iiaking a satisfafl6ry e -o- covery following a serious operation * Heleni Page of Lake M'ills, \Vis., pefforrned Iast Saturday at the Ev- has beeuî a *guest for a week at the anstonl hospital. honme of the Richard T. Hoskings, 8180 Pa rk avenue. Today the Hosking M.\rs. Herbert Hakes, and daughter, boys are, leaving. for college. Paul fMiriarn, of Edeistein, Ill., were tbe goes to Purdue for his senior year guests of their relatives, the Albert and Ted to the Universitv of Illinois A. McKeighans, 1025 Greenleaf ave- for bis sophornore year. nue, tbe latter lbaif of Iast week. ,rhCul' BEEF1 TENDERLOIN lb. 291/,c Armou'sTip 'Top Sausage ........-.2 80O.Pc.27r, Viriinia Bacon Sqluares...Lb. 27e Excel Slic.d 'Bacon ../2 1 Lb. Pligi 17'/2c Dry Sait Pork .........Lb. 23c Uneeda, BakersFigineils ...Lb. I 9c Uneedai Biscuits . . . . . ...2 Picgs. 9c Ann PagePeanut Butter, I-Lb. Jar lie Sltana Peanut Butter, 2-Lb. Jar 29e Sunnyflieici Flour ...241/ -Lb. Bag 93c :GroundBiack Pepper. .,I-Lb. Pkg.Z2k Red Top Tea Siftings, I-Lb. P kq.:I Oc Hominy.....3N.2Cn 9 Sunnyfield Corni Flakes, I13-0z, P kg IOc >lona Coco. ........-L.Pkg. 19c Rajah Vanilla Exract. .'. 2-0z. Bti. 19c Pince.Albert, Haif end Haif, or ._ VéeetTobacco .... ... .. .2 Tins 23c Clim-aene......... 32.0z. Pkg. i9c S. o. S. .......8-Pad>Pkg. 19c_ N.rtheui nTissue ........4 Rois21c 1100% Pure P.'nnsylvania Apenn Motor 011 ... 2-Gal. Cen $1 .08 Plus Federai Tex lc por Qt. Apenn Dry Cleaner . .. Gal. Cen 57c Heinz Hein: Sale Tomnato Ketchup . . .2 14-0z. Btls. 35C Hein: Baked Beans. in tomeato sauce . . .3 I2-Oz. Cans 25c Heinz Balced Beans, Boston Style .....3 1 1-Oz. Cens 25c i1einz Spaghetti, i tomeato sauce, with cheese .... .3 111/2-0z. Cens 25c 2 I 7-Oz. Cens 25c Heinz Vinegar, Ciçier or White.,..... Pint Boltle 9c 24-0z. Bottie I Sc Hein: Fresh Cucumber Pickles........... 24-Oz. Cans 25c Hein: Baby Fodds, 3 41/2-0z. Cans 25c Hein: Strained Cereal ... .3 1O-Oz. Caens 25Ç Hein: Home Style Soups (except Consomme endi Clam Chowder) ........ 2 16-Oz Cens 25c Consomm~e and Clam Chowder ........ 2 16-0z. Cens 29e SIX DELICICUS FLAVORS. JULLw-O 4 PÇG.IIC CHOCOLATE, VAN ILLA end RASPBERRYý JUNKETý 2PKG.211C NUTUY OLEO 2..15c GOLO MEDAL 2iKP.Z.21j OXYDOL Ii Food Stores A& IP Food Stores . 6, 1 9 e, ip ý * 1