Notables of state andi nation, iii.1 cluding Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt, journeyed to 900 Private road, Hub- bard Woodls, Tuesday afternoon of this week to attend at her borne'the, services for Mrs., Anna Wilmarth Ickes, wife of Haroldi L. Ickes, Secre- tary of the Interior, Who. Was per- haps the mnost widely known womnan citizen ýonti-he north shore. Puiblic services. for the1 former thrice-elected -state legislator'.f rom Seventh, di strict were conducted by the Rev. E. Ashley Gerhard.ý recti of Christ ILpiscopal churcb, and.buri. al was private at Memoàrial Park cemetery. Cabinet Members Attend Among those Who came. together. with bundreds of frientis and associ- ates, to pay their respects to the noted civic leader Who dieti last Saturday, in an-autompbile crash at 'Velarde, N. M.,ý w ere' members of President Roosevelt'S cabinet. including Post- Piaster General Jamnes A., Farley, Secretary of War George Demn andi Mrs. Dern, Secretarv of Commerce Daniel Roper andi Mrs. Roper, andi Mrs. Henrv .-. Wallace, wife of the Secretary of Agriculture. Other notab)les were llarrv I. Hopkins, federal relief administrator. Governor Henry Horner. andi other state offi- ciaIs, and representatives of the State Legislature headed by Speaker John Devine including Majority Leader Benjamin S. Adanmwski (Demn., Chi- reelecteti in W iliarth , s he atten ded theIC PU DI M s. ck- schools ini Chicago and Miss Flersey 's Politicians said that Ms ce school ini Boston. could have won a fourth time in 1934, Uer mother who had large real but* in 1933 ber husband was appoint- estate holdings andi who was prom- ed secretary of: tbe initerior andi she mnent in -early.W.Omatis. club and society anniouniced she would not b e àa candi- if e iii Chicago, was oneè ôf the earli- date. L430110 I o finance Arn R.~hi n x maa5w< maaiasp=-al Discover Hospitality, at the Mount Royal HospiTALITY is a fine art at the,- Ickes, Represènitative Davidi E. Shanahani (Rep., Chicago) ; Repre- sentative Lottie Holmnan O'Neill (Rep, Downers Grove), and, Representative 1.amnes T. Burns (Demi... Kankakee). *Officiai Winnetka was represented, at thé services 'by'. Mrs. Ellén' K. McNamýara ýanti George' W. Gordon. Village trustees. Car Crash.. In Ditcli iMrs. Ickes diedi instantly when an 1Mrs. Wedniesday, Thursday andti rxay of L.ater in tnat samie year she was hei last week... After their trip to Tros electeti to a four year terni on the"I on Satfurday they bad planned to at- university board. *o tend. that night the festival which' is Bfr httr a xieishe in and of History and Romance >utbwest," that waspubl-isheti Cd? HAH4N for ISuite 10> Sie JLaq *F ow