Editor's Note: We are haEppy to pro- vide for our readers, a series of articles by a recognlmed expert on gardening aubjects, Dr. J. P.* FQnder of Evanston, Who received bis Ph. D. degree at Micdi- lgan Statè 'collegé, after attending col- loges ln hlé native state of Colorado and In' Utaýh. H e has lectured eîteënslvely on gardening ln many -states and bias Writtenmuch'on toplcs of soil and plant physIology. 'gis experlence extends in- to the practical. business end %of plEknt, culture, thus enablinir hlm to write with authority on- ail matters pertainlng to, this sUbject.* Dr. P'onder's articles appear in this section each week. Rejuventatiing the Laurn If your laww is'flot ail that you de- sire it to be there is no. time like the present to improve it. If the Iawn' is merely thin as a: resuit, of Iack of food or .because the grass was-flot adaipted- to growth under the condi- tions existing, it.can be improved by feeding and reseeding with the proper seed. B3ut if the lawn is filled ýwith: weeds whicb cannot. be economically elimina~ted eccept byi turning the soit over, or if an improvement of the soit is definitely desirable. it will be bèest to rebuild. Remnove the. W..Is Four steps& are: usually important in rejuvenaIffpg an old lawn., First, the area should beÂireed of weeds to the greatest possible extent. After the. lawn areà is d1ean an application of, soluble plant fodshould bé made in an amowit' thiat w~ifll providé 'an abun-q and to proyide sufficient cover for the seed. Finally, sow the desired seed uniformly at the rate of two or three pounds per 1,000, square feet depend- ing upon the thinness of the old grass. The seed, should be raked into the loose soil applied and the area sprinkled tboroughly. If reconstruction of the lawn is adw- visable, every step should be carefully planned and executed. Heavy souls uîviucu peat, Usually rwu or tbree cubic yards of sandy soul and one or one and one-baif cubic yards of peat wiIl be sufficient. These materials should be spread on the surface after theý seed' bed bas been spaded and completely'pulverized to a depth of four to sixà incbes.ý Then the added materials and tbe old soul should. be tboroiugbly.Mixed, to a depth of two or three inches. If the soul is too light, a heavy t1ay loarnt should be sub- stituted for the sandy soil. Work in Plant Food Plant food should next, be worked, into the upper two- in-ches of soul at the rate, of from 2 5 to 50 pounds p er thousand square feet. The rate of application depends upon the type and analysis of the fertilizer which May be -determined as Most desir4ble under the circumstances. Organic fertili.zers May be used satisfactorily at this time if they are properly balanced. The'lawn area should be raked un- til the surface is level with a uniform slope in one direction to provide sur- face drainage. Then the seed should be sown uniformly and raked lightly into the soul. A sprinkling of finely divided peat may their- be applied to assist in maintaining the proper mois- ture conditions and the area should then be rolled to compact tbe soul. Select Seed Company The success of the undertaking wil depend unon the seed which is sown or ten aays and ro protect the aesira- ble turf grasses which will not apoear for :several clays theréafter. These niurse grasses should niot miake. up more than thirty per cent of the seed blend. and the remainder should con- sist of Kenitucky Blue grass. Chiew- ing's .Fesicue, or Poa trivialis or ýa combination of these, depending upon the growth conditions existing. High quality seeds are essential to success- ful results ini the faIt seeded lawn. wastivui ani mau'y resuit for use on the iorary injury from over- ers of varioi y have . found their best prices. reasona K 'enilwortn .at L4and O'Lakes. .u meI Uerge riutns of their suimner hiome at xeecmng.