Building permits were issued ini the month of July in th e Chicago suburban region tô the amnount of $f,9l6,458, ac- cording to the Strauss :.Seturities su rvey. This is an. increase of 87 per cent .over the month,,of junie which 'showved $1,026,091 and a gain of 342 per ceeit ýas-comparedý with $434,010 for July, 1934. The July total -should 'dispel 'al doubt that building iis steadily and strongly jincreasn. Rfrnce to Strauss figures for 1932 , 1933 and 1934 shows heavy summer1 slumps in July. This:year there is not only a large in- crease but July is the fifth succession with building permits -totalling aver $1,000,,000., It also ex- ceeds the .largest month thusfat this year, May,'with $1,796,559. Until this proce ssion of million dollar months began iMarch there had been -ne million dollar-month since Septeniber, 1934 and prior to that no million dol- lar month since December, 1931. Still another fact nlay be noted. No month. bas shown a total equal to that of July' jSHEUT METAL WORK 0 GUTTERS 0 FLASHINGS 0 DOWNSPOUTS 0 DECS* iCquuier or tmJv.asied Iron M First Mortgage. Loains o, AUl types 6«f proimrties at rat«s Brokers'couipevtion invted The best part of this news is the fact that there is no reason to expect " faliing off. There is unquestionably a tremendous interest iii home build- ing, remodeling and' repairs. People have becomne home-consciou.s anda not ablefeiture of the activity is that many if not most of the homes being, erectedare fine homes-homes in the $10,000 to $30,000 class. The reports of these come f rom e.very, section, GlenoeRiver Forest, Oa0k. Park, WheaonWinnetka, Wilmlette,. Lake Forest, Elgin.. Remodeling lobs also are in evidence throughout the entite gion. In brief, homies, are going up 'againi and old ones are being made, new. Lake Forest bas $159,272, which W. O. Paape, the building commissioner reports. This. includes $58,532 for a school addition, $67,862 for a.,Water, treatmetnt plant, a .$15000 residenceé, alterations And repairs. Glencoe, next in the 'procession with $87,650,, reported' byv L. M. Heike, shows such a large tôtal principalty because of permits for five homes, the lowest in price being $11,000, the higbest $28,000 and the cost of ail $86,500. M.iiy New Homes F~our communities issued permits in july approximating a total of $50,000 each. These are Gary, Wilmette, Ev- anston and Wheaton. Samuel Brown- sten, building commissioner of Gary, says his largest item, $22,830, is made un of 77 repair jobs. The Wilmette dential alterations. amounting to $12,675. Evanston, reported by E. M, Goodman, went. i strongly for re- niodeling with $14250 on residential buildings and $36,500 on non-residential buildings whicb includes $27,000 ex- pended on buildings of the North- western university. Mr. Goodman mentions numerous inquiries relating to new homes to be constructed. Wheaton is also in on the resideiitial boom with one new home for $14.000, for Reçreation ftooIrI Most basements provide, more than sufficient space to ccommodate the traditional equipment. During the last f ew years many persons- bave utilized. this normally .Wasted space for recreation, rooms.' Thèse have grown in ppularityanid are now an, accepted part, of the moderi- home. The conversion.of a basement into ~.really comifortable room, necess i- tates a study of the, particular* situa- tion . If the basemeût area is darnp, as .is .often the case, tbis difficulty must be overcome . e fore the deco- rative treatment is considered. If the walls and floor hold moisture, they should be' waterproofed. This may involve proper grading, and drainage on thée exterior, asý well as treatment fro M within. - Cold,. damp walls,,absorb: heat, *and more heat. is needed:tô bring the rom to a health- fût tempera tur -e than would be needed for reélatively warm, «dry wall1s. Some type of insulation should be itistalled.' Proper insulation will have a fur- ther advantage in confining the noises of active games to this area, for these are accentuated by bard surfaces which refl.ect sound. For example, certain types of fiber boards absorb more than a quarter of the sound strking them. When propërly insu~- lated, the game room may be the quietest in the bouse.7 Insulation board is- particularly . the additional advantage of being treated to resist attacks. of termites and dry rot, an important protection in many localities. The floor mnay be painted or. waxed, and if it is permaneptly dry mnay b covered witb linoleu m., SWith proper .treÈatment, the base- ment ýgaine room may become one of the most pleasant rooms in the bouse. 'HA Indicate, Good.Resu i Its On the first anniversary of. th e opening of the northern Illinois dis- trict office of.,the Fedçral Housing administration at 134 North La Salle. street, Chicago, the volume of busi- ness doue under both Titles I and II of the national housing act bas reacb-- ed a figure> in .excess ef, $8,000,;000, ac- Carroll H. Sudler, district director. Modernization boans under Title I to date ,num ber 10,655 for a total of $4,143,146, while blans, comnmitments and appl ications under Titie II total 761 in amount of $3,979,858, a gran .d total of $8,123,004. In, go ing over the year §s ac tivity, Mr. -Sudler recalledthatý in the be- ginningl there..was not onie'bank in Chicago, 'or in. the 16 counties in northern -Illinois tbat would make a boan for real estate improvement. while today every bank in Chicago, with one exception is making FHA- insured lbans for this purpose, making a total c f 126 bgnks in- the district that are Permit Diyiersity of Usesi By a careful c oc f building fig- ures, the concensus of opinion is reached by those engaged ini the building industry that for every dollar borrowed for this work, six dollars in cash is.actually spent. Thus the total dollar -volume which bas been stimu- lated by PHA activity in northern Illinois which would be in 'excess o-f $28,000,000. This is exclu~sive of new construction now under way in large ~volume. Since ,tbe amendment of Title ýI -permitting boans, for modernization and the purchase of. equipmnent for commercial firms up to $50,000 on. in- dividual baons;,thrèof these lbans have been reported through the Chi-, cago FHA office. These loans may be. taken, out by, -L IVE RANN *once a week. Do not use an oïl rmOP, for the oil will soften the wax. Worn places may be rewaxed sepa- rately, but the entire floor should have ail wax removed and a new coat applied every 3 or 4 months. I I ANSEN