At a special meeting of the execu- tive board of the North Shore Area council, Boy Scouts of Arnerica, ,held Tuesday evening at Boy Scout head- quarters at Highland Park, the propo- sition for a mferger of the Lake Coun-. ty counicil with the North ,Shore Area. council was .unanimously accepted by the North Shore Area cowincil., The actiÏon of the North Shore Executive board was the final step necessary to complete thé merger which lias been pending for severai years. Thxe delegation representing the Lake -County counocil ai last, Tuesday's meeting was headed by Arne W. Makela, president. Other memlbers ofthe, delegation were, Dr. F. A. Besley, vice-president; Warren M. Conover, vice-president;. Donald L. .Haise----hairman of: the leadersbip, training committee ; Lewis D. Clarke, LScout cotMmissioner, and Charles C Sweetland, chairman of the Scout- inaster's association. Extends to Stat. Uine The merger wili bring together the' .o.torth Shore Area couricil, which bas liad jurisdiction over the south haif .f Lake county and Cook county south to Wilnette, inclusive, and the Lake County council, whose jurisdic- tion extended over the north two tiers of townships in Lake county. Waukegan and othercommunities of the Lake Coun7ty council wiil for the timie being. iake up the Wauke- gan district of the North Shore Area council- with equal representation on the Executive boar d and on ail of the standing committees of the coun- cil. The present Executive board of- the Lake County council wili be re- orga-nized in the near future, on the distri ct sys tem., New. Field Executive 'l'lit Èfrst action of -the newly con- stituted Executive board was to ap-- point a committee to select a new field executive, who will take up bis lic Ai in Ri Ci Ca th al to c: CI jamboree period at Camp Isle Royale or a cainoe trip from Eiy,ý Minn. Al jamboree Scouts met at headquarters in Highland Park Wednesday evening of last week wbere they decided te . -go to Iste Royaleè. Thte geoith'î'w"i depicted aboie aire busily cnga:yed in. nmakin~q Pre/'rtiûs for the Dahlia show b obe held i ,iii ietkar Coommuuafiity House September 7-. tld 8. Cojnu/ititioa' hithe shois .îtfor antateiiras .wtell s prof essio#Ialyard- ZI'I(rS in thé, norIh shore area. Reading jrom Ici! 10 right.are:, -- eri ird Rumbutis. bead gardener on the Julins Rosenwald estate in Ravinia; ýyersot* Gardens George Brve, i*adgardener on thei Next Stop for the John Stuart esta-te, 990 Sheridan road, Busy Sketch Class ciation; Walter Kieback, bead gardenier LaeForest wilî once again play on the H. Earl Hoover estate, 1801 Lake Green Bay road, Glencoe, president of ýost to the. Saturday Sketch class the association; Frank Moening, gard- ,f the North Shore Art league on ener on the Mrs. Rudoiph Matz estate, ugust 24, wben the group will meet 1005 Sheridan road, Winnetka;ý William ri he ardnsof Mrs. Edward L. Mellenthin, head gardener on the James iteo,17 aRden I ra. h Simpson estate, 375 Sheridan road, Gien- yersn, 175 Rngwod rod. Te Icoe; L., E. Bird, gardener on tbe W. B. ntrance to the gardens is to the Hale estate, 900 Mt. Pleasant street, ast of Sheridan road. Winnetka, secretary of the association. Last week, tihe. class painted inW slyuad u n rie fields of the farm-bome of J.. elY Jrd un chneider, west of Wilmette. Sever- Visitin MNichigan J new sketchers were welcomed. Che. class is open, without fee, to Wesley F. Bradburn of Wilmette, my north shore resident who wishes bas been baritone sooiost during the osketch in any medium. Pastels, past two weeks, broadcasting over rayons, water-color, oul and even station WGN, for the noonday serv- Iay bavebeen used at these weekly ices eacb. Monday, Wednesday and .,aterifgs.Friday f rom 12:35 to 1 o'clock. At Ftherine fth bsn mmerthe conclusion. of the broadcasts Mr., From one chof te bsnnie cmes, and Mrs. Bradburn (Adeaide ,JonCs) laxt ofndlah of tWiNnew, oresi motored across the state of Michigan leter f pais o th Ne Mci-tn Caro on the uThumb," where thev c i wz..... -M rs. A. L. 'rin i , c a4i1sa n- --- --i-. -.I lN. S. Per»MlIPitfim....... 23 Noe Econolfly Shop 15 CO 1uSociety by the Woiafl's Club of WilMette. 1 oit aes... 23 IUI4 al V V 8ntIK.%-~JAA5uA58nizy AV5Me, September 7 and & Selection, of judges was made this week., Tbose who, wili make the, awards in the. arrangements ciass include sucb wel known women. as. Mrs. John W. Gary, 303 Sheridan road, Glencoe; Mrs. Joseph.M.,Cud-, abhy, 830: Nortb Green. Bay road, Lake Forest.,and ýMrs. Howard C. Pbillips, 985 Hill road, Winnetka. Soca.ty Sonda EX.pete The . three jdge in the specimen classes are members of the Central State Dahlia society. They are:J ' Lewis Roberts, B.. B. Meigard and F. RP.',Kicehiammer, al of Chicago. Mr. Roberts is presiden of the Central State Dahlia Society and, Mr. Melgard is-secretary. Amatnir Geta Chance Thre exhibition plans inchnde ar- rangements for giving not only the prof essional dahlia growers an op- portunity to show his flowers and c ompete with others of bis class for the many cups and prizes which will be posted, but it aiso includes pro- vision foir a 'separate classification for the amateur grower, in which class there will bc separate cups and prizes. It is estimated there are more than 250 amateur dahlia grow- ers on the north shore from Evans- ton to Highland P'ark. It is aiso ini this, area that some of the ýfinest gaidens of the profession- ai dahlia grower are te bc lound and. the enthusiasm with which they bave received the announcement of the cciming show is encouraging to the officers of the association spon- soring the exhibition. Ail entries shouid be returned to Lester Bird, secretary, 418 Ridge ,road, WMiniette,. before- September 1. Mr. Bird's telephone number is.Wil- mette 935-M. shie would speak ru ucr ta it. When lie went to thei an bad disappeared.