This news jolteci the members oC the Wnnetka Junior Legion tean whicb had walloped the Glencoe Jun. iors, 15 to 0, at Glencoe that. sani afternoon bebind the one-hit pitchinî of George Glover., Yomam Get Spunky "e'lI take on. those fellows,", sai the Wî,innetka Junior Legion players 'none of, whom -was more than IC ersold. Allison anid Bedford A.. C.,,a mature outfit and: one of. the best in. the Char- le-y Grimm league, promptly took up the challenge.' The resuit after' the five inning game: Winnetka *Junior Légion. 7; Allison and Bedford A. C., 4. Inci- dentally, jack Brown allowed the A. C. only 3 bits., Last Saturday Lilligren allowed4 bits as he hurled the Junior Legior. team ,to anil1l-inninig, 3-2'victory aveî the Royal A. C's in. a hattle at Skokie * ' 'Playfield. Games Saturdayr, Suuday This Saturday afternoon at3 o'clock, Skokie Playfielcl will bristl with comnpetitioù when the Junior Legion team,, coached by' C. -W. Dahl ofWilinetka, meets anoétherstron nine. An interesting dou.blelheader will bel played this Sunlday afternoon at Sko- kie Plavfield.. Sammy.,HaIe's Evans- ton outfit, highly rated..will take on both 'the Junior Leqzion teatn. and the NVinnetka men's ine. The first bat- tie wilI start at 1 :30 o'clock.- RETURN TO EAST Mr. and Mrs. James Burnham of New Yor.k, who have been, visiting M.r. Burniham's 'mother, Mrs. Cldaude. G. Burnlham of 536 Roslyn road, Ken- iluorth, left Wednesday of Iast week follwing a monitb's. stay. Before re- turning home they wi'll also visit'at Wading River, Long Island. Mr. and Mrs. Hainer HinshawI and family are mnoving Sept. 1 from 1307, Ashland avenue to 1120 Chestnut ave- nue. Thev have been occupvinz the The crash destroyed the Mediceau Dfcollector who brougbt lavishiy and m' unthinkingly, and in his place we have 1- the stubborn, tenacious and critical e collector who knows bis field and adds gI .only ,whatt he most wants. It takes more tbought to be. that kind of ý buyer, but theý resuits 'are much better. 14 There is less extravagence and more S, quality., 0 Women care more for chin a and gla ss, and.practically al women have 'e pieces loved for age and beauty. China offers many problems of identi- P fication, buts its rewards are great. The following books -help, one ta Sknow the 'points. OId China Book-Moore -Cha ts.on Engllsh China-Hayýden. Old Pottery and Porcelain-Burgess. *Practical Book of Chinaware-Eberlei.n. Collecting old furniture is onîe of .4 the most satisfying of hobbiesý. There i. is nothing to be compared, with rbeautiful uines- and the feeling of e beautiful Woods. Knowledge. of the periods and their cbaracteristics lis essential to satisfaction. The follow- 3ing books are introductions ta the e fi'eld: rHFandbook of Fûirnýiture Styles. Practical Book of Perlod- ùntr- IEberlein. OId English Furniture-Oa-Grside. Period FurnitureBook-ould. French Provincial Furniture-Lonian. OId French Furniture-Maillati.> Chats on Old Furnture-Hayden. There are other art s and crafts to be, collected, some of themn little knownI, but even more interestiing on that account. Old valentines are dis- cussed in 'Roble's Quest of the Quaint, tapestries in a book by Can- dee. The following'are both interest- ing and provocative: Old Patchwork Quilts-FinIie>-. Hooked Rugs-TCent. Practiéal Book of Oriental iiûg:;-Lewl3.' Oriental Rugs-Muniford. Book of Handwoven C~eIt-Oe1 chain., Quilts-Webster. These books may be' had from the Wilnette Public library. Mr. and Mrs. Frank' Baustert of Chicago are arriving Fridayto> be the guests of Mrs. Phillip N. Streif, 1706 Washington avenue, for the remain- der of the week. Mrs. Streff and e The old, f aded purpie uniforins, J which have paraded before, durir.g s and after so many football games in syears past hav e been discarded, andt à the entire band is being outfitted anem. from Their new attire will consist of mid- night blue uniformsî embellislie< with 1 à knee length cape lined, with white csatin; white Sam flrownl belts,' and, .to top it aIl, niatty band smen's cap: with short purple and whiteplunies in front. Uniforms have been ordered for 120. men at a cost- of more. than $4,200, and will be ready-'when Conductor Glenn Cliffe 'Bainuni calls the first rehearsal shortly after the opei i >ugof school. The band will make its first ai). pearance Sept., 28 at the scason's opeher with, De Paul at' 'Dyche stadium. MOTOR INNOT Mrs. Robert' T. Markhanî. 1610; Central avenue, and lier mioth'ler, Mrs. ,A. P. Foràie, motored through XWis- consin and Michigan and stopeda Clearwater lake. ta eolirsns jo and: Donald Mar'kham,,whio>spenit al'Camp St. George. They re-. turned Mfonday and brouglit James ' Guinan, of Kenilworth back: with thein. Before going 'ta Camlp St. George, Donald spent two %veeks at Mýa-Ka-Ja-Watn. ' WILI. MOTOR EAST' Miss Becky Fitch, 1033 Elniwood avenue, and Miss Jean Ten Broeck, 125Elmwood avenue, are. leaviing by motor tomorrow for Framinghamn, 'Mass.. to be gone for two' weeks. They will drive to, Montreal and Quebec and spend a:,week inCanada,, reuring home through; Pemnsylvania be: Mrs. Robert S. Ke mp.,of Chicago, a former Wellesley classmnate ai Miss, .Fitch. Miss Dorothy Jane Orr,, daughter received the degree of master of arts in the College of Liberal Arts, and Arthur Van Deursen, 2114 Green- Wood avenue, rec ,eived the degree of master of science in the same school. The four bachelor degrees ,were' awarded, to Margaret Wa.1ker, .1315. Elmwood avenue; Elizabeth Jenkins, 630 Lake avenue; both of wvhoni re- ceived the ilegree of bachelorý of, arts; Delma. Caldwell; 930 Linden avenue, who received the degree of ýbachelor of. science;.,and Frank Weniter. 1204 Ashlanid avenue, Who was. amarded the degree af bachelor af science f rom the Sichool of Commerç,e. This year the -summer session awarded 305 degrees, the largest num- ber ini the history of the school.. The' Graduate, scbool witb 114 degrees and the School of Education wi'th 99 led ail other schools. Registration in the 1935, session showed a final gr and. total af 3.079 s.tudlenits, an increase oai21 per «cent, over Iast year, andc a new enrollment record for the summier term. The rapid growth of the sumnmer sch'ool. according ta Prof. Ernest H. Hahne,. directot"of' the- summer session, is at- tribted ta the expansion of W;ork in the.,fields of graduate studies and cd,- ucationi, with a total of 1.741 stiudents registered this :year -for graduate wvork. GOING EAST Dr. and Mrs. Lester Nie, 1227 Chestnutý avenue, and their sons Jack and E.dward leave 'today for' Crystal lake near Frankfurt, Michi. Thev wil remain there a week and then %vilI go on to Atlantic City and New, York,' leaving E-'dward at the University of Rochester where 'he will enter bis' freshmi'an year. The other menibers' of the family will return home Sept. 15. ONE CONTAGION CASE The 'report* of the Wilmfrette- Health department for the week ending Aui- gust 17, shows a single case af sca.- let fever as the total'of new contagiaus; disease cases. Mrs. E. D. Parmlee, formerly' of Kenilworth, was hostess at luncbeon Tuesday to ber Kenilworth bridge club at the home of ber daughter. Mn4r. Samuel Hypes, in Gléncoe. .. .. tIJ vene, ven~ue, arereturnïng -tocay Dy- auto- 0 are spencing the seàson at their sum- mobile from Green Bay, Wis., where Mrs. John Campbell, 815 Lake ave- mer place at Lake Geneva.' they spent several days. nue, was threatened with bronchial__o___ pneumonia last week and spent five J. W. Behr, 1627 Forest avenue, with Mrs. H. C. Folk of St. 'joseph, Mo.,' days in the Evanstoil bospital. Mon- bis troup of aerial artists, the Flying is returning home Monday fpllowing, day she was able to returfi home, and Bebrs, wiIl leave next week for an en-. a visit 'with ber cousin, Mrs. G. W. is now making a satisfactory recovery. gagement in Detroit. Bull of 524 -Maple avenue.