Igan, State college, atter attsending col- loges ln his native state ot Colorado and ln 1Utah. Ré, han lectured, extenslvely on ggrdenlng ln. many states andlhan wrlItten much on toicé et soli and plant physlology. -H is experience, extends In- to-the practical business end et the plant culture, thus1 enabillig hlm te w#rite with autherlty on ail matters pertathirig to the subjeet. Dr. Fonder's articèles appear ln titis section each week. An Opportimity Regàained This sprig pportunity krngnocked'aI the. door of everyr lawn, owner on the north shore.. 0f .course the spring weather was peculiar and few people could.forae Ihat the next fi ew-months would afford an unusual opportunlity FALL IS NATURB'S TIME to PLANT There is a scientifie reason why "Permalawn" seeds and* fertilizers produce better lawns. Dr. Fonder will gladly tell you how to start a good 1 permanent lawn this F~alII CALDWELL SEED COMPANY ç ' A complete seed store t fer the carefal buyeeî»i 1942 Sherman Ave., JEvsnston J turf. Lawns wflîch were properiy, ted and huppd were able te take advan. tage te favorable conditions.w-hilc many. other were flot. NS.d Abunamt Food As the faîl approaches, however, and the days become shorter, and the .weather cooler, the grass will takée up .again its growth -wbere it left off this .stmmer. rhere wiftl be the natural tending for it te produce newý romt to replace those- which, died during the hot weather and'.te again begin the production-of rhizomes and sto- Ions f romt which new plants will arise. But this will require an abundani feod'supply .and a uniforin leaf area capable of manufacturing. a large amount, of. sugar which doesno fluctuate te any great- extent f roni day te day., This is yeulr chance tc regain th~e opportunity w.bich you may bave passed up tbis spring. Lawn souls are always very low ini available plant food during the fali months. This wilI be especially truc t'his year because the unusual amount of, growth made by the grass this spring will have reduced the supply much more than in normal years. Therefore the first tbing te be done for the lawn tbis fali is te provide it with food in such an amount as wilI enable iltô grow vigorously. A soluble plant food, providing nitrogen, phos- phorus, and potash w~Il be most effec- tive and it should bë of aboutî à 6-9-5:or an 8-8-4 analysis. The plant food should be applied the latter part of August or the early part of Septein- ber for best results. Frquent Clippiug Imîportat Starting now (or as soon as the .rab grass has been raked for the ast time) the mower sbould be raised to clip high, one and one haîf incheb f possible. Then as soon as the grass bas started the vigorous growth which will characterize it for the. * Iverywhere people are raking crab grass, some frequently and ,h others at intervals of ten to 'four- teen days. These people are find- ir ing t hat h qet raking i kèeping ,the crab grass so confinied that it is flot doing serious damage le to the ,turf grass. With the less' frequent raking the crab. grass is growing nure prof usely and there- d fore is doing. more damage. .But. te in both cases -the seed stems are. c lipped off aànd the production of. is seed is thus prevented. il>In most- localities crab, grass -9 wici bas not been raked is now g producing seed spikes and these, n are either in bloom, or the seeds ' have started te set. This grass *should be raked and clipped new tbefore an' seeds beconies mature a enough to produce new plants 'e nextyear. A second, raking miay >t be necessary in about týwo .week * but this second raking will ;prob- * ably be the finish of the crab grass. ihaif inch of leaf Iength at each clip- Iping. This manner of clipping ani c the application of the plant food as tdescribed wilI go hand in hand' to sproduce a denser and more beautiful 7iawn.. Many lawns have suffered severely this sunimer froni one or more un- favorable growth conditions which have existed. In fac-t there wiil be few Iawns that will not require some re- seeding to put them back i shape. Otiiers may ,be se bad that they should be rebuilt. It is certainly to be recoin- mended thas this seeding be done this faîl if at ail possible-becau se' faîl made lawns have the best opportunity of being fine Iawns. Seed sown anytitre froin now until the last of Septçuibler will germinate and produce excellent grass which 'will' winter. over nicely- and a better Iawn will restilt next year . than if the seeding is. postponed until, spring. Use Quality Sedl Special empbasis must be placedi Fight Enemy of Dahlia Plants The amateur and commercial grow- ers of dahlias on the north shore bave been troubled this summer ,te .a se Iri'Q:u .s exteni by a new ene .my that lias been. causing great. havoac c o r i n t e a o m m n i a t o r c e i v e dc fi-m, J. Roy West of Winnetka, noted Iandscape. designer.ý It is called a sunflower beetie .and cocklebur bill- 'bug. Appended is thecepy of a comn- munication receiveéd by Mr. West from Dr. C. L. Metcalf, head -of the Entomology Depart 1 en t at the state niversity which will be 'of inte.rest te gýardeners generally' and dahlia grewers. It. is hoped that is will be a timely warning which niay prevent a. further spread of this stem borer. Dr. -Metcalf's statement reads as fol- ýlows: The specimenis of dahlia borers which you (Mr. West) sent1 on Au- ~gust 15 are at hand this morning, and fortunately one of the six came throughi alive and in ,good condition. se that 1 have been able te determine what this pest is. It proves te be.- a cemmon and well-known wee.vil or gnout beetle which bas been known under at Ieast twe commen namés, as the sunflower beetle and the cocklebuir billbug. The scientific name of the insect is Rhodobaeiius 'teedecimouncta tus. It bas been réperte<l at least twice as seriously. injurious te dahlias, once frein Tennessee in 190 and again from Georgia in 1921. It has been a,much more serions pest of sunflowers than. of dahlias and most of tbe pub- licity has been in cennection with the sunflower crop. The insect bas a great variety of host plants in whicb it may be found as a borer.' These include côckleburi thistle,- rag-l weed, giant ragweed, iron weed, cul-; tivated sunflower, evening rirose. Tee Pyre weed, and, rarely sugar The parent and cause of ouble is a gaily-colered, r ali this ed and nuTfe ,fl fi Coustracs Ye.r Ruurgreeu Plantiieg Ne.' 40 s am str.. P nken BrOS. Imc erfldi ays anad ottC run smoothly. u 3ailrV,4 cl, Mc Jl are causing the the rawer bas been "a' ýy praffin toîthe 1~ edges te make pin #ems ana bases of the îear petiole, Ing blaclcened, distorteil areas to e eggs are laid ln the axils of the L,. llvin the upper nnrtion of (Coninuçd on p>age 47)