treasurer of the Sophomôre class- at New Trier High scbool, who is pop- ular in the north shore younger set, discovering that the supply of gas- oline was low in bis Ford and decid- ing tça, syphon some. of the, gasoline out of his, father's.Packard. Ordinarily the floW of -gaso!line is started>f roin the tank by-sucking the end. of the. tube,, but Bill, Jr. con- ceived the idea of using the electric vacuutu cleanler as it was: more san- itary and because be. said be didn't like the taste of gasolinie. The suc- tion of the v'acuum* cleaner started tbe flow ail rigbt but when Bill, Jr. sbut it off,, anl electric spark igniited the.gasoline and the gime siot.'out. Car is Destroy.d The garage,, equipped with electric door openers, at the time wvas closed. Bill, Jr. attached a hose totbe fau- Cet and attempted to put out the fire and at the sanie. time touched he but ton ,which threw open -the doors opposite I he car. The breeze from theeÙi5Wfanned tbe flame so that it 'énvelopéd tbe entire Packard and before it could be extinguished, prac- tically destroyed it. Tbe ire also damaged the Pierce Arrow which wvas iii the garage. The young man wvas slighitly burnyed, and had to forego a swimming coli- test in which he m-as to take partat, the Shawnee club that afternoon. The Winnetka Fire department,1 tele-' nhnned for bv the maid, responded andi art uirector for a new advertis- in in.Survivors of Mr. Jennings are his widow, Sara Staff jennîngs, bis two children, jack, 6 years old, and Susani, year old, bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. W. Jennings of Chicago, and bis sister, Mrs. "James C. Wilson of 'Winnetka. Services were»held at 3 o'clock Sunday after- noon at Seott's funeral home, 1118 Greenleaf avenue, Wilmette. ART SHOWS POPULAR The series ofone man shows on exhibit at the Art'Institute this sum- mer. have, been- well attended. Groups by, William S. Schwartz, Carl, Hoeckner, .Aaron. Bohrod, Francis' Chapin., J. Jeffrey Grant, Robert Jay Wolff, -Peterpaul Ott, Walter and Harriet Krawiec, and Julio de Diego ar e on exhibition as wvell as a collection of old aridemod- ern masters from Chicago. collec- tions. Attendance is well ahe ad of other years with the exception of the record-breaking crowds that at'- tended the two years of the World's Fair Art Exhibits. VISITS IN INDIANA Agiies Thale, daughiter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thale, 710 Linden avenue, is at borne, followirig a trip to Indian- apolis and Brown Coünty, Ind. Mrs'. Tbale's father, 'Mr. Guy L. Sparks, and ber brotheer. Dr. Allen Sparks, came back with Agnies and after a Bill, -Ir. wbo is of an inventive turn of niind vowed not to repeat this ex- perimeht Mn.. aid Mrs. Màrti.i Bickman, 429 Ninth. street, motored Saturday to Wisconsin to, see their daughter, Miss Emnma Bickman, who underwent an appendicitis operation at Walworth Counity hospital. Miss. Bickman was acouncillor at Junliper Knuoll camp North Shore Branch Edinger & Sons 3630 Laie Ave.. Uni. 5035 -Wîlmneteo 2385 or. 641 OUR -UNIQUE "@MO VIE SHOWle HELPS US TO GET* TOGETHER ON DEA 0*01WHN IT'S OVER WEÉLL KNOW WHAT, YOUWMANT People who contemplate building a bome hbave prefty definite ideas about what they want. Y.t, to expléin 'them in words is another matter. When thIey corne to us we don't waste words trying fo get their ideas. W. have a far more advanced way. W. faîte them inf a cheerful office, seat them kin comfort. able chairs, turn off. the lights and thon for hours projeci ont*o à screen, homes, complote with floor plans. "That's ihat we have in mind in architecture," says th husband. "Tha'. the way 1 liii. the upstuirs," comment. th. wifé. Ah ... now that is something Jefinite. A pictur. to your iking to star+ with. Ail this costs you NOTHINGI 1 ,f is the firsf stop of sev,- eral ,in. ourý unique., one-cost complete home building serice. Ifyou are going to build a homo drop in for an explanation of ail of ifs advanfages. Ask to s»e our "movie show.ý" You'Il not be embarrassed in any w&y. * ~pes PI.... me the *k. nsd siso "H<use of the Montti." This do.. not oblbgate me i oiy wBy. Address ........ .City .. .......