In order to increase the circulation of air in the bouse during the summer, and at the saine turne maintain privacy, doors with panels made of movable shutters may be used. These are par- ticularly appropriate for bedrooms, bathrooms, studios, librariés,% or other rooms in wbicb the occupant may pre- fer to retain. a feeling of privacy' and yet finds the, ventilation inadequate when the door is closed. FURST'MORTGAGE LOANS, On FaxeptiouaI Mt 4 %iàtort Mt 5%110 6% ites INC, 1 N. La Salle St, Chicago Central 0227 1571 Sh«mn~ Ave, Evanuon Unlveity 2600 Big Improvements Reports wcre received by tbe Fed- eral Housing Administration that the 1935 busine ss of American Builder and Building Age, national.building tra des publication showed -a 60 per céent improvement over 1934 accor- ing to, L., R. Putnamri vice president. ,Mr. Putnam recently.made a tour of the southern States, and said that he noted a rapid :increase in, repair and nèw building. He stated that he believed this sign of improvement wasý reflccted in the increased busi- Pess donc, by bis publication. BEWARE 0OF TEIRPITÉS Tbe prospective bomne b u i 1 d e r sbouild- thoroughly investigate tbe ter- mite situation and ,netbods of protec- tion. In. soute districts infested with these pests special types of construc- tion, must, be used, and the, home builder sbould sec tbat his bouse is '1ù11t of onie of the fnany termilte- proof types. M<CHICAGO and 4ÙOOK OOUNTY TAX WARRANTS iiuniclpal and ludustrla1 l f Euyawt, Vau Camsp FU k STOCKS AND BONDS 3 x M. La Salle St. Alluover 2424 C. C SNYDER, INC. 1743 Sherman Avenue GR* 7141 Anticipate Your -Home Furnlshimgs For Luter' Delivery Takue advantsge of our August Sale. Us. our budget plan n md njoy your home, compl.t.ty furnish.d. Have your furiture uphostered New Draperies New Curfains Perf.ct fitting slip covers New FVaB4Ê Vanofi1a,. Rhi1ds Tbe texture of wallpaper bas been receiving cohisiderable attention from, manufaturers in recent years. Deco- ration today is a matter of the bar- monious arrangement of forin, colorn and texture as these cbaracteristics are, found in furniture, walls and ýdrapes, carpets, and ýfixtures. There isr a -wallpaper texture, for every kind of interior, rainging froin the bard glossy finishes, through metallics, basket wieaves, cloth re- productions, fiat pastels, -to tbe old- fasbioned, "plasters" (designs. em- bosýsed in :one or more colors),. stili popular in many parts of the coun- try.ý As' a result of' the technical. progresswitbin tbe industry, it is nwpossible, to.finish a wallpaper in a surface texture ýdirectly related te. the "style'. of tbe art work.» M.etak iepape"a Métallic ýsurfaces witbout formai design are a direct expression of the mern trend. Titese ceuse in gll, silver, bronze, and aluminuin. At the farthest end of the scale wc find papers in pastel sbades and te the tc'ucb, seeming te be actually pastel in quality, except, of course, tbat the colors do not rub off. Delicate tbougb these papers are they come guaranteed colorfast and, in many cases, wasbable. Among the textile finishes we find. embossed papers wbich simulate monks clotb, basket weaves, and, of course, the old-fashioned plasters. Sotie of the finer bandntade papers simulate velvet and mohair s0 suc- cessfully that few outside the wall- paper industry cati conceive of how it is. done. Woodls are duplicated witb remarkable fidelity by several different processes. Soute of the papers available are real wood veneer oin a paper base, but the majority are reproductions. So-called "oatmeal". wallpapers are n longer made, though they once were popular. Instead, a higbgrade prxluct, available ini remarkably beautiful plain colors and known generally as . "velours" and "rougît,' on Loans Are L ifte d by FHA The re moval of two restrictions. froré rgulations governinig tbe mak-, ing of loans u*nder tbe modernization credit plan of the federal bousing ad-. ministration- will make the Plan avail- able to, a wider market, in the opinion ,of Percy WMilson, EHA regional di-* rector. Revised regulations and explanatory material.for guidance.of, private lend- inig institutions operating under tbe plan ,have just beenissued in booklet form, by the administration under the title "The' Amendecj Modernization Credit Plan," sûperseding ail previous- ly publisbed regulations. TWO Prancipie Changes The two outstanding changes, which apply both to lbans né to $2,000 and té those up to $50,000, are: 1. The e ndfîg Institûtiotts ate'entpoweréd to determine credit responslbility, of applicants free of former arbitrary restrictions whlch stated that the' bor- rower must own thie property to be' ImProved In fee simple, or mustat least have a legal Interest in it. This wIll affect in partîcular two classes of people who were previously- barred from taking out -todernization loans: those rentlng property under short- term leases, .and mortgagees who may, desire to improve mortgaged property in order to protect their investnîent, even though the mortgagor le up tp date in payuients. 2. The borrower is no longer requlred to have a gross annual income flve tUrnes greater titan the total annual pay- mtet on thie lnsUred obligation. Thus the lcucling institution May de- termine the property of the loan f rom a crédit standpoint on tbe basis of a simple statement by tbé borrolwer,, supplemented by whatever additionl information it May deem advisable to. secure in each individual case. Expect Expansion "The removal of these a.rbitrary re- ,strictions makes thé lendi ng institu-« tion a 'free agent' in making FHA in:- sured title 1 lbans," stated Mr. Wilson, "and is a logical move in view of the self -contained abilitv of those whgae FIT FP LOAN AI S 111, $ou rborn Street, 'ne Sae 4373. E. G. Pauing& Frawkliu77» Co. FtJRNACE tPAIRfNG *PIPE 'ATS 0 CLEANING AIR CONDITIONINGý les Hardware Co. Wilmtte. Aie. Wf.U