TQ John Higbee In Winnet.ka Ceremony Miss Mary W il1ié Riley,ý daughler of Mrs. Mary Major Riley of ,Evanston becarne- the bride of John ý Harold, Higbee, s on of Mr. and Mrs. J.. W. H. I-igbee, 400 Prairie.avenue, Vil-, Mette, :at. a charmning candie- light wedding, Saturday, August 117,' at 8:30ý o'clock at the home ofthe. bridegroom's brother and sister-in-law., Mr. and Mrs. Bal- lard. Higbee of 210 Fuller lane, Winnetka. , The Rev. Hubert Carleton of St. Augustine's- Episcopal -church of: Wilrnette. read the wedding ceremony. Miss RMey had but. one atendant, Mrs. Charles P. Houseman of High- land Park, ber cousin, and the bride- groom's brother Ballard, served as best man. The bride's white lace gown was made with a train, and instead of a veil she wore valley 'hiues in ber hair. She carried a Ibridai bouquet of valley Mies and small white roses. Mrs. Houseman) %vas gowned in sapphire blue velvet and carried yeliow roses. The ceremony was performed be- improvised altar. Tlu bronze eleven- 1branched candelabra completed the setting. Mr. Higbee and bis bride Ieft. Tuesday on a motor. honeymoon througb northern Wisconsin and on their return will be at home at 1514 Washington avenue, Wilmette. A number of friends and relatives entertained at prenuptial parties for the. young couple recently. Mrs. Hlousemnan was hostess at a hosiery, Event Is Planned at Sunset, Ridge The biggest Sun set Ridge Couintrv iclub event of the sea- son,' for both thenmen and voni- en of the club, is. thie iiil aind and, Vife trophy event to 1be' lave(l Sundav. Auguit 25. This with one-haif the e'nnlbiled handiîcap. A lovely trophy. awarded las% var * to Mr_ and M rs. WilIiain S. Ruxton Of Evanston. is given the winners 'of low net., to. be hleld by. theni for one year. Four other prizes are to bé giveil first, and second lom- net. ani first and second Iow gross. Alrnost the entire clul) mernbership enters thiN tournainent. The q'uaiifying round for- the wo- man's champion of the club, post- poned Tuesday because of tain, was to bc played the folloming day. Tuesý- day of next week will be guest day,, %vithî special prizes and events for the guests of club mnembers.- The regular bridge day is Frjday, with Nirs. Dickç Pavne of Winnetka, chairman of the bridge comnmittee, and Mrs. George Waitc of Evançton serving as hostess club ini the association -played thi-s event on the saine day on its own. course. Thie %wiiners ivere Miss \rir- ginia Ingrain of Winuîetka, Mrs. H. C., Botifig anid>Mrs. DeWitt O'Kieffe of Evanston,ý and Mrs. A. J. Luick of Chicago. MISs> Beth Mcllraiih (left) of Wilmiette aind Miss Prudence Johenson, daughter of the Horner H. Johnsons of Kcnilworth, wviIl represenit Coli- necticut college in the aninual college fashion show Monday. evening, August 26, at 8 o'clock in FieId's &'anston store. Other ,sortli shore girls Who weil take part are Miss, Helen Wigglesîwortk of KeniIworth, wlso will be a sopho- more at Wellesley, aund Miss N'aecyRron of Wimnetka, who is astudent at S'mith. F. W. Harveys Are. Scafiered in Travels ests plan to buy a farm i ean was Elizabeth 'Hester, SI .At present they are stgying uate of Washington univ r. West's. parents, Mr, and. Louis and is a member of yron West of ffl Greenleaf -sorority. She is retuni homne today. ýU ýAA. ILU11-*riavey and the girls corne home in r., of Chi- To M..tfoS.l September, guests at' the Harvey ýr marriagefo eig home will be Mn. and M-ns. H. C. is a grad- Members of Q uilmette Court, May of Gary and new daughter, ,sity in St. Catholic Daughters of America will Susan. Mrs. May is the former i Beta Phi meet for sewing on Tbursclay, August Geraldine Harvey,, and she and ber. g to, her 29, with the grand regent, Mirs. Laura- husband and' baby arriedî at at- McDeniels, 1319 Central avenue.. urday, M rS. avenue.