Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Aug 1935, p. 3

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nounce Announcement of 'additional schol- arships which have been awarded to1 boys who were-graduated from New1 Trier. High school in june was, made this week. The ýUniversity of Rochester has awarded. a scholarship to Edward Frank Mee of Wilmnette. Previonsly the Middle Western alumni of this university had given a scholarship to Tom Hildebrand of Kenilworth. Jack LeRoy Long of Winnetka has been granted a Harvard.Club .of Chi- cago, scholarship to, Harvard college, and Frederick A. Kahler, Jr,., son ;of the New Trier dean of boys, -has been given the John Harold Fox scholar- ship to Princeton. Previous announce- ment was, made of the awarding to, Charles A. Broad, Jr. of 'Wilmeétt,. the Princeton, Club of Ch icago's fresh- man scholarship to Princeton. Paul L.ockwood Wright of Winnet- ka is going 'to Yale university, where he bas been granted an alumni schol- arship. Richard' McLaren of Kenil- worth and James Christerson of Wil- mette previously were awarded schol- arships to the sanie eastern school. The awarding to. David M. Gooder, of Winnetka, one 'of this year's an- nual prize fellowships at Harvard col,, * lege for entering freshmen was an-- nounced in a recent issue of this newS magazine. Robert (Bnob) bwei, tormer'iy oi Kenilworth, who was at one tirne a Iife guard at the Kenilworth Beach and Club Vista del Lago,' and a councilor at, Duke Chiid's camp, *showed the resuits of his experience recently when, he rescueut an .11 year olut girl from drownin g Iin the river, i n back of his home in Miclland, Mich. The girl was swimming with lier 5 year old sister when both sud- <h'nlv went under. When they arose' A petition was presentedý by Hayden Hodges and Dr. Hazel Hodges ,961 ]Forest avenue, ini which they asked for the returfi of their dog, no'w impounded,» without penalty, on the ground tbat the animal was unlawfully seized. According to'the petition, the-Hodges' il -year-old daught er was taking the dog across the street, without leash or muzzle, when the -dog catcher, ap- proached. Hie instructed tbe littie girl to jet into his truck, in which there. was already, imprisoned a mongrel bulldog,- and coax-t he Hodges dog inside. This flot proving successful, the girlwas told to get inï the f ront -part of the. truck and coax the dog over the'seat.into the rear, which she did, thinking the dog catcher had police authority. It was contndedthat the safety of the child ývas put in jeopardy because of the stranie dog in the truck, and also in getting ou t of the-truck on the street side. John Riey, 730 Lake avenue, also appeared and charged that the dog catcher was spending much time in that neighborhood waiting for valuabie pets to appear f roin the homes. A letter from another citizen is said to have been extremely critical of the manner in which the necessary work of kweping the village free of stray dogs is being done. The board is giving the north shore -for 'the 1935-1936b term. New 71 rier Higli school 'andý the pub- lic grammar schools in all of the New Trier township villages -Wil- mette, Kenilworth, Winnetka and Glencoe-,%vill, open Monday morning, September .9. Supt. Matthew P. Gaffneyagain will head the teaching staff at the high school. Superinten- dents in all of the graninar scliools are the sanie as last year, except in G,,ni'<e ivhere .Paul J. 1Misner has Bernie Studio Frederick A. Kahler, Jr., 435 Hawvthorne laite, Wintiet ha, lias beeni aumarded, the John Harold Fox Çcholarship to Printcetoet universrity-. He uns graduated in JuÙne fromn New' Trier High school, whcre Ais faither, a Prièeloi graditdle, <à detmn Pl boy~s. A t New Trier Kahler raenked higrh in scholarship. He was a nmt- br-r of the honor society. For thrcee ycars he played on the school base- bail team, and he uns a inber of the football teani in his junior year. Will A sk State to Repave,, But chairman, presented a resolution, which was adopted, instructing Village Man- ager Bo'yne H. Platt to prepare plans for the iniproving. of Wiltnette avenue from Lake to Forest avenue, and Tenth street f rom Forest avenue to Chestnut avenue. When prepared the plans will be submitted to the state highway de- partment for 'approval, -the cost to be paid f rom the Village>gasoline tax fund. Mrs. T. E. Lannen, 1021 Greenleaf avenue, Wilrnette, received word last Friday that Miss Jessie M. Sentney, member of the New Trier Highi school' faculty, had met with a serious accident 'in which she sustained a fracture of the right hip.' The mishap occurred on the. shore of the Dead Sea, near Jerusalem,, Palestine, On july 18. Miss Sentney. was assistant con- ductor of a Party of women on.a tour through Egypt, Turkey, Syria and the Holy Land. A stop had been made for a Ieisurely view of the sea.. In aligbting from the . utomiobile in. which ghe. was, riding, she stepped, on a pebble on the running board of the. car and'was thrown, causing the fracture. ý She was immediately re-. moved to the- Germnnhospitatl in Jeruisalem, where it, was, said she would be compelled: to remain for at least six weeks. The party continued ôn the tour. Later advises are that Miss Sentney is making satisfactory progresa to- ward recovery, but smre tirne must elapse before ghe will be able to re- turn to America. In the meantin1e she is receiving the syrnpathetic min- istrations of American officiaIs and practically ail members of the Ameni- can colony in and near jerusalem. ,,iss Sepntnev haut expected to be *Afltcri. .....i ... r - - ary Schools. Golf Pro in Too Big a Hurry; Facce Court W. Foland, golf profesàional at Sun- set Country club, was arirested Tues- day night on a charge of reckless' driving. He was going south on Main street and 'ignored the stop sign at PERMIT 15 .DENIED> An application for a permit to erect an electric sign at thé Homer Ice Creani company store at 1237 Main street, was turned down by the Village board at its Tuesday night meeting. The request had been referred to the, commatÏtee on.streets and alleys, whicl recommended the refusai. younger people are liK1or RP Me tennis racqtuets and st-ay golf clubs to help enliven the vacation time. Have you one to spare?-Mrs. A. L. Grinneli, chairmnan. Note. Economny Shop la conducteil by' -the- Woman's Club of WIimette. s the exchange was refused, indicating igO ne aK *a change ini policy, and the car owner amotion that, the practice be con- Miss Ruth Matlack of Richmond, tinued, but that'no refunds shaîl be Ind., will be the guest until after mad incass her otertowns, Labor day of lier aunt,: Mrs. Freder- ýj rfs to exchange plates.. ick W. Taylor, 215 Fifth Street.

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