naly. Winnetka buds ot thie fail and vvinter season, having se- lected a day and announced thtc place for their corning-out l)ar- ties, arc now comnmencing to prepare lists-of f riel ds to .re- ceive %iith thern on the momiel- tous occasion. Miss Roth Tildeti is anong the first to reacb ý a decision concerning .at least p art of lier list of. assistants. The group is ntot omplete but she is cer- tain~ she wvll hiave three other debu- tantes-'Miss Frances Price, daughter * of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin. Pl.. Price of W,\'iinnetka; Miss Rosemary Kemper. daugbiter of Mr. and Mrs. james S. * Kemper of Winnetka, and Miss Dor- elle M1oulton, daughter'ý of. Mr. and MIrs. William 1Moulton of Keniilworth. She will also bave Miss.Mary War- lier of Winnetka, and Miss Aune McCall of Greenwich, Conn. The M.cCalls moved te Greenwich f rom Winnetka but are in their house. at 151 Meadlow lane for the summner and will remain here ýuntil some time' in September or Octoberi. Miss Tilden makes ber bow at a tea Suniday, September 15, from 4 until 7 o'clock at the home of ber. parents', NIr. -and Mrs. Avenul Tilden,73 Ardsley road. M iss Mary jean Bartelme, whose naine was placed on the debutante list early in the 'summer, bas set Wednesday, Septeniber 11, as her coming-out date. She will be pre- sexited 'at a tea at the home of . ber aunt, Mrs. Dorothy Bartelme, 1293 Westnioor road. The tea will be given by ber aunt and ber grand- r mother, Mrs. F. E. Bartelme. Mary Jean bas been abroad this summer,* studying and traveling, and is return-1 ing August28. She bad expected to defer saiting until a lIittie later, but blas- been unable to secure passage tlhen and -se is coming earlier. 'WVben shie arrives she. will decide upon lier assistants and will also set dates for 13artis whicb are te be given for ber Mrs. George Altorfer, 1000. Sheridon road, Glencoe, formerly of Evanston, opencd hcr neu, home to one, hiuntdi-td thirty members andi friends of the' Protestant R4 omen's. Serviîce club on August 6.. Bridge' w~as pl<ytd follouped by a ienu4sicalc. The' procerds of the afair, a-bene- fit, u4iIl go to the' care of dejeiid- ent childrcm. Mrs. George JfVtr of Ez'anston za.s the assisting At House Party Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Kraft and Mr. and Mrs. Normani Kraft of Wilmette, and Mr. and M.%rs. Fred Kraft of Kenilworth were week-end guests at a house parWy of the J. L. Krafts of Chicago at their summer home Kraft-t woÔd, Elcho, Wis., who entertained, besides the Krafts, ail the executives and their wives of the Kraft Cheese and this summer, until just récently, bas been in Santa Fe, N. M., in the company of Dr. and Mrs. H. Mera of tbat city on an ýarcheological expedi- tion. Her sister, Patricia, graduated f rom Westover in Connecticut this J une, and ini the fail wiii enter Sarab cupieci with fashion show arrange- ments at present, are Mrs. John P. Hooker, the president, Mrs. Edlwin B. Hall, chairman of the show coin- mittee, and' Mrs. Warren Shoemaker,, the publicity chairman. Two.weeks ago the.commitittee beld a picnic luncheon meeting at the Little Hou se in the Woods,,.thé camp owned by the, settiement, and: there decided varioug details.- As in the past, many of the season's debUtantes will model. Another, attraction will be the luncheon whicb will take place. at Indian Hill club-. The organizing of commiittees. the rnaking of posters and. the listing of exhibitors are other itemns of business for.immediate conisideration, and Mrs. Shoemakerreports things> are coming along se smootbly, that members -ai- ready predict as great. if not a greater success this year,, tlian during.- the eight previous years when the benefit bia, been undertak'en. A Residence of Diaiuctioue for women attendimg #kg UNIVER SITY 0F WISCONSIN owthat the sumnier vacation time. is nearing an end, Bethsaida White Shrine of jerusaiem number .43 vil resurne meetings August 22, at the Evanston Masonic tele. Porch Party Miss, Ida Nourse, 1137 Greenwood avenue, was hostess Tuesday at a porcb party in honor of Mrs. Leslie Pernyý, formerly, of Wiimette, who is visitinig f riends ýhere. Dr. and Mns. David R. Garber and their daugbtens, Mary Jane and Rhoda 1Ann of Peru, Ind., are guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Pancoast, 1011 Thir- teentb street. Mrs. Garber is a niece of pet uÇIjrcen c£ýPo( 0 Tim epreporotions and te. Min,. utes a day mmd you, tee, cashave the 7Arden Look". Ardea asnsino Crea.f for thoapuah cleontlin.. Ardona Skin Toic for 1Iiyely tapine ..YVelva Creom -( or Oronge Ski. Ceam for thn faces or eider muas) she is going west sbortly to enter the University of California, and al- tbougb tbe terni begins very early1 tbere will be ample vacation during the bolidays to enable ber toý corne borne for debut festivities. M4arjorie spent two, yeans at Sarah Lawrence : now for complete descriptive lteratur..^"l- expense tour $33.75. Writ. Everett Valentino. Anderson H.îi. Ephraim, 1Wisconsin, or caii Chicago office 180 N. Michigan Ave.. Ftankiin 1281. Lymn. Fharuacy MW0 Un"d Ai. Wihmtt. 4" Renudcki~r Drug CA» 1138 Central Ave. WiI.aett. -3