Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Aug 1935, p. 4

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anaL soiu' tt E u Aýavae =- - - - - - teenth street. Ini police court Dun- cani was fined $25 on a disorderly charge, of which he paid $10, the balance being suspended during good bebavior. He also returned the money whicb the Kasper boy had paid' hum for. the wheel. Mr. and :Mrs. Fr ed t Irwin of Melbourne, FIa., formner residents of Wilmette, are spen ding the imontb of Augstwih their daugbter, Mrs. io- seph &. Converse, 1610 Highland, ave- nue, Mrs. Converse Will also have as bier guest this montb ber niece, Miss M ildred Stewart, of Melbourne, Fia. TABLE GEE FOR. THAT TIRED,. ACHINC FEELINGI -the et suramer tonic obtainable. Aids digestieland natursl ellmintion. Bulds Inetnlhemth. 0 B1OULEVARD'DRUG STORE or flot theré is ani accident. This, it mvature Io is emphasized, should be carefully August noted by motorists. Strong, e: The action of the Village board i powerful passing the traffic ordinance was iun- suite pelled. by areluctance toseec ctiienls Augustll guilty of offly trivial infractions ofAnvel the regulations. put to the, expensetuefrt and inconvenience of .pro'vidinig bond, and of appearing ini a downt'vnI August: court for a'trial of the cause. ON VACATION: Village. Manager F. L. Stree4 of Kenilwortb began bis annual vacation of two weeks on: Monday. Mr. -and Mrs., Albert Scarratt andi their daugbters, Jeanne and Shirley, of 521 Kenilworth avýenue,. Kenil- worth, left Wednesday for a ten-day motor tn-p tô FOrt Wayne, Detroit, *~~ Eèet dCentral Phoie Wimette 4z9a 0. Montreal, andi iue Dec. 1111 j' SPECLAL THIS WJEZK ButersctchlIce Creoni Sf Quart 45c o HOME MADE ICE CREAM WE DELI VER Méde" 1237 Main St. i- Winnetka Wilmette THE SWEET SHOP Phonie Wilmette 477 749 Elm Phone Winn. 1115 Summer CIlesn-.Up- Hundreds of- suinmme r items have. been eut. to seli this week-below we list a few:,typical values.., ALL JANTZEN SWIM S.uI Misses'-Women's Prie( adult audi Romnantic Hepburnc ssic. Splendid for A andi y. 1LX u" . c"'7 #1- ir C. Principal borticulturist (bulb and 1142-13-"TbC Informer." floricultural investigations), $5,600 a ,cpertly acted film, For A, year, Bureau of Plant industry, De- draina; Y. mature; C, not partuiett of Agriculture. Ail states except Soutlh Dakota, 141-"obin Thomas." IoWa, Vermont, Virgiflia adI Mary- a mmusing'-Will Roger .s pic.- land,' and the District of* Columnbia,. lie family. -have received less than ýtheir quota of appointuits in the apportioned Teatro Del L4go1 departinental, service at Washingtonl, 8-"The Scouindrel." Noel D. C n a picture for sophisticated Fl nomto a cotie iences.froin M. E. Von Glahn, secretary of 9-0"3ekof. Hearts." ther U. S. Civil, Service board o .f draina wbich will please exarniners, at> the> Wilmette post of - fans. A, entertaiig .fice. .August il -12-13-"The Glass Key." Brutal gangster story witb a political jbackground. A,'fair; Y and C, no. Alcyo Theater Augut 8"The Scoundrel".Se above rating. August 9-10-"Thie Arizoniant". A Western dealing witb pioneer Arizona1 settlement. A and Y, excellent;, C, thrilling. August 11-12-13---"Let 'Em Have 't.' The Departinent of Justice gets its mien. For A and Y, ecijting; Cno. *August 14-15-"Black, Sheep." Var- ied group of individuals aboard an ocean liner. A, sophisticated., --Verna M. Sackett, publicity chàir- man, North Shore Better Filmns Coun- cil. MOTHER DIES Miss Editb Ray Young of Wilmiette1 has returfied froin Vincennes, Ind., where she was called by the death of ber mother, Mrs. Ella Young, on july 19. Mrs. Young was buried in \Tiicnieson Monday, july 22. Mrs. Stella- Tucker; formierly of- Wilmette, and.ber sister, Mrs. Sidney Colbyof Ytima, -Ariz., were guests this week of Mrs. Tucker's son,-AI- bert :B. Tucker, and éfamily of 1717. *HiMhand. avenue. They are now' in ,Madison v i-sit i ng Mrs. Tucker's daughter's famity, the Ren L. Blod- I çtts, and will return to Perry, Micb.. N. S. Boy Wins 2nd Place in Song Prelimiflaries Arthur Katzel, 19, of 1334 Wilniette avenue, Wilmette, won second place among the tenors, in the prelinunary. singink contest for the. Chicago. Tribune's Chicagoland M usic Festival Wednesday night, July 31, at the Eslgewater Beach hotel. He' sang "AIl Hait! Thou Dwelling Pure and Lowly,' by Gounod. _Katzel is a grad- uate of New Trier Higli scool where be sangý in, the Boys' Octet and the school operettas. He is ,now. studying voice and dramnatic art. at the Cos - 1 fiopolitan Scbool of Music, and dur- ing ýsummer vacation .is drivinig a truck for his father's grocery. The Tribune Mu'sic fceival will be heli Saturday night, August 17, at Soldier Field stadiuin. MEETING FRIDAY A meeting of the Towtisend Re- covery Plan will be beld Friday nighit at 8 o'clock in the Village Hall of Wilmette. Gordon Wells, 1508 Forest avenue, .Wlette, a caddie at indiant HillI Golf club wonthe championsbip. flight. in table tennis on August 1. Roland (Bud) Klinge, 833 Sixteenth street, 1Wilmette, was runner 'up. The table tenrnis cestest was held by the caddies of the club. Roger Lynch of Wil- I mette. also an Indian Hill caddie, 1/Pric. WOR' Nre Inspection and IRegulation D. PAGLIARULO 1100 WOmette Avenusi j Wiînie+te 4576 BEAUTY SALON !3 § 4 Si P A N 1 s Fi 1

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