boans. :eeus eacin $2,000 to $20,000 McGULRE & ORR, mce. Over 40 Years etftiependable Service. 530 Davis St., Evaiiston Gre. 1080 127A-LTrNl4-lte MONEY FOR LOANS NOW AVAILABLE! LANS ON NORTH SHORE HOMES p t 60% et value. MonthlY repay- met.Pay ut in & te 15 years. Get detals trem First, F ederal Saving & Le0an Association et Wllmette, 1137 Cen-. tral avenue. Mr. Clifton, Secetary Wilmetfb 863. 127A,-TN47-ttc FIVE. PER.CENT MONEY kVAILABLE FOR GOOD 50% LOANS. on modem esidences andý good busi- nés proPerties. Quick service, moderate commission. W. R. MITCHEL 100.N. La-Salle St. Central 1661 1 27.A-LTNI 3-2tp MORTGAGE WANTED HTAVE $2,000 TO $2,5001rO LOAN ON private hom~e. WriteÂ-- 4--CX40, Wilmette, mlinois. 127A-LTN14-Ite FOR SALE -HOUOEHOI-D GOODS WALNUT BED, SPRING ýAND MAT- tress-, $25. Ice box, excellent cond., $6. New check, wrlter, $7. 3 section hand-decorated scireen, .m&niy uses,.$.5. Instantaneoiu5 water. heater, $3. Ph. Wlilm-ette 1084. 129LTN14-ltr WESTINGHOUSE AUTOMLATIC ELEC- tric sto%,e used very little and in ex- cllent, condition. Only $100. ORIENTAL .RUG 9x13. ACTUAL PRES- meanings respectively- ascribed to ther in. this section. (a) Vehicle. Every device in, ujpon or* by which any person or property Is or may be transported or drawn upon a highway, except devices moved by human, power or 'used. exclusiveèly. upon station- ary rails or. tracks. (b> Motor Vehieles. Every vehicle FOR SALE-HOUUEMOLD GOODU HIHGRADE ORA NOKA, DINING set, table, 6 chairs and buffet. *Fire- place equipment,. beds, dressers, etc. Winnetka 2141, 158 Woodland : Ave., Winn 1etka. l129LTN14-ltp HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE-LIVING ROOM. DINING ROOM, KITCHEN. 556 CHESTNUT ST.' WINNETKA .107 ý129Ll4-lip WTD. TO BUY-HSEHOLD. GOODS3 -CASH FOR YOUIR USED FURNI- ture, modemn or antique, and, other household articles. WVill also accept your furniture on con- signment basis. CROST FURNITRE STORE Established. 1898 1004-4 Emerson Sta, Ivanston Uni. 0189 130LTN43-tfec FOR SALE-M ISCELLANEOUS Recolnditioned Bicycles like new--reasonabi-.. .Glencoe Bicycle Shop 708 Vernon Ave. ('Ilencoe 57, 1311LT14-ltp. MORE W44NT A1DS ON PA GE 44 axuce. (>Business district. Thé, loseiy bugt'u business portion of the Village. Ch) esdenceDistrict. The closely buituprsdence. portion et Uic Village. (i> Suburban District. That portion et the Village other than the cloeely built-up business and iresidence districts. SECTION 2: Classes oet Vehicles.,. Por .the purpose eftbtils Ordinance motor vo- hicles as a class shaîl be divided into two (2) divisions, viz: first, those vehicles which are designed and used tor the carrying etfl ot -more than seven (7) per- sons;- second, those vehicles which are: deslgned. and used tor pulling or càrryIngý freight, and aise those vehicies or motor cars whlch are designed and used fer the carrying et more than sevén (7) p:ersons. SECTION 3:-, Driving while intoxi- cated or under the Influence et narcotie drugs. Ne persen %whe le an habituai, useret narcotic drugs or whe is under the Influence et intoXicating liquer or -narcotic drugs shali drive any vehicle Within the cerperate limits et the Village. SFCTION 4:. Reçkless driving. Any person who drives any vehtcle in the cor- porate limits et the Village with a wlll- fui or wanton disregard tor the satety et persons or preperty shall be and Is guilty et reckless drivlng. SECTION 5,: Speed restrictions. (a) No person shall drive a vehicle et the firat division as described In Sectio-n 2,o et ts Ordiflance upon afly public highway in the Village at a speed grea ter than Is reasonable and proper having re- gard te the traffic and the use et the w ay, or so as te endanger the life or 11mb, or Injure the property et any person. Irf the rate of speed of anv motor vehicle] suco bj the Ilinoiîs Commerce uemmîs- sien shali be .subJect te such regUlat!èii, as te speed as may be made by the salît commission provided that said commis- si on: shal bave ýne*. power teD make a ny regulations which'shail p)ermit.any of such vehicles te operate withIn the limlits et the Village at. a greater rate of speed than moter. vehicles are permitted te operate, under similar conditions, under the provisions eft tMs Section; and pro- vided, turther, that such operation sha1 aiways be reasonable and safe, havig regard te the trafic and use et the way, and previded, -turther, that -n.)quch metor vehicie shail, if equipped, wlth solid rubber tires, eperate en anry public highway ln the Village at a speed greater than ten (10) miles per heur. S(c> The tact that the speed et a ve-, hicle, le lower than the foregoing prima tacle limite shall net relieve the driver trom the, duty te decrease speed when approaching and crossing an Intersection,. when- approaching and going t round a curve, when- approaching a. hili cresti when traveling upor. nIiyixarrow ir wind- Ing roadway, or when spe.ciftl hazards extist with respect t eesetr4ans or other trafice or by reason et weathérm or highi- way conditions, and speed shahl be de- creased as may be flecessary u3 avoid colliding with any person or vehicle, on or entering the highway in compliane with legal requirements and the duty of ail persons te use due care. (d) In every charge of violation et this section the complaint, aise the sum- mens 'or notice te appear, shall specity the speed at which the defendant Is aileged te have drivqep, also the prima, tacie speed applicable within the district or at the location. 1291,TN1 4-I tp ýPRACTICA-ýLIY NÉEW 54- THOR Mangle, large ilild floor waxer, late moidel portable electrie Singer sewing machine. Shown by appt. oniy. Owner. Delaware 3874. 129LTN14-ltC LARGE THOR..WASHER AND IROY1R, A-i CONDITION. WILL sacrifice tor cash. Ph. Grýeenleat 4646., 129LTN1 4-1 ti) MUST DISP>OSE OF IMMEDIATEi.Y Beautiful furnishingg from fine WVil- mette home. Shown by appolntmenl1 oniy, by Ownem. Dlaware 3874, 0jJWLLIMS~ WATER HEATER PAYS UTS WAY sae ase h'rcugh the .resid2ie dàism exiiaust .wnistle. Tnis provision snau trict et the "Village exceeds the rate of not relieve the driver et an authorised twenty-five (25) miles an hour, ôr if the emergeflcy vehicle trom the duty te drive rate et speed et afly such vehicle eperat- with due regard for the safety cf.f ail ed upon any public highway in the Vill- persons using the street, nom shail it age in a suburban district exceeds thirty- protect the driver et any such wvhicle, live (35) miles an heur, such rate" et trom the consequence et a reckles's dis- speed shaîl be prima facie evidence that regard et the satety et ethers. the persen operatlng such metor veicele SECTION 7: :Police Officers te Enforce las runninig at a rate et speed greater Ordinance. It shaîl be the duty ef the than ls reasonable and propèr having police te patrel tie public highways an.d regard te Uic tramie and use et the waty,. to, make arrests for violations ot the pro. - --- -- -+- *' - . I1 rv...~isiaos nf êhis Oflhvi ,* OIL ~N 4-1 te - -M go FPOR SALE - Y-SPINET. desk, antique white c~Tle, table lamp. and etc. Phone 'Wtlmette 58 s1M7 ain Street, attem 6 P. M.129LTN4-ltp Po. Woe'sScit, 3pts Cird.WILMFM E32 u wVEsITy 7317 1 i eq...j' 7(40) mil d and ust< a greswelbt ot ef Wimette. e thousand (1Zý000) Attest: .more than fitteen NliCHOLAS P. MILLIER, pounds, 1ncluding the Village Clerk. hicie and piaximukvm Publlshed in Wilmnette Lite, August with.. pneumatic tires,. 8th, 1935. er heur; vebiieles de- NICHOLAS P. MILLIER,, rptiling and ( VIP Village Clùrk.