day and Sxturdaý .&'ecs Miserables" Fýor miovie fans who like Katharine Hlepburn -the Teatro del Lago is the place to go this- Friday and Satur- day. Miss Hiepburn Will be appear- ing there.'ii "Break of Hearts," an RKO production. Intelligent portray- ais Ibv Miss Hiepburn and byCharies Boyerý and john Beal,, together witb symnlibiic music and beautiful photog-. ràphy. give this highi -y sophisticated draina reai entertainment value. Com- edv relief and clever dialogue are used with effect in, this romance pf the wo- mian composer' and ber pbiiandering' conduictor husband. Politicai intrigues, gangster methods Of controiiing politics and a murder mystery are realisticaiiy presented in the Paramounit picture, "The Glass Kev,," whicb ýis to be the Teatro del! Lago attraction on Sunday, Monidavy and Tuesday, Aug. 11, 12 and,13, George Raft, Edward Ar-nold, Claire I odd and Iimnma Dunn take the lead- ing roies. Edward Arnold as the inayor ani George Raft as bis assist- ant give conivinicing ýcharacterizations.1 T1he filmi was directed by Fr;ank'; Ter..4î Katharine Hepbierit,so wiI llre- Üu'mbered for her fine. perf ormnance in "Little Wojiinè," gi'es asi equal3' brilliant port ra val in the picture, "Break of Hearts," the Teatro del; Laiyo attraction for th is ýFridav% and Edmund Lowe in Top Form HG-PE AEA 1-dntid oiv isintopfori s a Tie cameras used to photograpb ,ildmuno Id c e sapin tpirm a aFred Astaire dancing are of the same -Theor adsap ntepcu biglb-speed type used to catch "shots" TeBlack Sbeep," coming to tbie Teatro next WVednesday and Tbursday.,o uooiercs ,o%%e fintis bis own son, Tom Brown, caugbit in the foils of a beautiful lacdy is to be presented at the Wilmette on thief, Ardeinne Aines. He forins a Sunday, MaInday and Tuesday, Aug. l)artn;ership with Claire Trevot-, saving1ý 11, 12 -and 13. The action Itaiçes place 'roibut iosing bis hicart to Claire., in Dublin during the troubled days of The film is cleveriy. concocted and j the Irish rebellion and deals with the smartly produced-a riic~e comnebacký outstanding character portrayal of the triiumplh for the veteran director, AIlan'nian wbo turned informer and his 1) %a i. ignominlous death. Victor McLaglen, "Tie Scounidrel", is thecurrent film Heather Angel, Preston Foster and at the Teatro. Today (Tbursday) is Margot Grahame have the leading the iast (lay of its run at this thbeater. roles, The picture bas, an exception- Noel Coward, famous young English- a.lly *fine musical background. and- mian vbo bas written so many success-, the dramnatic sense of the director, fi drainas, makes bis American filmi Johni Ford, is nothing short of un- (lebut ini this picture. canny. "Les MiserabIes" at WilmetteMO WIRoeaHur auutea, wiLII iiiaLtroCu t singïng care- free "gypsies," provides the entertain- ment in connection with Keller's de- iightfui music. Coming into tbe Walnut'roomearly in spring for bis second engamnement, Keller -was welcomedroyally by friends gainied. through bis, first, ap- pearance ini the Walnut roomn a year ago. He quickly established himself' in the, forefront ranks: of the town's music makers and entertainers - not. oniy, tbrougb bis superbý artistry witb the -violin but in combination witb the danceabte arrangements piayed by hbis- musicians. When changes on the amusement front were being made more rapid ly than the -eye could upte or the. nlind record, Roy Steffen, managing di-ý rector of tbe Eitel-operated bhostelry, reaêwed Keller's centraet Iast june to continue for the duration of the summer. Sbortiy after this 25-year oid maestro assumed mus ical direction of the "Gioom Dodgers " radio pro- gram sponsored by the Dodge dealers of Chicago every Sunday morning over Columia's WBBM. Nigbtly in the Wainut roomn Keller piays for guests' dancing, provides the show music for the three Nelidoif presentations and broadcasts over NBC facilities both local andi chain programs. GARBO PLAYS CROQUET In ber new picture, "Anna Karen- ina," Greta Garbo plays at croquet and coquetry. Her Ieacing man in tbe film is Fredric March. Frecidie Bartholomew has the role of her son. RETU RNS, TO SCREEN .Miidred. Harris,,first wife of Charlie Chaplin, returns to the screen in "Black Sheep." Thur sday, August 8 Noel Coward Friday and Saturday, August 9-10 Katharine Heipburn & Charles Boyer Sportllght-Color Cartoon-Ad- ventures of a Cameraman-News Sunday, -Monday and, Tuesday August 11-1l2-13 Another Hit by Dashieli .Hammett Author of "The Thin Man" George Raft, Edward Arnold and Claire Dodd Grantland Rice, Sportlight Travelogue," Terrytoon, News Wednesday & Thursday, Aug. 14-15 ,"The Dek Uheepl" Edmuund Lowe and Claire Trevor Musical, Novelty, Color Cartoon News Friday and Saturday, Àug. 16-17" "The Aw&Izoniau", Richard Dix at 1:30 Doors 6:8.0P. Bat. D ThurE kDaya at at 7 P.iu. et 12:30 lat 1 rIOMES Lnd- Saturday Wili Rogers Shorty the Chimp, Adventures of a Cameraman, Silly Symphony, News I Wihnette i. Evani IIAl