Mrs. Henry Drucker, with jane and "Margaret, 1125,., Mohawk- road, ère- turned Wednesday from Dowagiac, Mich., where tbey visited Mms Druck- er'ï parents,, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene. Larzelert. D)r. and Mrs. Lowell D. Snorf, Vir- ginia, and LIôwëI1, Jr., 717 Elmiwood avenue, r eturned Monday, motoring. home from a ten-day stay at Pikce Lake Lodge, Fifield, Wis. !*.?.i Thosé pestst Ob Don't be bothcred witb. sumnmer peste. IThere isa, way of gtting rd of them. Tellitis what tbey Arce. nd we'li tell you the best method. BOULEVARD DRUSG STORE 16 Elenth and Cemvdral PiqWiIettc 41,98 at the Evans' suamuer home on Cl- umbian Lake, near Waupaca, Wis. -o- Mrs. Frank Allen, John, Bob, and Laura. Virginia, 1100 Ramona- road, returned Wednesday of last week after a month and a' half's visit at Douglas, Mich. Mr. Allen spent week-endswitb them. -Bill Harridge, 1440 Forest ave .nue, left Saturday, July 27, to attend Koocb- i-Cbing camp until the close of the season. He leaves September 18, to resume bis studies at Culver Military academy.ý Miss Eleanor and, Miss Pam Ricks of 126 Forest avenue, Miss Helen Packard ot-.-20 FErest avenue, and Miss jane, Lampreyý, 730 Washington ave nue, hAve> taken a. cottage for two weeks, at- Grand Junction, Micb. VFU1uFLIUKI~WMiss Katbryn Benson, 210 Melrose &b 61 ave nue, Kenilworth, left Tuesday, DAVBNPORT ........ tP407 july 30, for a three weeks' visit with ~1Q Miss Peggy Nolly of Richmond, -Va., CHAIR ............. $12 at ber parents' summer home at Vir- Larie Sehoction of Moterial. ginia Beach. Phone. us sud w, will «Ili withNomR.Wla. DAVIS FURNITURE tteFNorth_ 1reAgen CRAFTSMEN Have me tel yen how tlijs continnous policy 'Plu You are sure to like this refreshing combination of45 Chocolofe Lime Ice ad Vunillo ... ...4. Regular 60ç value (QUART) PE'ACOCK*S.. perzuu wallne asu.o lo'. :iU' ul - . 1 Dr. Harris Franklin Rall of Garrett Bib- lical Institute; Auguat 26, Dr., Horace Greeley Smith, president of Garrett, and former: pastor of this church ; September 1, Dr. H. W., Hodgens, of Illinois Wes- leyran university. This unusually, fine set-up of suipply preachers merits a splen- did hearing. The music for the August 11l worship service wll be as follows: Organ Prélude: "Marche Religieuse". . . .. .. . . .. .. . 1.. .. .Guilm ant "'Sonatîna".............JBach Offertory Solo: , Consider- and Hear Me" .... ................. Wooler Morris E. White Organ Postlu de: "Do ris Toccata" Bach Small cbildren are cared for durng the worship service tbroughout the sum- mner as usijal. The church school bas, discontinued its sessions until September 8. T1he Mien's ciass, however, meets eacb Suniday nlorn- ing at 9:45 *Anyone isiahng te jplace garden fboers for the. pulpit on any Sunday morning is asked to phone . Mrs. S. E. Leeman, Wil- mette 2434. St. John's Lutheran Wîlmnette and Park avenues J. H. Gockel, pastor SERVICES 9 a.m.-First services, with Holy Com-, munion. 9:30 a.m.-Sunday school and Bible classes. 11 a.m.-Second service. bears ln the individuatl 'Cflistian'i3 neart, making bis faith what the apostieeàclls "th~e evidence of things not seen." The sermon tèxt la taken fromn one of the most precious chapters of the Bible- Romans 8, spécial emphasis being laid on verses 12 to 17. The Martha Guild wiil have ani outing *tht s afternoon, in Wasbington Park froni 2to 4 o'clock, and at tbe Wilmette beacb after 4 o'clock. 1Ev.ry 'Ihuîrsday , v pninng hnrseshoe f.,. A Cnurch sen .......................e.11. Second service ...............il1 a.m. The music at the services next Sunda.y will be as follows: Choral Preliide-Oh Thou, of God the Father ..... ....... ........... Bach Quartette,--The Lord i. My Llight ._.Hiles Solo-Fear Not Ye, 0 Israel ...Buck Mrs. J. H. Hopp Postlude-Praeludium and Fugue làG ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . B c During the Church pchool hour next Sunday morning the pictures on the Old Testament Bible atonles will, cover #-The Risc of the Kingdoni" and ý'Saul' and David." We Invite ail to view thesè pic- tures with. us. Clarence Lineberger, Church school superintendent. will give thc lecture., Henry, Kahlenberg of the 'Chicago, Lu- tfheran Theological Seminary will deliver the mesage at the services of worship next Sunday morning. The: Wiian's society will hold its Au- guat work meeting at the home of Ifrs. G. A. ýFrimand, 709. Illinois road, Wil- mette, Thursday aftetnoon, August 15.. at 2 o'clock. First Presbyterian Ninih street 'at Greenleaf avernue James T. Venekiasen, minister Our worship service is beld at i o'cloek. The minister wiIl preach on the theme, "Jý,sus and A Doubting Friend," the story of a man who doubted the word of others of bis friends, but became convlnccd of the truth at the. word of Jesus. Wè cordiallyç invite you to worship with us, The Sunday school will m'eet at 10 o'clock. The Adult Bible ciass will hold its lw-t session before the stlmmer; vaca~tionl., TPhe thenié for studY wiil be, "Paul's Philosophy of History."- The, class wlfl resume late ln Septernber. The gu'est preachers during the ab- sence of the pastor on bis vacation will be as follows: August 18-Rev. James E; Detweiler, D.D., ofChicago; August 26-Rev. Alva V. King, D.D., of Hast- Ings, Nebraska ; September 1-Rev. Earl C. Morgan, ofDecatur, 111. The, music for the morning' worship. servic~e will be as follows: prelude, "To A Wild Rose," MacDowell ; solo, "'Corne Yc Blessed," Scott, John B. Miller, solo- lat; Postlude, "Allegro (-lubilante," Federlein. Miss Erma Rounds Is di- rector. The bible mil .Works of, Mary Baker Eddy, and -al other authorized Christia Scime Literature may bc read, borrowed or purchascd at the Reading Rooma. TUS PULIC M8 CORDIALLY INVITEb TO ATTEND TUE CHURCH SERVICK AND YUl? Tas READING 5005 Nt. A1 ugustmnes George W. 'Stewart of 2403 Ir.oquois Br. Herbert Carleton, Rector. road. -o- Sunday, Algust il, will be the cighth Mrs. Leslie H. Hanawalt, 1344 Ash- Sunday after Trnity. There will be Hol adaeuwl eunStra o Communion at 8 a. mi., morning prayer adaeuwl rtr atra rr with sermon at il a. nm.-Dr. H-ubert an eleven weeks' visit with ber sister Carleton,, the:rector, wiIl officiate.. in Pýasadena.. lý 11,lZ.-Z