Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Aug 1935, p. 6

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h and and arm n s#Hand and arm" signais must bè. givec during flot less than the last 100 feet traveled before turning, tbe new law stipulates' and no person .may stop or sudcdenly decrease speed without first giving the proper signal. Mechanical -devices. are permitted for gîving -the signal,. but these signais must be plainly visible, bot h to the front and rear, in the day t inie and for 100 feet: at night.ý SMmm p.d Reguhation Another interesting section is, the minimum- speed law,. providing. that a vehicle shahl not' be. driven 5.o slowly as to impe de, a reasonable use of the pavement. . a test of the new code justice of thePeace Albert Sengstock of Des, Plaines held Otto A. Peterson of Chi- cago to the grand -jury. Peèterson was charged with pas sing a, stop, sign. He was placed under $1,000 personal rec- ogniiance bond. The intention is said *Quick. Sure Results -ire what you get when you use Table Gesti onaeintra e mintat in. dges-a onenntra e mitatide BOULEVARD DRUG STORE *Eioyenth and Centrelt Phone Wilmette 4298 Pedestriani Pedestrians starting to cross street against red traffic signal must yieid right-of-way to ail vehicles, and must flot enter roadway unless ho carr do so safeiy and without intertAring with vehicular traffic. V'ieiles must yield right-of-àway to pedestrians ,Iawf.ully ln Intersection when 4sial changes to red. Pèdestraâns mnust obey trafic signais. Pedestrians crossing roadway 'where thee lus no traffic signal ln operation have right-of- way over vebiclus3. However, drivers of vehieles are definiteiy charged with1 re- sponsibility to use ail caution to prevent hitting any pedestrian.' Trafic signal§ (a) Where red fiashinig'signaliis used, driver shall stop as at a stop sign beform entering Intersection. (b) Wheme yeilôw fiashing signaliis used, driver May oniy pass through In- tersection with, caution.' A&Midents (a), Drivers, when Involved in any ac- cident, mnust stop as soon as possible, return to sêne and give. naine, address,, State license,: and chauffeur license if any. He shall also render;aIl reasonable assistance, such as >aiding In renioval of Injured for medical treatment. (b) If any driver collides with ùnat- tétided car, hé -hall ëndeavtn' to notify owner of such unattended car of his naine, address, etc., and If not practi- cal to locate such owner, leave bis name and address in a conspicuous place in such unattended car., (c) Ail drivu*rs lnvol.ved in accidents, sh.ah withln 24 ho ums forward to the State Departmnent of Public Hlghways and Build ings a written report of sueh accident, on oMfcai forme wbich may be secured at police stations. These re- quired reports are for confidentiai use of the. said Stat'e departinent, and are not to be used ln any civil or criminal case. Similar reports niay be equired by municipal authorities. . ceive ery navy ppenaty. Rtetkiees Driving Is deflned as any person who drivets, Yo u are sure to lk. this refreshing combination of j~. I Regular 60c value (QUART) I Also local.- authorities may authorizre higher rima. fadie speeds oh through bg aYs 0or upon highWays or. portions thereof where theme are no intersections, or between wideiy spaced llntemsectlions, but in no event to exceed 45 miles per hour., Also where 'prima- facie speeds are changed by ordinanc%, appropriate signa muet be. placed giving due notice of authorized speeds. No person to drive a, motor vebicle at such a slow speed that Is Impedes or hinders the, normal inovem'ent of traffic, unless necessamy for safe operation. IWitch 1Hiking flitcb iking !s prohib.ited and punish- able by. jail or fine, or. botb., Pariking No driver shahl stop, stand or park: (a) in front of a public or pri- ate driveway; (b) within 15 feet of a fire by- drant;- (c) on'.a cosswaik; (d) witbin 20 feet of a crosswalk; (e) within 0 ft-et of traffic signal locatéd at side. of road; Mt~at aaiv place where ftffidlal signs prohibit such parking. No Loeking car Noperson shalh leave any motor ve- hicle unattended witbout first s topplng engine, locking ignition and removIis keY, or when standing on 'peircptibI-,, grade without effectiveIy, setting .brakes, and turning front wheels toward curb or aide of bighway. Neutra] Gear Downgrade Prohîibi ted No. driver when traveling downgrad~e shah ceoast with gears of such vehicle. In neta.GIa.. on Highways Persons removing wrecked or dam- aged automobiles froin highway shall remove Wny glass or other injurious subsan ce froni road. BrakéS Service brakes muet b'e so tbey wil -stop car within 30 feet If traveling 20 miles an bour on dry asphait or con- crete pavement free froin loose materi- ai. Hand brakes must be adequate tu stop such vehichj wlthin 55 feet under saine conditions. Mtems, Muffiema, Wlàggbield Wipers every.ý vehicle muat le provtded with horn and muffiler. in good womking con- dition. 'No sIrens, belîs or whtstles ai- lowed. Muffier must prevent excessive? and unusual noise and annoying smolçe. No niuffier cutout or bypasa allowed. Every vehicle must be equipped witb windshield wiper. At. 1l114 Ashland avenue is' a burner constructed of a 20-inch section of vi- trified tule set on a concrete base, high enough to insure a' good underdraft and to admit a shovel for removing ashes. The humner will last for twenty years or, mo.re ., it is said, and the cost> was Iess than for the ordinary, humer over, the same period. At 1111 Ashland. avenue- is another. design representing a well with old oaken bucket. Mrs. 'A. J. Elliott, 824 Ashland ae nue, conceived the unique idea of camouflaging the paper burner as a Chinese skeieton temple dedicated to %the god of lire. The concrete hase is decorated with inlaid tule and the skel- eton roof is painted the vivid Chinese red, blue and gold.; The. hurer occu-, pies a central. position iii the rose gar- den.. I n Ravinia and other north shore locations the outdoor fireplace. for cooking . picnic Iuncýhes, or.coml)ined with. the rock garden, is becoming a popular. method of housig the un- sightly paper burner. This method adds beauty and usefulness to the hum- nem's regular'service., Helen Shane and Pro Win Golf Tourna.ment HelnShane, 17 yeams'old. daughiter of -Mr. and Mrs. ýF. D. Sha.te, .422 Central avenue, ffilmette, paired wvith Frank Walsh on Monday to win thé golf tourney at the Waveland course of Lincolin park. A big throng saw the l3ryn Mawr pair win.by a. score of .84-10-74. Eleven of the Chicago tlistrict's crack professionals. tumnied out and, each with a girl, whose ages range from 13 to, 18 years, played 18 holes for. trophies donated by the commis- sioners, of the park. Commissioner Harry O'Hare presented Missý Shane .with 'a. silver cup. SMiss Shane was of great assistance, to bier part ner., At the sixth, she holed out a chip shot-from 12 yard's off the green, and at the next green put a 45-yard approach up to wvithin .3. feet of th~e utn thus tnracticallv ii- Umi. '7210 'anston I ~ SUITS AND TOP COATS SS.qo - $ZZ.ço - $z4.ço - $15 Reinodeiing - Atterations - kepaiting I Prews- Cicaning -1. ili 17Greenéal Ave. Wiluîtý e st,8 1147 Wl'-.ff Avenu,o Phone Wilmette 340 iJl 1 . h Mil

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