Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Aug 1935, p. 42

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t rh r Clasàlfiedl advertlseznents wlll be ac- .-I.)adlieý fo _.ýcepted up to Tuesday 9 P. M. for- WZLMETT» LIFE or al three papers; Wednoday 9 P. M. for WINNETKA. TALK and Thursday 5 P. M. for GLENCOE NEWS. Telep>hones: Wllmette 4300, Wlnnetka 200 (Wlnnetka 500 atter 6 P. M.), Greenleaf 4300 or Shelrake 1216-1217. LOS? AND F OUND LàOST-AT..F ORBEST PRESERVES, Dundee and Waukegan Road. Small Beagle, Hound, black, white and tan. Name «"Tobey." Reward. Ph. Glencoe 1971., 3LT13-ltiî * LOST SNAIPSHOTS SOMEWHERE .IN.WINNETKA RETURN TO WINNETKA TALK OFFICE 3L13-1tp LOUIS BORCHÂRDT-JEWELER WATCH, CLOCK A~ND JEWELRY RE- palrlng. Estimhate given. 606 Dernpster St. Phoiç UNL 0824. SLTNIý3-Itp ANTIQUES A COTTAGiE, CABIN AND STORE- house filed wlth fine old furniture and * glass. Reasonable prices. Glan-yr;,Afoii Farm Flouse, East Crescent Road, ýGlex Ellyn, Ill. Phone 850. (Mail R. F. D. ,il BUILDING AND REPAIRS For CARPENTER WORK CALL WINNETKA 3681 15A-LTNI3-1 tp numiNtes .SERVICE If Your Eyes Hurt or your head aches - .DONT DELAY see a t1ioroughly trained and experienced optometrist for examnfation JOS. F. KU SS j eweler and Optometrist 547 Chestnut St. (opposite post offiee) Winnetka, 3671 16L4TN11-tfc MLECTIC W E LD ING, eOILE1n weldtng, autômotive machine. shop a.nd partis jobbers. PAVLIK BROS. PHONE KENIIjWORTH 28;-820 FARM PRODUCE -Milk 8c Q.t; iT.- B. TESTED) AN D% PASTEURIZED Locust Farm. Products. BUNDAY ANI) HOL1DAY HOURS 1225,Wllmette'Ave. Phone Wil., 5458 Hours 9 a. m. to- 10 p. M. 805 Ridge Ave. W'lIlette Hours 8to12 a. rn., 4to 7p. m. 908 Linden. Ave. 1 Hubbard Woods Hours .9 to 12 a., m., 24LTN13-ltc r top dressed and reseeded. Cultivàtiing flower bedÈ, prunning sbtulbs, hedge,, trees. For sale: w. r.' manure, perennials, rock garden plants,, evergreens, orna- 1-mental. shrubs, trees. .Lawn speciallsýt. I Yovanof, Wilmette 452.. 27LTN13-Itp nCRAB GRASS CAN BE CONTROÏLED quickly and economtcally. Phone Wil- mette 3415.' GEORGE S. MCINTYRE 27LTNl.-1tp LAUNDRY WHITE EXP. LAUNDRESS. DO LAUN- dry, at home. Outside drying. Ail work donce arefully. Bes;t N. S. refs. Will caîl and deliver. Glencoe 555. 34LTNI:I-ltp PAINTIrNG AND DECOORATINgý Paint, Paper 5 Rnis., $34.50. CÊILING CALC., $1 UP Sanitas and canvasing work. Rm. wall- paper cleaned, 75ec; bathroom enameIed, $5 up; kitchen palnted, $6 up. 5 rms. flrs. washed, varnlshed. $8. Outside painting, porches, $15. Windows, 50c. Stucc finish dons teas. Refs. Free. estimates. MaterfaIs furnished. Melvin Skolnik Wil. 3413, 421,TN13-l tp QUALITY vDECORATINO "Týn rp.Tmir-,TXt.T-à uuTq"L .- 1 UPHOLS1TERlNG %SAVING CUSTOM WORK DONE IN, your ovin home. Recover,* rewebblng, sllpcovers, drapes, etc. Best references., Address A-66,, Box ý40, Wilmette, 111. 58LTrN12-3tp FUR COATS LEFT WITH US FOR storage and repairs but unealled for: Black Pony Coat ,$18,; Brown Caracul $24; Leopard Cat $32 ; Amer. Broadtail $2.6;,Ra-ccoon $34;'Hud. Seal $50; Genu- !ne MInk $150., Others worth four limes. their price. Economy Section, Miller Fur*, Co., 166 North 'Michigan Ave, Chicago. Open evenings. 59LTN13-1tc, -L0ANà LOANS ON- AUTOMOBILMS ConfIdential serv*icei legal, rates- MoTOirR LOAN CO0-. State Ban# Bldg., Evansaton. Gre. 3200 EMPL@YM~NT AGENCIES Pauline's Empi. Agencies NO CHARGE TO EMPLOYER Efficient Service for North Shore Homes WB INVEISTIGAbrE REFERENCES . COMPETENT HELP Wllmette 2171 Davis 777 Fourth & Linden 634 Davis Opp. 'IL"' Termni. Eva.nston, 111. 66L.TN3-ttc Carlson's Empi. Agency 818 ZLM STREET WINNETK& 3328 Help carefully selected, wlth speclal *attention to experlence, reference. and general qualifications need1ed. PRIVATE ROOMS FOR INJTERVIEWS 66LTNt-ttc 'SITUATION WANrED-FEMALE EXPERIENCED HELP WB SPECIALIZE IN HIGH GRADEr domestic help, ail nationalities. No chage to employers.. References ln-' v,%estlgated. Under State supervision. Reinhart Empi.'Agency 748 Elm St. Wnnetka 8396 68LTN2&-tfc DO)MESTIC'HELP' RELIABLE «EFFICIENT S-h-a-v Ernul. Az-encv 14 YR. OLD BOY WANTS privilege of golng to sel change for work. Kenil. 7 ExPerleflced man. %r GARDEN AND HOUS] References Winnetka 1552 1in ex- rNl3-lte 69L13-ltP SIT. WTD.-M4ALE AND FEMALE THE KENILXVORTrH WELFARE committee wishes toplace the followlng: Yard man. and day work --522 Mel- rose Ave. Yard man and day work-KeniI., 2246. Mlothers helpers, willing to stay with- children evenings-522, Mýeirose Ave., also Kenil., 3241. Mrs. Leon Els Chairman. Kenil. 298. 7OLTN13-Ztp HELP WANTEO-FEMALE. DOMESTIC JIELP EXP. AND WELL .RIECONIMENDEIY Good Wages Lindgren- Empi. Agency Establlshed 25 years 71LTN2-tfe COMPETENT WH~ITE HELP WANTEIY wlth good references. AppbW ln person. ALL EMPLOYMENT SERVICE 463 Vernon Avei Glencoe 251 7ILTfN11-ttfc WýVANTED-COMPFrTENT MAID FOR general housework. Good cook, must. like children. No laundry, stay nigit.s. Wages $11. 'Must have references. Phoe innetka 1132. 711LTN1.1-1te WANTED--WH-ITE GRLFO GN- eral houqework. «Must be good cook. References required. Phone Kenilworth 339. . 711LTN1-ltc- WHI1TEFGI1RL1 FOR GENERAT, housework. Mrust be fond 'of children. Own room. and bath. Experience flot. neces;saryý (Glenèoe 742. 71LTN13-ltc- WHITE MA1D, GENERAL HOITSE- work. 2 adfflts. No was4iing. or iron- ing. $8. Phone W'innetka 3R26. __________________7LTN1.1-ip. COMPETEN'P WHITE -MAID FO general> houseworýk. No Iaundr. 4 ln family. Phonie.Wilm,ýette 1,99.. GIRL WANTE1-D FOR (GROCERYV store., Bookkeeping and assist In store., Write A-79, Boxý 40. ýWilmette, Illinois.____7TN -t MIDDLE AGED WHITE MAID, GEN- eoral housework. No laundry. 4 int family. Go _home' nights. 1224. Asbur, are left ln. Mellody. Farnis Dairy Lake Foret Wilmette 4189 24LTN1U-lte 44TNI.Â'* -lti) North Shore refs. ,'Phonte CiE PEDIGREED, WIRE IIfAIR PUPPIES ____________ 7 WEEKS WOMAN, COLORED, 45, $10 UP general work; good laundr 132 Glenwood Ave. Gleneine 1428 nlghts. North Shore referen ____________________ 44L13-ltp Davis 1149. 68L VERY BEAU¶TIFUL REGISTERED C AP AB LE -AND EXPEF Pomeranlan dog. 1 yr. üld. Best ofrer youngr lady wil care for acptd Longbeach 634 .44TN3-tp Telephone Wllmette 1.891.rj 004. RiINHART EMPL. AGTENCY !tP 'R8Elmr t.Winnetka .3399 rTS 73LTN1.3-1 te ta>' 6 couples ....................... $60-100 ýall 15 general . ............... ..... $1 0-12 -ip3 nlrRe maidg $8-12 ED CENTRAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY ef. 'Highland Park, Ill. Glencoe 160 ltP 73Ll3-ltp ý,ý ý à , ý .

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