The golf season has swung into fuil blast and for the. month of July the following is a list of the prize wintlers: July 4-Flag tournament. First, W........ W. Rector; second, Bill Rector. Low gross, 36 holes.. Bill Walrath, 78-77-155i Low net a. m.W. Oas, 87-15-72. Low net, P. nm. J. L. Wilds, 84-14-70. July & event.L T. Ehhlis, 35 putts on Pu.ttiilg dock, 18 holes. *ju ly 13-Blind bogey.: First, C. G.: Weston, 904- 1-79; second, T. Stemp-' fel,. 98-16-82. july 20-Low putts. First, Dr. H. E. Mock, 26 Putts; second, F, E. Grid- ley, 29 putts. July 27-Won Tymne. Seven tics. Winner to be. determined, by draw Phioto by Bernie personally. D., O'Kiff e 90-23-67-71; Charles A. Broad, Jr., of Wil- I. L. Kresge 85--17-68-71 ; W.: A. mette has been iatuarded .he Prince- Basil 96- 26- .70-1 71 ; R. Husbands ton ýClub. of Cliicago's freshman 83-13-70-71 ; M. Casseil 98-27=ý71; W. schzola rship ïo Princeton ùniverSity. G.. Ramffbeau 88-17-71; G. E. Frazer He tuas gradua ted this 3rear froi 10-97.Nezt Trier High school, -ihVere he, _______________waa me.ber4éof, tehor cety, CFFOREalso active in dramatics, anid plai'ed NVORTH '0 iU11 the leadiing maie role ini -"Bab." the seniior play. The youth is a grad- PERSONA LITIES i uiate of the- St. Fraincis Xavier _____________________________ arochial sèhoal iii Wilmiette, and for .evein vears has beii coimected (Continued from Page 23) uiih the Wiliiette Public librarv isocial service, and continues ber as a page. piano study and teacbing. Duo Pianos --- ---- occupy a corner of b er living rooml AT CAMP HICKORY HILL and tbey are ini constant use. Dorotby Starr, dlaugbter of the James Ralpb, Starr's of ý320 Raleigh, road, left Kenilworth Friday, for Mer- cer, Wis.,-wbere 'she wiIl visit Marion Petersen,- daughter of the Jule Peter- sens,' at their summer home.' PROMOTES ~EJIDE iE) PRO PER POSTURE 1608 -Chicago Avenue, Evansion GOSM,RED, 1 CANI' oO-, AttlING wii-H MY COAT THIS HOT WEATHER. 1 WONDER WHY IT'S S0 DULL LOOKING, INSTEAD 0F GLOSSY LIKE YOURS II'S BRUSHED OFTEN ENOUG HI Cleaned end bloctced to your ex- act mneasurements. Traiined etteèndant and modern fitting raOms- are at your dis posai. SHwORI LIUNI CLEANER S Gleco 100 1215 Wahuigto Av.. 'YOU DONT EAT RI1GHMl, BRUCE. GET YOUR MASTER TO F E ED YO U *ZXCWb10 IPZAL AND YOUR COAT WILL SOON L0K FIT.f Reynolds camne up f rom Iowa City tQ Attend the Iowa- Minnesota 'football game with a friend. The friend intro- duced tbern, and tbere was immediate interest on both sides.. But it took eight years and a World war to bring tbem tfogether, in: Germany,wbr Ms Reynolds. was studying and traveling witb ber motber wbile ýon a European tour. . Chance. bas brougbt success to Conger Reynolds, and playing berI Mrs. James Ralph Starr, 320 Raleigh road, Kenilworth, was luncheon host- ess to the Darners' club Tuesday. hunches * bas broughit happiness to: Mrs. Reynolds. The two of them have tasted deeply of life and found it good, -and for the dreamn which keeps ail of us goin they have chosen a littie If youý want ygur dog to. have a gIossy coat - girlish fipire' twikling cys-a cold 'noie-and à deep affection for his master- coau; orrots frroughage and vîtauns;sahon for niineraws vitamins and appetite appeal: and ood-liver eil for vitamins A and D. TO PATRONS--ont contrai satisfactio-our OIL1 PENNSYLVÀ 1?3à Sherman AMe. Of1 & MARKET Co* A. S. VAN DEUSEN GEO. £. WH ITE GEO. B. WINTERt, ,INC. Ph... Wilmtt. 420 AIr