Z N RS S -. ... .. ... . Frankç's Domiestic Bu 421 RliChnlond Rd. Kenilw 73L to $100 nd $15 to $15 to $18 to $15 mau, h 5221 3' couples................. $8-100 3, Cooko.............1 25 onras..........8-i.&$1I 1 Second Maid ............ ........8$12 CENTRAL EMPLOYMENTAGEANCY Highland Park, III. Glencoe 160 73L12-tp>l foRSgA LEc-AUTOiS _ 1931 CHEVROLET SPECIAL SEDAN A-i, cond. Reasonabie price. Private partY. Call Winnetka, >1561, ask for AI. T7LTN12-tp BAP~GAIN '29, Ford Roadster. Motor, tires, paint, upholstery, like new. Cali after 6 o'clock. Wilmette 3i58. 774TN12-ltp USED CAR BARGAINS NORTý-H*,SHORE'S. Choicest',Collection USED CARS '31 Cadillac V-16 t. 32 Cad il lic V- 12 5 sed.; sc. . m3 Cadillac V-12 t. sed.., '33 Cadlillac V-87 sed... '3 1,Caciliac V- 8 t.sed.. . '30 Cadillac V-8 5 sed.. . '29 Cadillac V-8 t. sed.. . . '2 LaS-alie ciel. c. cp.. . . '31 LaSaile del. c. cp)e....: '30 LaSaile 2-4 Cp 1C. '29 ýLaSalie 5 -sedan.,. '28 LaSalie 5 sedan.. '31 Packard club sedan.- '28 Packard del. rdstr... '30 Chevroiet diel. rdstr. DOWN IAYTS. $325: 495 695 245~ 1251 15 -355 135 105 75, 55 135 65 45 July 25 to july 31 AT OUR NEW USED CAR STrORE 1245 Chicago Ave., Evanston DOWN PAYM'T '34 Chevrolet Sport Sedan......... $:95 '34 Chevrolet Sedan, f W.......95 '33 Chevroiet Sedan, 6 W. ......100 '33 Chovrrolet 4 Door Sed ............1û00 133 Chevrolêt Bu3. (Coupe......9 '33 Ford Business Coqpe............90o '30 Oldsniobile Coach, radio and heater. . ........................ 160 '32'Na eh, 6 W. Sed an, radio heater. Exceptional buy............. 125 '30 Chev. '4 Door Sedan. Full price. .* 195 BALANCÉ 12-18 MONTHS MANY OÔTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM, * EVANSTON CHEVROLET 1111 Chicago, Avenue Greenleaf 8000 Used Car Store-1245. Chicago Ave.,, Evan. *OATs AND SUPPLIES COME IN AND SEE THE NEW JOHN- ,son "0. Also complote serv'ice facil- ities for ai makes of, outbpard motors. Jerry' Westerfield, Authorized Johnson Sales aInd Service,'365 Eider Lante, Win- netka 1566. 78A-LTN1Z.,itp 12-FOOT BlOAT SUITABLE FOR OUT- board motor. Very ilght. Wiil soul or exchange for mach inery or tools. Win- netka 3435. 7A-L12-ltp PLEASANT ROOM, SUITABLE FOR one or two. Across from village hall. Veryý reasonable. Phono Giencoe 1612. 82LT12-ltp TWO LIGHT. AIRY ROOMS SUITABLE for couple. Near Trans. Garage and kitchen privileges if desired. Reasonabie. LARGB, ÂIRY FRONT BEýDROOM1 for 1- or 2, inl privato home near tra nsportaion and scbool. 897 Elin Street, Winnotka. 82LTN12-ltp '2 ATTm. FRONT ROOMS, SOUTH- EX- * posure. In private home. Sgle. or suite. Conv. to transp. - Garage avail- able. Use of screened porch. Ph. Wil- iriette 1045. 82LTN12-ltp FUR-'NISHIED ROOM FOR 1 OR 2. I.block to Eim St. station.- 554,Arbor Vitao Rd. Winnetka *1921,---., NICELY FURNISHFD R .lavatory. Private, home,, East >;kde, excellenCt ta.npo, TN2-te* ýi WITH LIl faM.I, -ÉOR1 .1526 424 Linulen Avenue Wilmett 98111'N 8, AND 4 ROOM ÀPARTMENTS.1 bath with sower, breakfast nook, tric rfgeration, reasonable rent. 1 Grimei Building. Phono WlInette 9214MN w'oUf- S1724. 12t-ltp à .Room APARTMUINT, LEPN porcli and sun porcli, garage fenceul- luw yar, o heat. $65. Phono Viliwotte 2582. Shown: by> appt. only. - UNFpURNISHED E2 ROOX KITCHEN- 1ette apartmeut, al»o singlo'room withI shower. 544 Chenthut et., Wlnnotka.-,Il Ph. Wlnnetka,97 or 3328 or 2432. 3-ROOM. APARTMENT. ALSiO ROOM for mont With board optional. 835 Foroot.Avenue, Wilmette, 111. 92LTN12-ltc FOUR, N-UNBHDAn LIBRARFy PLÂZA OFFERS: 1, 2,.8-roomi apartmonts. Complote hotel service. Modern electrlc kitchens. Con- frai location. 1 LIBRARY PLAZA Orrington Ave. at Church St., Evanston (Ui. 8000 Mes. Ethel Miller, Mgr. 93LTN49-tfc FOR RENTy-HOUSUS 14 rmos., 3 bs., (iprian), modemn.-.$200 10 rmm., 4 bs., H. W. H., -, g. .. 175 10 rmm., 5 bs., olp. peh., ex. 10e., 2-c, g. 170 9 mms-,, 4 bs., mod., Ige. lot, 3-c, g... 166 8 rms., 2% bs., sip. pch., nr. lace ..150 8 rms., 2 bs., H. W. H., oil, 2-c, g. . 125 7 rmm., 2% bo., slp. peh., oul, 1-c, g. 125 9 rms., 3 bs., lp. pch., oil, 2-c, g... 120 7 mms., 21/2bs., olp. pch., oil, 1-c, g._ 110 6 rins., 2% bo., H. W. H., Imodè, 1-c, g. 90 8 rmm., 2 bs., slip. pcb., H.W.H., 2-c.g. 85 7 rmme 1% bo., H. W. H., oil, 1 c. g., 80 9 rnis., 2bs., slp. pcb., ohl, 1-c, g.. 80 6. mmes., 2 bs,, sun pch, H-.W.II., 2-c g. 75 7 rms., 2 bs., H. W. fi.ý 2-c. g. ... 75 6 rins., 1 b., H.W.H., olp: pch., 1-c, g. 60 5 rm., 1 b. buingalow, H.W.H., 1-c. g. 55 4 rm, apt., nmodern, elee. ref. ..... 50 5 rin. apt., heated ....... ..........4,5 3 rm. apt., lge. rmme. ..-- .........5 Otheîr good values, furnished or- un- furnished, ail, sites. B. H.;BARNETT 526 Center S.Wininetka 965 97LTN12-ltp ON THE LAKE 9ROOM. 3 BATH- RESIDFENCE WITH private beach. Great bargain -at $150 per nionth. - LOVELY HOME SET IN A BUI&UTI- fui garden. Noever rented before. 5 bedrms, 3. baths. Shown b appoint- nient only. Mrs. Brighit. NoizTHwEsrERN Rcalty & Building Co. 528 DaÏvis 'Street UniveraitY 900 97LTN1-lte ACT QUICK-o wNER LvVIN4 CITY ýWill take, $70.per month for 4 bedrm.,. modern Wilmette homo. Furninhed or vacant, automatichoat and- electrie icor. Cali Mr. Venable, Winnetkia 1800. 97Li1rNI-ltc tFORR NTÊm-PUmNs*HzDfnouSe" SMALL FUR2NISHPD HOUSE 114 E. Kçnilworth.. Sun. and, olp. poIl. 011 hoat Near achools and transportation. ýKeniIworth 1812. 9SLTNî1-l WANSTO 0RUNI-HOUSES Is Your House for Rent? IF S0, WIJ4L YOU PLEASE CALL us. We have s0 many people w1shing homes this fal Phono Mre. Mead. THE BILLS REALTY, Inc. D 529. DAVIS ST. EVANSTON Wilmette 3740 Gre. 1166 99LTrNl24tc BY RESPONSIBLE F AM I LY 0F throe, a good home, reasonable, noar New Trier IL S. Must have 4 bedrrns., 2 baths and be attractive. Cali momningo or evenings. Winnetka 532. 99LTN12-ltc' W.ANTED TO REN(T MODERN HOTSÉI Immediate occupancy, or October lut 1Reliable tenant. Phone eveinis, WU- Mette 1650. 991,TN12-lte SEPT. OR OCT. 1ST LEASE1 0N 5- room bouse along the North Shore. $25-$30 month. Write A-75, Box 40, Wilmette, 111. 99LIPN12-ltp 5IN WINNETKA, WITH YBAR 0IPTI0 i-to buy7-nice 6 or 7 roolu bouse.' Bout not over $85. Write; A-69O,*Box 40, Wil- mette, Ii. . 99LT12-ltp SEPT., OR OCT. lot 7 ROOM YUR- 'nîshed or unfumn. 2 year lease. Gres- loy or, Hubbard Wood.1 district Reason- 724 Min Street wiet 50JDL 77ALT 1 ltc Linden Crel JULY CLEARANCE KROLL & SiA SALE 424 Linden Ave. REDUCED, PRICES, ON RETREADED THjRE ROOM A anïd usedtre.Soelow as 51.25. i d or nir 10vanstoni Rubber. Co., 1()07 Davis. St. tranco. $17 per mo Gre. . 788. 77ALTýN2Itp 1612. C. 04h1 i. .rn'J al Roasonablo. pmotte 50s1. Wnnetka 1 15 1112-ltp Jt? '$5,500 IF BOUGHT 'rHIS MON'rH- > E, 7 rnu, eh heated lise, on 60 ft. lot nser ge. Skokie School. Il- NANCY LEVINSON WINNETKA.269 tp l 11LTN12-ltp 92XTN11-4tp ý 1