and convg women of Mrs. Harry Burkhart of,-St. Louis was tbe week-end'guest of the1 Lotuis Suekoifs of 819 Chestnut avenue. She came to attend the Horse show at Onwentsia. 10 VACATIO)N FUATU RES * VACATION BACS wlsh lpea7i Iopeui pg, a speclal at ................e Sun Tan 011 (preventsunburg), ëhn-0 Sup- I plies and Comeraa,- Developlng, Enlargang and Piintdng, ýColored Goàlcà and Beach. Balq If MOUfliVAo RDDUS STOREI * Ehuit àa CnsalPhoneWlmtea8 "UAOO ,MILES AND NOT A PENNY fSU REPMRS. QUAKER STATE vrý *"I have driven at Chryuier Six 1931 over 85,000 1miues without once having cylinder John Romans, 418 Isabella street, was later arrested by Oficers William and joseph Schmidt, charged. with leaving the scene,of an accident-. He had: a hearing Wednesday aiternoon., GOING TO CAMP Zo de LaChapelle,,daugbter of 'Mr. a nd Mrs. Jacques de La-,Chapelle of 132 Abingdon avenue, is leaving Ken- ilworthi the end of next week for Camp, Jeanne d'Arc in the Adirondack mnountains. Her sister, Renee, is re- lesdfrom quarantine for mumps. REPOItT ON CONTAGIONS, The Wilmette HElalth department re- ports. the' following .new cases of con- tagious diseases during the week ending june 29: Gerinan measies, 4; Measles, 1; Scarlet fever, 1;, Mumps, L. Mrs. Walter Jordan and daughter, Mary Lois, 125 Abingdon avenue, left Kenilworth Sunday for California by Way of Banff and Lake Louise. Tbey will visit in Los Angeles and attend the fair at San Diego. 0 o Katherine ("Kay") Wenter, daugh- ter of Mr. and-.Mrs. Frank Wenter, Jr., 1204 Ashlaiûd avenue, left Sun- day to visit her aurit, Mrsý Ann Hall ,and family, in St. Petersburg, Fia. was call mo'*theër. W by the ness, of 0o Mrs. Gilbert Kelly, 421 Cuminor road, Kenilworth, was hostess at a luncheon last Satyrday at Indian HilI- club..and a bridge foursonie after- wards. Miss Mary Finlayson of Wash- ington, D. C., formerlv of Wiltnette, Photo b)y Balfo)ur Miss Jessie Royce Landis, long a resident Of the ItoriA shore, and star, of several Broadwvay successes dIll be co-itarred with Ernest Giettdinintg in "The Crime ai Blossoi," Morda uni Shairp play to be prese;tted-*by the North Shore Drama Festival at thé Gent rai school theater int Glentcoe begining July 12. The .drama festival,, ut.der.'tAc direction of Ben Guy Pkillips, kas bite preccuihg Sir - anes Barrie's "Mary -Rosc" since lune 24. TO SAIL FOR ABROAD Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stoddard and their two daughters, Mary and Esther, 524 Lakte avenue, are leaving Wilmette today (Thursday) for the east. They' sail f rom New York on July 10, ors the President Roosevelt, for five weeks of motoring in England, Ireland, and Scotland. They probably will return by way of Paris. fis - va sr 4. w4ere slie wi Il VJsit lmn E. Nesbitt. Mrs. Mae Dewey of I3uffalo and Miss Alice Weis of Chicago aré visit- ing. the Orville Daily fanifly', 618 T1enith street. Mrs. Dewey is> Mrs. Da,)ily's. mother.. Mr. Franicis J. Crowell, of 623 Lake avenue 1. 0. O. F. to install Officers on July Il Newly elected officers of A. T. Sherman Lodge, No. 892, 1. OR O.F. will be installed at the lodge hall in Wilmette Tbursday eveningi July il,. The offilcers include the following: Noble Grand-B. B. UdelI. Vice-Grand-E. H. Kerr. Recording secretary-H. G. Cazel. Building comnittee-A,. H. Hoff,- meyer, H. H. Abegg. Miss Margaret Innes of Scarsdale, N. Y.'; is a guest of Miss Marie Aider, 931 Greenwood avenue, who was ber classmate at Chevy Chase school in Washington, D. C. Mrs.. Joseph Joyce, 531 Essex' road, Kenilworth, 'was hostess at.luncheon to her sewing club Wedniesday of -last week at her summner cottage on the Fox river. Mrs. Louis Bouchard, 222 Oxford road,. Ketiilworth, was hostess, at luncheon to ber bridge club Monday of last week. The occasion was the Iast meeting until faîl. Garaesmad Service Stationis ea Ibo N4pglI Shore. B 413 Linclen, Avenue Wilmefte 4120 ýMrs . William Freudenreicb, 314 Ab- botsford road, Kenilworth, will be Iiostess at, luncheon Friday to her quilting club. -0 Mrs. Harold Tideman, 138 Abingdon avenue, Kenilworth, -Iwai luncheon iiostess to the. Darners club Monday. ,in