MORTGAGI LOAN S We are in the 1 markot for conhervative filst ,mortgage n rsdneapart- monts and .office buildings. 1 N. La Salle St, Chicago Central CM2 1571 Sherman Ave, Evanston Universty 2600 Patroiize Our Ad.'erisers Attic Space Fine for Guest Rooms Vacation visits usually are recipro- cal The, avetage family visits friends and relativres *ho generally returni the visits. The result is that. practically a11 homes ind need for one or more guest rooms wbjch will be available withéut changing the sleepingquarters or' the children 'and.-making the family uncom- fortable., Many homes have space intheattic which can easily be made into onie or two guest rooms. Often a bathroom- can be added. It is comfparatively simple and inexpensive to cover the attie joists and rafters, and instal one or more partitions. An, attic room, can be used SHIEET METAL WORIK Ob GUTTERS 0F *IG 4b DOWNSPOUTS 9 * CK C.ap w or walumd tbon Mlii. Hardware C. 1211 WI»Mette Ave. WIL UN First Mortgage Loans Refinance your mal"uring mortgage with a 15 YEAR LOAN Construction !oan, to individuals building homes for their own occupancy Great Lakes Mortgage Corporation 184 WEST LAKE STREET CHICAGO Frainklij 2344 Mort gage Loan Correspondent Metropolitan L ite Insurance Comp any by the children as a piayrooifl wlieni flot in use, or it can be combincd into sleeping quarters and a playroom for the children,, thereby making the roomn they have been using in the bomne avail- able for guests. Some home- owners may be able to solvre the problem by finishing a portioii of the basement into a library, a den, or a recreatin room,1 thereby mhaking more réo1om available for guests. Loans for'remùodeling and moderniz- ing the home to provide for, guest and :)ther rooms are available through private financial ,'institutions approved by and coopcrating with the Federal. Housing Admninistration, which is insuring such loans under the National Housing Act. Sol Grading Is Ulrged at House Foundations Soul around building. foukd'ations often setties during the year, espe- cially in the case of ncwly .crected homes or old enes where exterior foundation repairs that necessitated soil excavations have been nmade. Snow water arouind foundations dur-, ing winter and early spring frequcntly causes settling., Water draining down walls during rainstorms and accumu- tating in sou pockets saturates the soul against basement walls and causes damp cellars. All sunken o laces arotind the foun- Po soi' be filled witb fresbi issible, there should il so that lit may be REAL ESTATE LOANS,, Have funds to loan on choioe North Shore residential 'adIhui.. nesa properties at-reasonable rates. EG.Pauling & 10. anle St.1 Frau&in 770 UNlversity 0283 ROGers Pk. 0271 vaine. C.. Cblcsge in hee>iug of property e1 ofban g, The Prodonuial lusurance C.uqm.u authoizes Smt tOGeler,, mc., 90 submil t.saj'plicatiu for, Mertgage:Leaus I t I RecountsA ims of B ig Project The principal aim of. the hompe- finanicing program of. the Federal Housiing Admiffistration is to. bring. about an early rev .ival of private- homne building activit y ona. healthy, enduring..basis,, according ito Acting: Administrator Stewart McDonald, who considers that increases in bUild- ing during' the. first months of1 1935 indicate a "splendid improvement." The Acting Admninistrator pointed- to first-quarter increases of 131 per ce nt over 1934 in 'the ntunber of families :housed in new buildings as shown by building per.niits fîor more. than 700 cities. -lie also considers it significant that contracts a% war-dedl for residential 1 uidng in April, 1935 were higlier than in any other month since 1931. Improvement Imdicated "lWe have, reached .tIhe point at Iast," Mr. McDonald said. whr the pent-np demand has pushed open the gates of the abnormally low resi- dential building of the last four or five years, which bias been inaclequate to take care of the needs of increasing population or to take the place of old and obsolete structures which have been passing, out of use.?' Other indications of improvenient are nientioned by. Mr. McDonald: General improvenient ini the homie- financing situation, virtual eliminla- tion of murions. and* unsotnnd mnortý- gage practice b)v the establishment, of, the. long-term. fully amo rtized m-Ortgg e as. provided ini themutual mo)rtgage insurance plan of the Fed- eral Housing Administration, the i-ý stitution of sound methods of apprais-« ai valuation, and the application of certain elemental standards in' site planning. design, and construction o'f new bulinirs SCREEN PORCHES The fullest enjoyment can be obtained y using open porches on bot days and venings if they are entirely screened ikeep out house flies, mosquitoes, gnats, Lke fluesj, and other. insects, which are ot only irritating but carriers of dis- se germs. FF 1564 8Sicrman