Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Jul 1935, p. 31

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By Dr. J. F.1 - I Editr'S ote e arc liappîy t» ro v'ide f or OU l II rederS, a sert' es g 4far't i('hs by -a reéogiied exp>ert mn gideiiîîîg subjeets, Dr. il. F. Fonder. of Evan.st'>n, wvho revâe <]lis Ph. ».. degrte :ît Michi - gan S,'tate (<olege, after -ttenintg coi- leges in Mis native state Opf (Colorado(IÙ11,41 ini Utahj. li e has ,Ievitired <Xesv ()ilgatrdenliîg in> nîanîystat vs ind luis %Vritten nînvh <>11 toiei(S <,f Sou ,aid îplant physiologY. IlMis eplilc x>îd î to thle paiû business end te<f the l)iIîlit culture,1 thus enabliiîg him to, writ.. witlî '11101mtY gonail In.atters, pert.ti ning to the sulîject. IiiPr- ner atIdsai- in i ltis sectioli a» ve. Éveryonc admires theé verv large. dlahlia and lîrysaiitlicitnuîn llootnls which are 'prt>duced l>v the Coin- ruercial growver and *n iot a 1 . w ivould. like< verV ilnîuclh to be ablc to gro%ý, thli Îii i>tlîeir homne gar(letns. It is true thiat t1icrse lom-urs azttain their * grc;tcesihcaty ýin the lbands ut c pert y> uîîîînierci.al growers but their ccrint cult irai nietliiotîarce easy toý iollowv and tliese l>eattiil l)Of cati bc grOwn in your oviî back yard. Use "Pinck Out" Process * Coiînecialgrowvers begin tr.miiing tlîeirpla t fr large b1)01ns is-oQf as thev have c e cloped twvo or tlîree pairs of 'l'lt ie 1hrst stel) i> to rinlove ,dIlblut thîe ,trotigc,,t stexi dcveclopiîug troi> the root or >icw plants ilit ordt r that the plant, will îiot i)e crow(dcd. Thein the toi) ot the 'pl'td lalnt s1, *piniched out", to stop) tlîe- elonIl.gtion1 of the central stemn an(l to ,catuse the prodluctionl of laterail )raniclies close to the baiSe' of the IPlanits. ýThis, will prolduce 1low, bushy p.lnts: with more and srne flOwerilIg stenis., These new branches will arise froîn the bulds present In I the fork frédb the leaif Steir ald the stalk of the plant. On Y clrsnhmns the growintipof eaci, tic\\,lateral stenlu shotld also be >iilied ont to indullce a second braniching out. of the renîaining terminalbuds. It fllust also include the remnoval of tbe short lateral branches w hich wjll have appeared along the stem and 'wbich Will produce only small - and inferior bloons if allowed: to remal. .7 Coucerniog Po mpon' The ýfinal resuit of pflants pincbed out and disbudded as described Wil1 OIlv Wi l the flowers be better for cuttfllg lbut. the planits will *1e more beautifufl il) Ille gardenl. It is im- portant to note ifn this ,cônnection tlat pomp>ons, pomponi dahlias, and tue minliature and, single dahlias S hotih flot he disbudded. as the ex- cell1.ence of tliese, plants. is mei.asured h%. the nimlbrof the sniall loo0ms thev pro<luce. Pinch ouft'te tops to miake huhvilarits but all6w, thenf to pro(luce al the llolfls they will. Need Mc Plant Fod. lu 'conjunction with these culttural l)ractices it> must, be rememl!)ered that dahlias and chrysanIthemnums rc- (luire. an abunidance of :plant food at ail tintes., If the dahlia rootwhichi is planted is îîot too small it ill -con- tainî sufficient, food Ito1growv the jpl ant intil, two or three pairs of leaves have' (leveloped but at that tirne a handful of soluble fertilizer of abot a -5-10-0 analySis should be ývorkcd iinro the soil: The plants shôul 4ie f cd again about one nionth later by working two liandfuls of plant food intco the. soul and then at the tinie the. buds are burstinig a final feeding at the satue rate should be. given. An, abundfance of watcr sbouild be ap- plld after each feeding to carry tlie plant food, into the root zonie. Cuil- tivatioiin rnst also be practical at least vveekly to keep the soil loose about 'the planits and to maintain a uniforni moisture condition.~ *Creatioxi of a lIow-cost bousing divi- Sion as a separate unit of the Federal Mrs. Warren Pease, 320 Leicester Housing Administration bas. been an- road, Kenilworth', entertained at a nounced by Acting Administrator Stew- bridge luncheon at Glen View Country art McDonald. club lastSaturday. *The new division will function under.. the jurisdiction of the deputy.adniinis-,'KE 'd ih trator for mnortgage insurance.KEPC O wih Milesj... Coleanlhen nanmed di-ý rector of the nev division, and aIl per- dcpartients who have been assign' to 'the varions phases of exmiaioi i iR, of low-cos't-housing projects will Wî'the .4 futurebe cèoordinated under bis direction. Prompt AnIo -Under the new -arrangemt, low-co4t D.hivery . a housing functions heretofore performed Phane hy the, technical . division are' transferred lN E IK O to the newK division. Mr. Colean wilNlRCK O also continu'- in bis former duties as.w It 4092 director of the techuical division._____________________ To further carry out the' low-cost housing activitv under tbe -National' I-ousing Act a board of review bas been' eaeted1inirluding -the- Deput.v Administrator as chairman, the -Ii- rector of low-cost housing, the direc- tor of research, the director of under- writing and realty, and otbers. The board of review w~iIl conisider reports on low-cost bousing projects subnitted bv Mr. Colean and will make recommendations for comnntments or eor furtber examination to the Acting Administrator. This board will also re- view final documents: issued for insur- ance of low-cost housing projects. Ie nhI% wOrtI, 5I)Viit LIIV W CC - I U o j S J U t F j % I U tl Peoria. a, bicycle hike to Damn ""STA.R" GAREE 19 xi, Iofl G in Z.nniam Jlnd favor with "ePat"'PaterSOn, POPidûr HéllyzéoOd picture star.Siegosthmerif 11

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