-- e---ac - vva's-1es. The 'first Shawnee village started the 1935 nm of the camp. director, and of season with real spirit and a real pro- each of the two assistant camp direc- f gramn. Under our scoutmnaster, Bob tors 's "George," It's bad enough Gree.nhalgh of Wiime'tte, and the having three Georges on the camp j newly elected assistant, scoutmnasters, staff,, but bhaving three Georges as Bob-Black and- Harold Holstrom of rcrsStomu. * Highland Park, we have plenty to do.1 The three Georgies are George The miornings'and part'of tbe after- Bersch, camp director, .and George noons have been spent in advance- Hirin and George Ryani assistant ment and in villag-e.improvemenàt. A camnp directors. new enitrance way and a fire bucket George Ryan, the wvit of the camP, stand have been partly. finished 'and. has this brilliant suggestion: When we plan.to lguild a neat lookingcoun- someone calls "George,"y George cil ring .. one in which George Bersch should answer first becau se (Red) Ryan of Arden Shore. camp he is the camp director. If hie was would be proud to deliveir his best flot the one that was wanited, George- storv. nnand George Ryan could, argue MENOMINEJE VILLAGE Defed rwod The Menomjnee village at. CampA ,a"Kaja-Wan is 'prie, of the five' I Cmp Scouts, Are villages. It is in a ho rses.hoe shape Filling Up to the Neckç with eight tents.. Onthe.left, side, at We have had about ten meals at the village entrance, is the village camp. Oh boy! What meaIs.l, .~leader's tent. In the back of the night (W'edniesday, jùne 26) we had village is a council ring in wi ch we a swell dinner and plenty of it. This have camp fires. During the day we year we have had the best food in the have inspections, in, which are in- history of the camp. The food is so cluded the condition of the beds, neat- appetizing that ail the fellows fli up ness of locker boxes, condition of the to the neck.. Appetite or no appetite, terits and'of the grounds encircling the boys eat plenty (usually there is the tents.. Our ývillage leader, Ed an appetité). There is neyer any food Koebelin, is.a peach a nd has been at short, but always plenty.ý Right now, camp for seven years.----George Red7 I'm waiting for breakfast !-Don H-off- ding, Troop 1, Wilmvtte.: man, Troop 11, Wilniette. TWO DIRTHD,&YS BLACKFOOT VILLAGE Two birthdays were celebrated the Uxider the able leadership of Charles first tbree days the scouts' have been (Chuck) Clark, the programn of the at Camp Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan. One was, Blackfoot village progresses sinoothly Bill Crawford's of the staff and the and eficiently. This village, althoughi other was that of Bui McKee, a 3 years Id, is among the best. Guided camper from .Glencoe. by a well plannedprogram, the daily life of, the scout is int'eresting, and FIRST CAMP FIRE beneficial. The departments of. the capaenature.wtrrotsot a-Ka-ja-Van's flrst camrp ire -of camp are 'the year.was a grat success. The craft, pioneering, scout advancemcnt scouts hope t o keep the rest of the and hanidicraft. The nîcaLs are well balaîîced and excellently planne'd. Ini camp fires.an a par with the first one. shrtca sallgplacbhre-end :basis of 10 points for perfect, points Richi, Troop 15, Winnetka. being taken off for sand in 'bunks, untidy locker "boxes, dirt on floor, -~ .una kedgrounds cantaining papers. SIOUXOR SU? jRach ev'ening there are two base- RAYMUND KOCH - BARITONE Cincinnat and Americen opera CoopaniJs MARJOftIE DODGE, Soprano *b ALDO DEL MISSIER. Yiolnisf L Europ..'an, American Concert Arutal. Chicago Symphony orchestre ADMISSION . . 0> . . . 26c Iu km VANSON 4ACADEMY CARL SCHFLZR, De,aao Nutkflre Agent SUMME]t Sc]qOOL St . Oudor sketchng and sudio work Sue ie Fam= Mtua Auta lu&.C.. lor, bei n r and advanced stu -, B ve e telI Y D ou how iii contin u s l policy PlaU dents'. , Public _ chool tegcer*' cuts insurance c as a o t 4 %. L g l R s t. en ufrjuniors and children. Authoimed represcnweîton and service. T Iel. Cleuco ~lClaurci, Ut. dira-1&7,4 146'-Highlsnd Park 1479-Deerjeéld aSo. Thie In the Better Dreos Section you wj] and Afternoon Presses prioed froni! - ý IC n s iit F ravalry between them in war canoe ocok racing andj baseball games. ,The villages are divided into tents,, Mr. and Mrs. James McGregor eIach tent having four fellows, one (Maxine Liii) of Oskaloosa, Iowa, will being appointed tent leader. Another arrive Monday to spend a montli witli .1een rivalry is built up 'bere ly "tent Mrs,. McGregor's parents, Mr. and inspection» D which ocr wc rs.'William Liii of 19I bngl wekThe tets gare marked on >the avenue, Kenilworth. They are perennial favorites as tleY are styledriglît to wear for several seasons to corne and priced from $15.00. Values to $45. EDA .STEIV WS VANSo N: ând a selection of Street .00 up. Values. to $39.50.. in ,àmlàkmý,qý