is visiting ard J. Hen avenue. o a@Wsl- Wraps - Sujiler Fiocks i9àe te Order .Copied -. Re-styled gceuWg - Filufg. eiPtthIg 1 éiSoeurs 831 ELI4ST. WIN. 1011 Seo the 1moto I OVAK BÂNqTANl itedues ]picturie *t 82M JE a1 à . m , i -pS P t h p t4ç Cremed .iAvenue Wflmetteé1676 overec J i y notified 0 came a HOSTESS TO>MOTHERS. Mrs. O.ý P. Ois'on, 736,Rogersa ve- nue, KenilWorth, was, hostess at luncheo.n Tuesday to -Alpha Xi Delta Mothers' club.. Her guests w ere Mrs.- W. C. Barnes of Lake Bluff,, Mrs, Walter DaVis o! , Evanston, Mrs. L. H.' Gale of: Rogers, Park, IMis. Arthur F. jensen o! Irving IPark, Mrs. W. J. ýLempke o!fXVil- Imette, Mrs. Arthur. Brevitz of Ken- Iilwortb, and Mrs., Fred Smith and IMis. W. P. Wenger of Ch ic ago. Mr. and ýMrs. James J. O'Grady of 815 Oakwood -avenue have as their house guest, 'Miss -Theresà Meloyý of, Bostonn. Mrs. Gabe Wegener, 36 Kenilworth avenue, Kenilworth, was bostess at luncheon to her bridge club Monday.. IMIIEZ LWUITBEUUD SUPS I GOW NS -'S UITýS SPORTýS WEAR e COATS: MJLLINERY opening of ligair park on Sunday evening, July 7, Robert A. Ilg, di- rector of the park, 6200 Touhy ave- nue, Chicago, bas arranged for the most unusual musical event in the history of the park. The Sunday performance wiIl be the 'first of, a summer-,long- series planned by Mr. Ilg. Marjorie Dodge, 'lyric soprano; Raymunid Koch, baritonle; ,Aldo Del Missier, viôlinist witb the Çhicago Symphony. orchestra, and Ropse Sàron pianist, of the Chicago Grand Opera company, have p reparc.d'a full two houir priogram. of song- and music. Miss Dodge bas appeared wvith :al theý leadingmu-sical organizations of Ithè world. As soloist with Sir I-enry Woôd and Londoni Promenade coni- certs, in'Los Angeles with Dr. H 1ertz and.t.he Los Angeles Sympliony or- chestra, with-'Fritz, Reiner and the ,Cincinnati symphony, and in Rome under the baton of Bernard Mln ari. So great was her reception ,at the Hollywood Bowl, thiat she bias since sung thiere at five addlitiôiial Occasions. Her operatic career cludes f'our seasons as a, member of the San Franlcisco anid Los AnIgeles Civic operas, and bier recenit Chicago airlane appearance wvith the North- erners on WVGN thrilled naniy staid radio listeners. Raynwnd Koch is a iamne that is * almost a household wvord iii Chiicago?- was acclaimed by the critics of the New York Telegraph as blcng "a spirited and sonorous performance as sung by Koch." G1lnn billard Gunn, music *critic of the Chicago Herald and Examiner aftcr Koch as Amonas ro ii Aida dcclared "master of al the resources of one of the great. baritone Volces of the day." H1e bas appcared on iiiiinerots occasions witb the Cincinnaiti and American Opera comipany, and re- cently was heard over.the air via the vast repertoire of song Von Flotow's perénnial favorite "The Last Rose of Summer," Curran's "Dawn" .and the great soprano aria "Depuis le jour.'" Mr. Koch bas chosen the great prolog f romi Pagliacci, the presidential favor- ite "Homie'on the Range" and the aria whichi brought him fame "The Toreador Song'" from Bizet's Carmen,. The artists wiIl use the wide esplan- ade 'of the Lean ing.Tower and tiny Lake Caldwell for setting. The amn- plifying, system of the%,park bas béeen completely 'rebuilt and rearranged so that everyonie seatid 'ini the. 1,700 seat. new open-air. Philbarmonic theater' mtay hear and see perfectl .y. Parking space for more th'an. onc thousand cars bas been provided. "ION THE ROAD' IN JUNE A- company composed'of the stu- dents o!f thc Dramatic Scbool of the. Art Institute o! Chiçago, under flic direction of! Dr. 'Maurice. Gnes iii :opened a t Amnes, Iowa, 'on Satturdav., june 15, for one nigbt. Mondaý~, june 17, tbey, were at Hays, Kan sas; on the l8th and 'l9th at Keýarney, Nebraska;,,on the.,2th: and ý2lst, at Wayne,; on the 22nd' at Peru; onôtiti 24th at Emporia, Kansas; on the, 25th at Stillwater, Oklahoma; on the 26t], at Ada; on the 27tb at Edmond .;,on the 28tb at Talequab, and on jUly Il at Lubbock, Texas, wbere tbey. will disband for' the summner. This was their second season on the road, thé first baving been quite successful. Tvvo plays .were in their repertoire, "flay Feverl" and "There's Alwavs Juliet."l GALLERY TOURS Suniday' gallery tours of the- Art Institute collections.,will 1e given each. week at 3 o'clock.-. Instead of the, usual general tour of, the galléries, only a section_ Will be shown eacli Suinday' so tbat a 'More detailed fa- miliarity with the painting,, sculpture and decorative arts in the u'uuseunî. rnay be bad.' These tours should lU TEiE DxAxE HOTEL WEATHERED MISSE S SHOP 950 RNORTUCIGifmcqrAN AT OAjrK 1W -OLIVER HANS ]EN"