july 5-6--"George White's 1935 Scaindais." Pleasing musical comedy- fai-ly. July 7-8-9-"Hell',s An\igeis." War story;-aduits and youth. 'C-No. Jtly l0-l1-'Vanesýa: Her Love Story."' Good t4ste in handiing diffi- cuit themie. AduIIts. Teatro del Lago Julv 4-5-6--"Werewoif of London." Too nîorbid andgrotesque to be en- tertaiiiing, Aduits. July 7-8-9-"*StarI of, Midnight." Satsophisticatcd nîystery comedy. Aduits. j uiy 10-11-12- "Wedding Night." Very nmodern in themne. Aduits. -Vivycuniie Morin, secretary. MOTOR: TO COLUMBUS, -\r. and(I rs. ltdward C. Geithier and Jeanne of .321 Raleigh, road, Kciiworthi, are ieaving Saturday by viotor. for. Columbus, Ohio.- On the *way theY wliI stop at Granville to look over Deison tllivrsivy, and f roin there M,\iss (Geithecr wiil takçe the traini for New York to visit lier atîcie and aunit. Mr. and NIrs. Robert M\ar- vin oôfKirk Lake. Nliss Martlia Foi, iho teathes-ini onie.of thie Pittsburgh high. schoois, wvas a we-n guest of the Thonîp- $ on Wakeieys', whohave moved from, 143 .\b)ingdoni, avenue, Keiiworthi, to 220 W\oodIstock avenue. Mýiss Foil *wiil go to the Uniivers.Ity of \iscon- sin to take a summiiier couirse. She wais a classtnate of NIrs. Wakey at WVellesley. -o- *Adaughiter, BraaAi M '\a(ddcn,, 1%,asborit on furie 21, atthe Evan1s- ton- hosîitai1 to N:r. and Mdrs. J.- O. MaIddcii, 831 .Central Neklt. rs. Maàddein is the former inîily Darst *Of Wiirnette. Shie and the baby ré- ltirned to thieir homne iast N.[O'iday. Richiard Pur r, son of Mdr. and Mifrs. * Hcrlbert Duirr, 200 Warwick road, left Keiiworthi Thursday, Junie 20, to spend the sumin.r 'at Camp High.- ing B~ob caiight another rnusky, fifteen pounds. They ail wer fishing Monday and caught string of wall-eyed pike. OPEN DANCE PAVILI( Formiai openi'ng. of the niem door -dance pavilion at Schni Tavern,' Haýrri.son street ait road, Niles Cente.r, wili bc obser conjunctioil with a speciai Foui JuIy: celebration. -The pavilioni ctdin, 1 apicturesque groves ,and is expected to be one c north schore's' most popular rendezvous thi.s season. Schrî ceiebrated orchestra wiii provie music.for the dancers. Mr. and Mrs. Sydnior V. Reis Linden: avenue,. announce the of their A~rst chiId, a daughter, Lee, Reiss, on june 19, at. théEI ton hospital. Mrs., Reiss an( baby returned to their home Sunday. about >nt. out )N2 e n leider's *és Harms "s Lrth of * 'Ier *1: v0titj% 'u Hore oe IleCreams of: the s' Te Finest. of Their Kind edance-Made of the >Richest iderhs : Wisconsin Cream * Old Fashioned Fresh Peach: * or Fresh Sltawberry. ss,52 *Ice Cream .1.... qt. C birtit Lvanda WE DELIVER 4 id the 4. ~ ? 1237 MinSt., W1iltte. * Winnetka 1115 Wilmette 4 ofthe fresl on t- Mr. and Mrs. William Moulton, 235 all Raleigh road, Kenilworth, will enter- tain at a small bridge dinner Friday. i 3cd4fJ(o.SJwp" ,clildr( SAKS F IFTH AVENUE WINNETKA SHOF The Chimnmuys-Center Street