a modern, nietropolitan hotel, the story presents a unique cross-section of life seen in the various guests who become involved in the mysterious crime. The plot bas to do with the disap- pearance. of the body of the dead -man, a* person who is very much dis-, liked. ýA young cowman f rom. Wyoming, a private,secret;ary, a. tele- phone operator, a Russian countess and many other guests. find them- selves directly mfixed up, in the unsa- voryaffair. Franchot Tone, popular romantic actor, portrays therole of thc cow- man who is visiting the big city in search -of a brunette to'fmarry. Una Merkel is seen as a,,blonde telephone operator who joins forces: with the Th »h.MOrn good féod amidddimis 11,sf have çheacfrried fthe Nufer mnaigment for 25 y.aru in Chi- cgo. NU F ERIS CAFE & GARDENS Now Iocated et 6666 Ridige Ave., 'Chicegjo-2 6Io4ks norilu of Devon 1tJuat Boys and Girls Enroute to Coa i, North: C ontry The sons and daugbters of many Wil- mette, Winnetka, Glencoe, and 'HFigb-1 land Park families will, be leaving this week for, a -profitable and enjoyable out- ing at summe r camps in NortbçÉrn Wis- : consin. The following 'boys and girls will leaveTuesday and Wednesday. for The Sprague Camps: Going to Camp Minocqua for Boys are: Thomas B. Blair, son of Mr.. and Mrs. Parker Blair, 661 Blacktborn road. Winnetka; Herbert S. McAllister,: son of Mr. and Mrs. S. G. McAllister,'2754 Deere Park Drive.S.. E.; Charles R., McKay, son of Mr. and 'Mrs. C. R McKay, Exmoor Country club; William J. Moore, son of Mr. an.d Mr . K.* W.~ MôôTe, 259 HJazel* avenue, and Frederick C. Trimble, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Trimble, Jr., Moraine botel, ail of High- land Park. William W. Zehr, son of Mr. and Mrs. 0. E. Zebr, 850 Hobi- felder lane, Glencoe, will also be among those leaving for Camp Minocqua. Going to Clearwater Camp for Girls are: Rosemary Jones, daughter of Mr and Mrs. C. Seynmour Jones, 622 Green- leaf avenue, Wilmette., Irene Connor. Haàrry Pinnachi, owner and mana- ger of the Tower cocktail lounge'and diniiig room at 9925 Ridge road (at the Evanston-Wilmette 'outskirts), announced during the past week the ope.1ing of tbe, Tower summer ga r- den. Mr. Pinnachi bas gone to great ex- pense to transformi a tract of, land just nortb of bis popular: Tower enterprises. into a veritable beauty spot for diners and, dancers.ý That it -is, destined. to become one of1 the most 'popular spots in tbe north shore area is readily testified, by ;i host of early season patrons. Woudrl of .1 Uhts Entering from the Tower dining room patrons are greeted by a won.- derland of colored lights and beauti-, fui landscaping. Scattered about tbe. enclos ure,>are artistictables. Grouped about tbe tables.are colorful summer lawn chairs. Over eacb table is a vari-colored beacb umibrella. In tbe center of the spacious area is a fountain wbich plays into a large_ pool. The pool is attractive with wa-. ter plants and the submarine lightingý effects cause-th£epotd fish wbich glide, about to appear as irridescent flashes of ligbt. Excellenmt Dance Floor 'i ae frnvenient flagstone paths lead il rc romthe tables toa smooth dance ýrat- floor, with its elevated orchestra plat- fash- form. Nightly froni tbis platform an fanz- orchestra sends its strains .across the GloriaS the roman pu'Ied as I.w es, $ 1.45," t" os' di W. OC&yM l Lemlng UIn Ph..;0 Pli$ woete4092 burn E. Jones, .199 Roger Williams, Highland Park. The Sprague Camps also iniclude Pot- tawattomie lodge for adults whiéb ac- commôdates tbe patrons of both the boys' and girls' camps.: These camps are ,beaùtifully located in thé Land O'Lakes Region in nortb-' ,ern Wisconsin and surrounded by State Forest Preserves. 'J.hey are niear Minl- ocqua,. Wis. The Valencia attraction Thursday and Friday of this week is "Tbe Case' of the Curious Bride," starring War- ren William and Margaret Lindsay in a cleverly unfolded story of the bride wbose curiosity is aroused when a busband she thougbt safely buried, turns up after she marries another one. This Saturday brings "The Great over this unusual summer rendezvous. .Here and there in the carefully at-, tended decorative foliage appears tbe glow of discreetly hidden green lights wbich add to the fascination of the, wbole scene.. Ml-Star Floor Shew Provided for' the, pleasure of pa- trons of the garden is' an ah-ýstar floor show to augment the popular orchestra under the direction of Joe BeUnvery rpuse 1212 »s C.m.psY ITURES e (prevents sun- imeras, Devtlop- olored Goggle, id Daddng Caps. t Iowest prices. *g STORE1 WUMaetO 459t e J!?h - and Mrs. Harold D. McGowan and their sixteen-months' old* daughter, Sandra,-Who 1.moved f romChica ore- cently to 706 Parkavenue. 16, Qu Pieusm Feu Hong