Jmates at Ferry Hall. MNissThik ,ens is On lier Nvay to EllroDe o triidv nt 1 igbts out of tour iast week, n OTh ~ rbne. Mlow Wtus also ad pitchil .g teans which ordinarily playteSobn, NisWl aohd o1n Monda>' and W,,vedniesday nights di as' lier guest iss.\Iargaret Potter not play 0o, cîther Moiiday or Wed- ot the Orrington hotel while the nesday last week. The fast pitching late's'parents wcre traveling in the icague had to caticel the game s which at it had scheduled for Tuesday, night,~ but on Fri ,da>' night the regular games ARMY OFFICER ýVISITOR were plyed. \Mrs. Nellyv C. NMitchell, 814 Linden The Village Cleaners extended, t1'eir. avieiue. is enjoving a visit from hér .winning streak to six gaines.. The>' son, Lieut. C. C.\Mitchell,. Jr. .now have won six and lost notue., Ace Lieutenant M.\itchell, is here on de- Motors; in, second place., kpt pace by1 tached service f rom, Scott Fi eld, III." adding. another victor>' to trail the! for cooperative ission with the 61st Cleaniers b>' one game. cos artiîîery, anti-aircraft of Fort *Standings in the fast pitching! Sheridan, beiîîg ini cOlTliand of the leaàgue, corrected througlh last week' air forces. gamnes, followv: __ FAST IPIT('IllIN-(.LEAGUE Teani W. L. Pet. FAMILY REUNION Village('eer 6 4) 1.0001. Nirs. Adolph 'C. G. Anderson-, 1359, Ace MotoI-s >i \5,an aeue1ws8os1s1a3 weItel-Si Plastereris . 3 13.-m1,llaidaeuws.otsýa Wnette Tailorls 2 4 .33; iamîlvreunuion and welcome home ~<J.0cut arin Products 2 4 -331 hîncheon Tuesday in honor of her. Wllmettte Service 6 .000 j(laîiglter, Mk.s Ruth, xvho recently, No Change in Staning- returned froin Oakland, Càlif.. where Since there were no games ni the she atttemiled M ýills college. Knitting slow pitclînîg league last weck.ý the was the diversion of the afternoon. standings rernain thîe samne a,; they _were ihe previous. week: TREASURE HUNT SLOW 111ITCJlING N\liss Dorothv Burns, daughiter of HofÈn«.itn Flor ist s W. L., Pet' I -. and, NIrs. Robert MfcNeil Burrrs, Nelson 1.m, 5 1R i.832 .401 Hili road, Winnetka, formeri>' of East Siders 412 .667 Kenifivtorth, entertained the girls' Young Oleflscl21)- O Frid.av clubi at a treasý-ure hunt Fni- St. Fran4iýs' ' a 40dav, Juine 14. The guest of lionor H1oflumls .i 2 .:33\vas Bett.-J oudan of Keilwýorth, who Elimwood Ave. Neighbors 0 5 .000 _ýe Yrk Organize Girls' League . Mrs; Robert Law, Jr., Patsy, and Director of Recreation .D)aniel M. 1)ora Mlac of 324 Shieridan road, Ken- Davis announccc. tis week that 'a ilworthi, arc leaving tômnorrow by uîo- girls' playground ball leaguli as heen ton for their ranîch, Diàmond ranch, organized. Garnes in this league will ini Clitig Wate2r, Wvo.,. to spend a be played on Thursday niighits, lie said. iii*)itli. NMr. Lawý and Robert III are rhere are four teains entered. , gou .ng on the train-, the. fo rmer sta>'- mng cnly tivo 'ek Miss, Lois* Hanawalt, daugliter of he Leslie Hanawalts1 of 1344 Asliland .john l-)ix, j in Olhu, Tom .Keith, av enue , returned. Monda>' fuoun jolu. Deacod, Scott Campbell,.:An- C;reencastle, nd, where slîe - Vas de iubJr.,.'ail of Keinilworth, graduated irom D ret)atuw universi>' NIf Nlodav of last week to spend a' Her mother is spending .tîhe summner tortuiiglit visiting Seele>' Lodwick. of in Pasadena. \\'Wiîiitka at bis parents' farin n Se-, Mýrs. Henry . ' dan Ioa. Marzaret. Dilutk lmij ""e,. Nr. and NMrs. John. Carter, 3361 CAN You Gros> and Frivat. YOU.INSTRUCTION. for Boys ind rGirls. Swrn?4 years of age ýand up June 17-Ags New Trier HIgh Sduoo Began'Mers are taucbt bw te SWlS. s-wlmnerm bteemeffbettr swlmmers.. UaBOISTEBI AT ANT TIXE For information cal -Mr.> Jackson Winnetka 2400 Daily Evenings, Uiversity 6448 FIRST CHURCH 0F CHRIST, SCIENTIST Tenth Street and Central Avenue WILMETTE, ILLINOIS Sunday Services-i i a.m. Wednesday-Testimonial Meeting-S pim. Sunday School' Exercises-9 :45 P.1M. JUNE 30, 1935 Subject: CHRISTIAN SCIENCE READING ROOM-î s3 Central Avenue. Open Daily (cxcept Wednesday) 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Wednesday 9 A. M. to 745q.sP. M. Saturday 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. *The Bible "and Works of Mary Baker Eddy, and al 'other authorized Christan Science Literature may be read,,borrowed or purchasedat the:-* Reading Room- Tifi PUBLIC 18 CORDIAL.LY INVITRtD TO ATTEP4ltU CHURCH S SRVICES AND VISIT rTiar,' READING ROOM Mr. and Mrs. R. Ward Stannett, Ralph, Jr.,Nancy, and Bill, 221 .WodstOck' avenue, Kenilworth, are leaving Friday for a two months' Olting on1 a ranch near Cody, Wyo. -o-- Mrs. .John McKee (Helen Suits) 211Warwick, road, Kenilworth, re- 14rned>Wednesday from Sauît, Sainte gfarie where she visited.:friends. where NMr. Dillon ivent on business. Betty AtwelI of Belmont, Mass., arrived Wednesday to spend, tWo weeks visiting Daphne Craig of 716 Laurel, avenue.. Mr. and Mrs. RandaîIl Poindexter of Happ road returned Sunlday froi a. ten-day visit. in New York., PIN NSYLVANIA OIL CO. of EVANSTON 933 SherOman Ave. Gaz.. 200 WILMIIER**s tl a, G gi