By Dr. J. F. Fonder Editor's Note: We are happy to pro- vide for our readers, a series of articles Iby a recognized expert on: gardening subjeëts, Dr. j. F. Fonder of evanst>n, who reeeiàved bis Ph., D. degree ýat M ichi-. gan -State college,. after attendn cl lil somnè localities trees are being severely injured by the June bugs or beeties' which were previously' mentioned as prevalent on Iawns. These beetles are devouringý the lea.ves and, should bc controlled by spraving with lead arsenate. in s"Utah Hehas lcturedexten" élyBlithe on White.Oàk ()n gardeflifg in many state and has The rOst important tree disease written much on topics of soil and plant' at the present timÎe ik anthracnos>r physqIology, His experience extends In-.leaf- and twig-bligh f h hite to the practical business end of the plant gto h culture, thus enabling hlmi to write with oak. Siiice this diseas e is caused by authority on all, niatters, pertaining to 1 a fung19us it is especially favored by, * the subjeCt. pr. Fonder's. articles pi pear in this sectioneac(h week. hepresent cool and humid weather d,(I must be controlled if.the trees In Ipi)ý'tat iiTrm'e PMss affected are îlot to be. defoliated. N o problemn is more Important i Anthracnose -fifst appears as brown the home garden at this.,time than areas along the--princéipal,veins of the that of disease control. The, tunusual leaves.. Thecse areas spread until the wcather conditions of tie present entire Icaf is affected andi the dis- season are espemnially favorable to ease the îmvsdw lth leaf ste the developmeilIt of lungus (hseailses inito the twig. As sýoon asà the dis- and aJ)parently are no detrimient to cease becomes evident the trees sbould the more~ than ordinary activity o-f b sprayed with Bordeaux~ mixture at, variotis sucking insects. Therefore the rate of 8 pounds to, 50 gallons of disease and insect control measures water. Il is probable that one ap- sill bc plied dîligently throughiout plication willi not be suficient in light. the gardexi to reduce the injtlry to a of the existing weathier conditions inimumi. And C a second spray should be, applied On.e of the principal pests is -red abouît two weeks later. AIl diseased sder," a sucking, wbsinn mite leaves and twigsoudbrmvd and nôt a true spider at ail. TLhese \vithiot (lelay-. This disease is 50 mites attack shrubs, rose bushes, .ýerious that the services of a reliable evergrecns, and decidutous trces with tree mari should. be enilisted imme- e(jual vigor and with equal relish diatelv*. *and mnay be considcred a general After anthiraciiose lias once appear- pest. It is usual that retl spider in- ed- it cati be çxpected every year un- .jury is greatest during prolQflged. less precaultionary mecasures are takcii. periods f drZ)iÏýtihbut the prevalence 'l'lie fnu itr vron the, and extent of the injury at ýlis timie fallen leaves and twigs and on the indicates that drouthi is -flot a pre- jead twigs .which remain on the tree requisite. and thiese should ail be removed and. Red' spider injury first becomes burned ini the fail before the snow apparent as pale brownish* spots on flics. Trees iwhIichi are vigorous will *the leaves, wAhichi are covered witli a mutcli . more èeffectively survive at- finle, plaiîily visible web. Close. exam - tacks of anthracniose and ail white ination of the under leaf surface ilosoud)e fed properly ta give disclose very 1sinall reddish or red- thcmii the needed vigor. This phase of dish-brown insect-like mites. runing control cannot be stressed too arotind and numerous bianches of strongly. tin$', pearly eggs attaclîed ta the zillisoil Skihworth of Hloll '%-Loodi finds lMIS tal it -aiuzTr'c tee/I TO INSTALL FLOORING' When modernizing a home by con- structing nem, rooms iii the bagenient or attic, it is good practice to instal the wood flooring and interior finish after the room has been plastered and the plaster is, comparatively dry.. = jm p r 8 Wiiina It is consiclered' good practice when installing a porch rail and frim or ôther exterior, Portions of the house which are exposed to the weather to fit *al of the pieces together so that water does flot.drain int.o the joints. This precaution will assist in pre- venting' deterioration. of the inaterial and resuit in a lower maintenance cost. WANT TO BUT A COOD USED CAR. * WEILL ADVANCE. YOU upTO $300 * Any,,mon or won whois, eavning. a stecidy income con * get $300 or legs fro, us in 24 iq 48 hous... either te. pay the fuil purchase priçe or * 1hII b'Ionc. on. goused cur, I r for any other purpose. * ALL, THE TIME YOU * NEED TO REPAY We'II arrange any number of * instalmentsto corespond wiIh * yeur budget and income ... and lot you extend your peynîents * ver 3, 6, 9 months, e whele * yeur,orlonger,f yusod.osire. Coen... write .e.t 'ph,çne *PhI$ONAL PmAt4CICo. *708 CHJf lCIISTREET * 2»d Floor * PHIONE WILMEg4042 EVANSTON e e e e These two, groups of sucking in- sects should be controlled by spray- ing with nicotine suiphate or. pyrethrunl extract. rt is very important that the Spray be applied at high pressure and that ail infestecl parts be covered.T Therefore,, home treatment is not, to be recommended .anyd the services of a tree man with , the proper spray- Rock Garden and Frost -Proof Pool . .thef Satisfies PRANKEN ORO0@, Phono Derfield 241.