froim your, RINTER we invite, tomake.acopaion wih the edbHIservices off eredbyLloydHollisteérhInc. When you make the comparison: consider al angles. It's easy enough to compare the number of presses.. the number of empoyees.. the size of the building ... but printing service goes farther than> thut. Then it's easy to compare prics ... actual dollars and cents estimates on your print-' ing. But wait a moment ... it seems only logical that printing service goes farther than that. Hiere's what we mean: ] Lloyd Ho]llister I c., located in the >h eart of the north shore has' a imoderi plant. Its equipmnent is up-to-date and it hâs its , ngahgdcpartmient. Maybe another plant can eclipse it.s size . . . and is Just as modern. But step bchind the scecs. You'Il find a personnel i n s tep with every noderin;wtorth- 'wile advancenicnt in idv-ertisiig and printing. Manv of thce peop iho lhere Jiandie printing problems have' had yçars of 'expericençe in strik*ing a happy rnediutn between- what vou an... its practical production... and what vou,pay. Now that's sonehing to get vu teeth into in maiking ,an-v comparison. 10 Froin dhe first cýontact with a Hollis-ter rcprcsentativc VOU VwIll fecl an Intangible differcricc. These representa-, tives ire flot "order tes"They are advertising and printing counýcIors of thec highest tvpc. With their help inaybc y'ou won't want whiat you thôought v-ou Wantcd at 1232 Central Avenue, as if h were our own. Ih is as if it were the oniy job in ourp]ant.,The result ... appearance . .. and cost are our, interest as much as they are yours. How does that compare.? *Sales executives generally acknowledge the north shore as excellent a market as can be fou»d. National' adver- tisers test new products here. Yet ordinary advertiuing mnethods faîl short. It takes a knowledge of the bùyirig habits which On]' vears of close association will engender. Naturally,. years Spenit. in the' preparation of advertisngý and printing for such particuilar peoplesharpenscoir abili- ties, to 1meet every .ordinary mn.arket requirement., Then too, Lloyd Hollister Inc. publish- the dominant publica- tions of the north shore. Thrôugh this association its ear 15 tO thc ground to hear every indication of changing, buying habits. What can you say f or your other'printers, in this regard? 10 On your next printing order cail in your own printer Wilmette, Illinois Wilmette 4300 JUNE 27, 1935, Sheldrake. 1216 Greenleaf 4300 * Wmïnetka 200